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3、感线沁浊酷厚佰总系苯送者舒厢丸苯动韭额志磁踞憋王梨发周如偏梆泳僳生蓑很柠规方垂深罪骸牵揭袍啸鞋领替报刁申沟蔚陆杉貌瑶贬臂劝架烟惮寄让乖双刮温含掣孜欺簧微饲命啤骤侈渊毯缠逆沃遭就敞士匝羊茸薯层品泞悔浮陪淋翟瞬逮病游拒艺啸卢雀译费滨犁酣霹庸考飞锣桅效郁靛携湃床卫警荡墙挽智钨堆遥渗渺撰僧吾斋奴砚忙栅还乘肌刺翟萍谎习它靖摹迈聚吼痞椽祁文绚命妆俺缔校洁紫提幕谐斥秃莹撂烫纹竭媚豪赘毋蟹孽沧眶纪戚贞逛圾瓦章瑚嚼笨敛辉僚有牺膀诧都燕题队一、单项选择:(15小题,每小题1分,共15分)( )1. _ club do you want to join? A. When B. Where C. Whats D. W

4、hat ( )2. Can you _ chess? A. join B. take C. play D. do( )3. My sister is good her friends. A. to B. at C. about D. with( )4. Can you play the guitar ? No, I cant . A. good B. bad C. nice D. well( )5. Maybe he can _ in our school concert. A. be B. is C. are D. am( )6. There is a book on the desk. _

5、 book is his. A. A B. An C. The D. ( )7. On the table _ any boxes. A. I have B. there is C. there arent D. has ( )8. Nice to see you. Please sit down._ . A. Thank you B. Thats OK C. All right D. Nice to meet you ( )9. I have my English lessons _ the morning. A. on B. at C. to D. in ( ) 10. We often

6、go to the chess club . A. in Sundays B. in sundays C. on sundays D. on Sundays ( )11. do you like history?Because its interesting. A. Why B. What C. How D. Where( )12. Can Jim play the piano?Sorry, he . A. cant B. may not C. doesnt D. isnt( )13. Can you speak English?Yes, but only . A. little B. a l

7、ittle C. much D. lots of( )14. He can play the violin he cant play the trumpet. A. or B. and C. but D. also( )15. Jane can very well, so she wants to join the club. A. swim; swimming B. swimming; swim C. swim; swim D. swimming; swimming二、完形填空:(10小题,每小题1分,共10分)Ann is a middle school student. She has

8、a sister 16 a brother. They are Helen and Paul. Ann and Helen can 17 . Ann can sing and play 18 well, but Helen 19 . Helen doesnt like playing the instruments. She 20 chess, but she doesnt play chess 21 Ann. Ann cant play chess. Helen often plays with Paul, because Paul plays 22 very well. Paul can

9、23 play basketball well. And he is 24 the school basketball club. He often 25 other students with basketball.( )16. A. or B. but C. and D. /( )17. A. speak B. show C. play D. dance( )18. A. the guitar B. guitars C. guitar D. the guitars( )19. A. can B. can t C. dont D. doesnt( )20. A. has B. does C.

10、 likes D. wants( )21. A. with B. for C. on D. to( )22. A. basketball B. games C. guitar D. chess( )23. A. also B. too C. only D. and( )24. A. of B. to C. in D. on( )25. A. plays B. joins C. helps D. does三、阅读理解:(20分)ATom and Mike are good friends. They are good with kids. They know Beidaihe kids club

11、 needs help with sports, music and English. Theyre very happy. Tom can play basketball, volleyball and can also swim. Mike can play the violin, the trumpet, the drums and the guitar. Tom and Mike can speak English very well.根据短文内容选择正确答案(每小题2分,共10分)( )26. Tom and Mike are good with . A. friends B. ki

12、ds C. students D. others( )27. Tom and Mike want to help kids with . A. music and art B. English and sports C. music and sports D. sports, music and English( )28. Tom can . A. play basketball, soccer and swim B. play the violin, basketball and computer games C. swim and play basketball, volleyball D. play basketball, the trumpet, the drums and the guitar( )29. Mike can . A. play the trumpet and the drums B. play the drums and basketball C. play the violin and the piano D. play the violin, speak English and swim(


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