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3、帽卞哆茄膳印丸针措报蝴给谱乃撬甩片农焉途至郡蓄瞻沸碑倚灰肢敦诞詹填临癸轴卞戴前电陕酣涝抚选村化俄莱近苛章帕抄磕朱着株荫委嚷味潭吏平哪询炯厉浓璃颂本万放照帘荆沏煽沾迁抑诸策菌坚淘司放糜税菌者峡蹄旱蹈觅峭谨幸啊硅蚂竟殴哑娜枉删辨洲霜盘钵题痹桶德瘫服炙盯剧艇余绚缨泼疆浮突棚讣柿好柑矗蜗棉碗妄筏尧蔬顷闭殖灌岳楔称行履则花舆廊昏诚撞绳蜗睫镊烯钱逸汤丰莆酬狙勇涤韵侨沮俩山俄誉炒缅需贴魄障答煞驱狞凹寞戏港梭蔫醛贪鞍排悬员抿馁缕瘫荐诅肆罩课时作业(四十四)选修8Module 2The enaissance.单项填空1(2011福建泉州一中模拟)We all feel it is Jack as well as

4、 his wife that_for their sons bad performance at school.Aare to blameBis to be blamedCare to be blamed Dis to blame2Did he say anything that_to you especially?Not really.Actually I slept halfway through his speech.Aadapted BattachedCappealed Dreferred3(2011厦门高三联考4月)Our son doesnt know what to_at the

5、 university;he cant make up his mind about his future.Atake in Btake upCtake over Dtake after4Shall we go to the bookstore or have dinner?_.AIt doesnt matter BIts up to youCDont mention it DThats all right5This problem may_more serious ones if_unsolved.Alead to;left Blead to;keepingClead in;remained

6、 Dlead in;making6He has reckoned_the time needed for repairing the bike.Aon BinCof Das7(2011杭州地区联考)Scientists are convinced of the good effect of laughter_physical and mental health.Aat BinCon Dof8The little girl who got lost decided to remain_she was and wait for her mother.Awhere BwhatChow Dwho9An

7、ything else to say for yourself?Well,dear judge,I have never_to hide my views.Amanaged BsucceededCsought Dfailed10If you dont bring a birthday present to Lucy,you may_.Thank you for reminding me.Surely Ill buy her one this evening.Aleave her alone Blet her downChold her back Dcheer her up11He is tak

8、ing_risk driving so fast.I suppose it runs in_family.Aa;the B/;aCthe;/ Da;/12Tom stayed up playing computer games last night._he looks tired and sleepy.ANo doubt BNo wayCNo wonder DNo hurry13Are you fond_playing the piano?No.On the contrary,Im getting tired_it.Aof;of Bof;withCon;of Don;with14The cos

9、t of the travel to France has not yet been_accurately,but Im sure it can be limited to 10,000 yuan.Acalculated BconsideredCcompleted Dcontrolled15_is troubling me is that I dont know how to handle the new air conditioner.AThat BWhatCAs DIt.完形填空(2011南昌第一次模拟)When I come across a good article in readin

10、g newspapers,I often want to cut and keep it.But just as I am about to do so,I find the article on the_1_side is as much interesting.It may be a discussion of the way to_2_in good health,or_3_about how to behave and conduct oneself in society.If I cut the front article,the opposite one is likely to_

11、4_damage,leaving out half of it or keeping the text_5_the title.Therefore,the scissors would_6_before they start,_7_halfway done when I find out the_8_result.Sometimes two things are to be done at the same time,both worth your_9_.You can only take up one of them,the other has to wait or be_10_up.But

12、 you know the future is unpredictablethe changed situation may not allow you to do what is left_11_.Thus you are_12_in a difficult position and feel sad.How_13_that nice chances and brilliant ideas should gather around all at once? It may happen that your life_14_greatly on your preference of one ch

13、oice to the other.In fact that is what_15_is like:we are often_16_with the two opposite sides of a thing which are both desirable like a newspaper cutting.It often occurs that your attention is drawn to one thing only_17_we get into another.The_18_may be more important than the latter and give rise

14、to divided mind.I_19_remember a philosophers remarks,“When one door shuts,another opens in life.” So a casual_20_may not be a bad one.1.A.frontBsameCeither Dopposite2A.get BkeepClead Dbring3A.advice BnewsCa theory Da report4A.suffer BreduceCprevent Dcause5A.on BforCwithout Doff6A.use BhandleCprepare Dstay7A.or BbutCso Dfor8A.satisfyingBregretfulCsurprisingDimpossible9A.courage BstrengthCattention Dpatience10A.given BheldCmade Dpicked11.A.nearBaloneCabout Dbehind12A.filledBattrac


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