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1、八年级下学期期末英语试卷八年级下学期期末英语试卷一、单项选择一、单项选择(15(15 分分)1Ive got your invitation.Oh,good._AThanks a lot.BCan you come?CIll take it.DMay I help you?2I hope you wont mind my advice._.Honest advice may be unpleasant to hear,but it is good for action.ANot at allBWith pleasureCYoure welcomeDMy pleasure3Do you know

2、 what I mean?_.Im a bit lost.AVery muchBI hope notCNot reallyDIts nothing4Dont change seats _the bus is moving.Its easy to fall down.Sorry,Mr Brown.I wont do it again.AuntilBunlessCwhileDalthough5Many classes set up Reading Corner in our school.We _ over 100 books so far.AreadBare readingChave readD

3、will read6Confucius shared wisdomSee what is worthy and try to catch up(见贤思齐).When we see excellent people,we can follow their _ and learning from them to better ourselves.AleadBstartCshipDstick7Have you heard ofmeasured life(量化生活)?Yes,it means a lifestyle that asks people to keep a _ of all kinds o

4、f data(数据)in their daily lives,suchas steps numbers,weight and calories.AmarkBrecordCsignDpromise8How do you usually get to school?By bus or car,_way is convenient.AbothBeitherCneitherDany9Working hard is the._ color of youth,and taking actions is the best test for young people.President Xisaid on M

5、ay 4th.AbrightestBsoftestCthickestDwidest10What do you think of your family?I think the family is the place that _ all my childhood memories.AmissesBholdsCclearsDregards11Where is Jim?He _ be here,he has gone to the gym.AmustBcantCwontDshould12No more waiting,no more wasting,or regret will be too la

6、te when you get old.is a famous poem by YueFei,a patriotic(爱国的)military general.It encourages us to _ time and work hard.AuseBspendCtakeDtreasure13How do you like the lunch?Its excellent,_ Beijing duck.AmostlyBespeciallyCseriouslyDsimply14Mario will _ homeless animals whenever he sees them,then he k

7、eeps and feeds them.Hes such a warm-hearted boy.Atake awayBtake inCtake onDtake down15The saying I do self-inspection(检查)on three matters each day from Master Zeng tells us.Ahow we can better ourselves in our daily lifeBwhat the three matters areCwho should do self-inspectionDhow we should face the

8、challenges二、完形填空二、完形填空(15(15 分分)完形填空I went to an old friends farm in western Washington.I parked my car outside the farm and16pasta house.It seemed that it had not been used in many years.A17at a window caught my attention,soIentered it.It was a hummingbird(蜂鸟),18to escape(逃脱).I19her from spider-web

9、s(蛛网).With the bird in my cupped20,I looked around to see how she had got in.The broken windowwas the likely21I filled the22with a piece of cloth and took her outside.When I opened my hand,the bird did not fly away;she sat looking at me with her bright eyes.I removed thesticky spider-webs that23her

10、head and wings.24,she made no attempt(企图)to fly.Perhaps she had been struggling too long and was too25?Qr too26?AsI27her towards my car where I kept a water bottle,she began to move.Hovering(悬停),sheapproached within six inches of my face.For a very long moment,this tiny creature looked into my eyes,

11、turningher head from side to side.Then she flew quickly28Two hours later,as I was29,my friends walked me to my car.I was standing by the car when ahummingbird flew to the center of our group and began hovering.Finally,she came to me.She again lookeddirectly into my eyes,then30a squeaking(吱吱)call,see

12、ming to say good bye to me,and was gone.What an amazing bird!16A droveB ranC travelledD walked17A lightB voiceC sceneD picture18A cheatingB drivingC tryingD turning19A savedB protectedC forcedD shot20A backB hairC handD head21A answerB questionC centerD attention22A roomB houseC squareD hole23A took

13、B movedC coveredD cleaned24A ThereforeB StillC AlthoughD So25A excitedB relaxedC tiredD sad26A thirstyB hungryC angryD afraid27A liftedB carriedC fetchedD hugged28A out of mindB out of sightC out of breathD out of control29A returningB comingC leavingD going30A give outB let outC leave outD come out

14、三、阅读理解三、阅读理解(每题每题 2 2 分,分,3030 分分)阅读理解New Capital of BBQZibo city in Shandong has unexpectedly become famous onChinese social media late February for its local barbecuespecialty,and this trend continues as the local government takesthe chance to promote(推广)tourism and spending.The city hasopened 21

15、bus lines for visitors.To make more people come,ithas made a rule:visitors between 18-35 can get a discount insome hotelsThe final game of the Guizhou country basketballleague(联赛),known asVillage BA,took place on March 27and Team Qiandongnan won the Championship Cup.Theplayers were all amateurs(业余选手

16、)and mostly farmers fromlocal villages and nearby cities.Since 2016,the localgovernment has worked hard to build new standard basketballcourts to support basketball developmentProgram helps countryside TourismBy using the Culture and Tourism e-Village program,which can be found on We Chat,visitors now can enjoy thesightseeing(观光)of villages and towns in Jiangsu on theirphones.The program,developed by the local government,hasbeen popularly received by visitors and farmers since it wasreleased in



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