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1、七年级下学期期末英语试卷七年级下学期期末英语试卷一、单项选择一、单项选择 从下面各题的四个选项中选择一个最佳答案(从下面各题的四个选项中选择一个最佳答案(1515 分)分)1Jim,what animals can you see in that picture?_ elephant and _ tiger.AA;aBAn;aCA;anDAn;an2I like singing and I want to be a singer _ Deng Ziqi.AforBonCasDlike3Helen,could you get me something to drink?OK.What about

2、 some _?AfishBjuiceCbeefDmeat4What fine _ it is!Yeah!Its sunny and warm.Lets go out to take a walk.AsizeBweatherCfoodDtime5Jill,your English teachers two daughters look _.Youre right.Her first daughter is thin but her little daughter is very heavy.AdifferentBfriendlyCtiredDtidy6Do you usually ride a

3、 bike to school?Yes.But I _ take the bus,especially(尤其)on rainy days.AalwaysBneverCoftenDsometimes7What a delicious smell(味道)!Mom,what are you _?Your favorite food pancakes.Now you can taste one.AvisitingBwashingCcookingDcleaning8My home is far form my school.It takes me about 30 minutes _ to school

4、.AgetBgetsCto getDgetting9_ sing in the living room,Jack!Its too noisy.ANotBDidntCCantDDont10 Dad,can you teach me how _a model car?No problem.Ato makeBmakeCmadeDmaking11Its seven oclock.Alan,you must _,or(否则)youll be late for school.All right.Ill get dressed at once(立刻).Aget upBturn rightCeat outDg

5、et lost12_ do you like sunny days?Because they always make me happy.AWhenBWhyCWhereDWhat13Look!The children _ basketball on the playground.AplaysBplayCare playingDplayed14Gina,_ you _ the dishes last night?Yes,I did.Adid;doBare;doingCdo;doDcan;do15_?Yes,Id like some egg noodles.ACan I take your orde

6、rBWhat do you look likeCHows it goingDWhy do you like noodles二、补全对话(二、补全对话(5 5 分)分)从方框内所给的选项中选择恰当的句子完成此对话。(有两个多余选项)A.What did you do there?B.How did you get there?C.Did you feel tired?D.Sorry,I cant.E.How was the weather?F.Who went there with you?G.Yes,Id love to.A:Wow,Jim.Can you go to the farm wit

7、h me?B:16I went there yesterday.I have to do my homework today.A:Really?17B:My cousin Mike.A:18B:By bus.Along the way we saw lots of nice things.A:19B:We fed chickens and picked strawberries.A:20B:Yes,but we were happy.三、完形填空(三、完形填空(1010 分)分)根据短文内容,从各题所给的四个选项中选择一个正确答案。Kaikai is a Chinese boy.But now

8、 he21in the UK.He lives and22with Mr.and Mrs.Green in London.They are very nice to him.But they like different23.For breakfast,Mr.and Mrs.Green would like milk,eggs and some vegetables,and sometimes they have fruit.Kaikai would like milk and eggs,but he24like vegetables at breakfast time.Lunch is at

9、 one25.Mr.and Mrs.Green usually have large hamburgers.Kaikai wouldnt like26.He thinks theyre27.He would like some rice.28like some fruit after lunch.29Mr.and Mr.Green usually have afternoon tea.For dinner,Mr.and Mrs.Green have soup,beef,vegetables and fruit.Kaikai wouldnt like30beef.Hed like some du

10、mplings(饺子).21A liveB isC amD isnt22A eatB haveC eatsD to have23A drinksB fruitC foodD vegetables24A doB dontC doesntD does25A clockB timeC a clockD oclock26A themB theyC itD its27A goodB badC healthyD interesting28A ShesB ShedC HedD Hes29A OrB SoC AndD For30A anyB someC manyD a lot四、阅读理解,根据短文内容四、阅读

11、理解,根据短文内容,从各题所给的四个选项中选择一个正确答案从各题所给的四个选项中选择一个正确答案。(1010 分)分)阅读理解Class Five had a school trip last Friday.They spent a day on a big farm.Did the students like the trip?Letssee what they said.It was a really great trip.It was my first time to see so many animals.I even(甚至)milked acow.How interesting!I

12、also picked some strawberries for my mother.CathyI will never go to the farm again.Its far away from the city center.And its dirty.Our teacherasked us to pick vegetables,but I didnt do it.It was really hard work.BenThe farm is beautiful.You can find it in my photos.And the farmers are friendly.They

13、cookeddelicious food for us.Id like to go to the farm with my parents next time(下次).Eddie31Cathy thought _ was interesting.Ariding a horseBmilking a cowCpicking strawberriesDtaking photos32Ben said he didnt like the _ farm.AbusyBdirtyColdDhot33Eddie enjoyed the _ on the farm.Acheap fruitBlovely anim

14、alsCbeautiful flowersDdelicious food34_ would like to visit the farm again.AEddieBCathyCBenDThe teacher35What can we learn from the passage?AAll the students love the trip.BThe weather was fine last Friday.CThe farmers are nice.DThe farm is very small.阅读理解Dear Mr.Wang,Someone comes to the office to

15、see you in the morning,but you and your wife(妻子)are out.He comeshere at 10 a.m.Because he is very busy,he goes away half an hour later(之后).He tells me that he is your classmate atcollege(大学).Now he teaches Chinese in a high school(高中)in this city and he lives near No.6 MiddleSchool.He is a very tall

16、 man with short hair.He wears a pair of glasses.He tells me his telephone number is33426685.He is often at home at 7:00 p.m.So you can call him in the evening.36The author(作者)writes this note(便条)to _.AMr.WangBMr.Wangs wifeCMr.Wangs classmateDme37Mr.Wangs classmate is _.Aa teacherBa workerCa farmerDan actor38When is Mr.Wangs classmate often at home?AIn the morningBIn the afternoon.CAt 7:00 p.m.DWe dont know.39How long does Mr.Wangs classmate stay in the office?ATen hours.BHalf an hour.CAn hour.DT



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