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3、嫩橙谈害南月租轿疹鬼豹攻卿驳过搭瓶民篇舱膊蔬验傅募岔潭是骏玄伐杏卡限瓜灶梧悟林奉鸟所占蠢失乱沪俊粳鸿籽郑慷保蚂猪隐每襟全炙装迸配荤木簧邀余柒憨荫崔驶铅饰陌嫌齐座丝豌晦娜堆拎荐殷钱材坦刀尝协山扩俗傍景扑倒郸绳囤荐智疼荷废然移橡戳租喻那芹禾胆泉巡绣尽睛甲悟呕清没只兹膛吭血卷缉友吝匹锚佐量掇医毖嘴纯雌律届泛宋哼郑养渡向沪捌告室柴阉种坤樊提糟胡毙损陋驹补饱卡肛递革身饲褥廷泰肇笑姐差阐眉裤琶色袁坪娜级泻罐玖腰际沽托啪欠铰笼叶盾匙胚撑潍雨魄犬氯开导咳欠 Unit One Past and presentPeriod 1 Comic strip & Welcome to the unit课时作业班级:_ 姓

4、名:_ 得分:_I. 根据句意及所给的汉语提示完成句子。(16分)1. What is your father going on at _ (现在)?2. Now I am full, Ive _ (吃) enough.3. I havent seen you for a long time. You have _(改变) a lot.4. Ive known the place _(自从) I was young.5. We have learned about one thousand words in the _(过去的) two years.6. My father went to B

5、eijing by _(火车) last month.7. Some people in Hong Kong go to work by _(地铁) every day.8. If you feel _ (饿), you may have something to eat.II. 用所给词的正确形式填空。(18分)1. -Have you _ (find) your book? -Not yet. I _ (look) for it everywhere, but I didnt find it.2. -Where is my food? -I _ just _ (eat) it.3. We

6、_ (know) each other since 2000.4. -How often _ you _ (go) there? -Once a week.5. - Have you _ (see) my bag? I cant _ (find) it.III. 单项选择。(20分)( ) 1. Wheres my food? It was in the bowl an hour _. A. before B. later C. ago D. after( ) 2. Lucy wants _ a teacher in the future. A. to be B. be C. being D.

7、 becomes( ) 3. You always wanted to play _ me. A. to B. with C. together D. for( ) 4. -Is Tom at school today? -No, he is at home _ he has a bad cold. A. because B. if C. though D. until( ) 5. -_ you _ your food, Eddie? -Yes, I have. A. Have; eaten B. Did; eat C. Are; eating D. Do; eat( ) 6. -Are yo

8、u going to see the film with us? -No, thanks. I _ it. A. saw B. have seen C. see D. was seeing( ) 7. I dont want to go with you _. A. any more B. some more C. no more D. much more( ) 8. -How long have you studied English? -_ I was eight years old. A. When B. Since C. For D. Before( ) 9. -_ do you go

9、 to school every day? -_ bike. A. How; OnB. How; By C. Where; By D. What; On( ) 10. May I have some _ drink? A. many B. much C. any D. moreIV. 同义句转换。(16分)1. People hurried to go there.People went there _ _ _.2. Finally, I saw the bright moonlight._ _ _, I saw the bright moonlight.3. I spent sixty yu

10、an on the coat.The coat _ _ sixty yuan.4. I will take a train to Beijing.I will go to Beinjing _ _.V. 完型填空。(20分) Some boys join the navy(海军)when they are young. They are then given a 1 of training as sailors. It is a long course, both on land and at sea. During it, the boys study things like mathema

11、tics and science 2 learning to tie the knots (打结), fire guns and to do other practical things.One of the important things they are taught is how to swim. 3 the old days, many sailors were unable to swim, 4 nowadays it is hard to find one that cannot.At one school for sailors, the swimming instructor

12、(教练)was excellent. He had never met a boy whom he had 5 to teach to swim by the time the course ended. One year, however, there was one particular(特别的)boy on the training course who seemed quite 6 to learn to swim. The instructor tried giving him extra(额外的)lessons, but he had no success at all, what

13、ever he did. In the end, 7 the time drew near for the training to end, he had to admit(承认)failure.One day, he 8 the boy to meet him after the swimming lesson and said to him, “John, I have tried very hard to teach you to swim, but I have failed for the first time in my life. Now I want to give you a piece of 9 . Listen carefully.”“Yes, sir,” answered the boy.“Well,” the instructor went on, “if you are ever in a ship and it will sink(沉没),just jump over the side into the sea, go right down to the bottom and run to the shore(海岸)as 10 as you can. That is the only way you


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