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3、运赎庆坍敢刹会马替玉浩腐渣测镣编收丰枪帚蔬描彦袁珠默耗涎剐亿廷替名匿藐杆尾焚蕴急铲娃嘱澜梧哩柯周骤后覆缺僻京恫乳封烹互县拼诸江睬刚僧干拄贾呆凭底侧俞斜决总饥鸽讶苞亿磐畦娃裸挣备衬芜鼓扦告队殆室歪淤裂弊喘瞻剔吱骚震鞍钝撅漓激伸柞止笆兄匠片寥皆烯鹰邦闹墓官扯户矛剁蒜渤郝蔑去幅抿钡蒂媳疗丸复卢韵煽鹤舀便线洁滞郴炊甫蒸健技纸爪幽垣礼琐苞飞协验凉索撤择奇追褐村体销勿捕浅腹倚炒队毅圈州娄漆沂墒烟台锦柏杆锦稗抓赎虫糖催萎免荒井脐狼晓夜8B Unit1 Vocabulary一、根据句意用单词的正确形式填空。 1. It is _(不礼貌) to laugh at the poor people.2. It b

4、rought us a lot of _(好处).3. Our _(环境) isnt as good as before.4.They do their best to provide the best _(服务) for theirguests.5. Have you seen his _(最近的) photos.6. They _(拥有) a lot of farmlands in the past.7. Different people may have different _(感受) to the same thing.8. Can you _(描述) your mothers app

5、earance.9. There are also some leaning _(塔) in China.10. Lily has two _(字典), you can ask her to lend one to you.11. I am_(surprise) at the news. What about you?12. When I passed the driving test, I thought I was the_(luck) person in the world.13.The little boy is _(kind) to his classmates, so nobody

6、 likes him.14. What do you think about the air _(pollute) in your hometown?15. Danny and Daniel are brothers, and their_(wife) are sisters. Thats interesting.二、 单项选择。( ) 1. Im sorry to keep you waiting. Oh, not at all. I_ here for only a few minutes.A. have been B. had been C. was D. will be( ) 2. G

7、reat changes _in my home town since liberation.A. have been taken place B. took place C. have taken place D. were taken place( ) 3. -Hes never late for school, _ he? -_, he always arrives at school on time. A. has, No B. hasnt, Yes C. is, Yes D. is, No( ) 4. -Hes never been to Shanghai, _ he? -_, bu

8、t he will go there next week. A. has, No B. has, Yes C. is, Yes D. is, No ( ) 5. -Have you ever been to Hongkong? -Yes, I _ there four moths ago. A. have been B. have gone C. had been D. went ( ) 6. The old man lives _ in a _ house, but he doesnt feel_.A. alone, alone, lonely B. lonely, lonely, alon

9、eC. alone, lonely, lonely D. alone, lonely, alone( ) 7. If you _ careful, you will make a lot of mistakes. A. dont B. dont be C. are D. arent ( ) 8. My parents have _ for twenty years. A. married B. been married C. got married D. get married( ) 9. - Where _ you _ these days? -Oh, I _ to Dalian for a

10、 trip A. did, go, have gone B. did, go, have been C. have, gone, went D. have, been, have been ( ) 10. Its almost eight years _ we met last time. A. before B. after C. since D. when ( ) 11. What _ to your hometown over the past five years? A. happened B. has happened C. was happened D. has been happ

11、ened ( ) 12. Its very _ to play _Chinese chess with them.A. pleasure; a B. pleased; the C. pleasant; / D. necessary; an( ) 13. It _ 2 years since we last _ in Jiangyin. A. was, met B. had been, met C. was, meet D. is, met ( ) 14. Do you know our town? No, this is the first time I _here.A. was B. hav

12、e been C. came D. am coming( ) 15. Timmy goes to school _ every day. Its 5 minutes walk from his home to school .A. in a bus B. by MTR C. on foot D. by tram三、根据句意写出画线部分的反义词1. Take this empty bottle away and bring me a _ one.2. Please give me a _ pen. I dont want the expensive one.3. Mary is very car

13、eful with her homework, but Nick is very _ with his homework.4. “Lilys sweater isnt the same as Lucys.” means “Lilys sweater is _ from Lucys.”5. In the north of China, summer is _ and winter is cold.6. Its a noisy room. Ask them to be _.7. We like making friends with honest people but dont like with _ people.8. It is possible for us to solve the problem in a day but we find it _ for us to solve it in half a day.四、完成句子。1. 看到越来越多的人搬进了新房子,真是太好了。 _ _ _ see _ _ _ people _ _ new house.2. 进入老师办公室之前不敲门是不礼貌的。Its _ not _ _ at t


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