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1、八年级下学期期末考试英语试题八年级下学期期末考试英语试题一、阅读理解(共一、阅读理解(共 1515 小题;每小题小题;每小题 2 2 分分,满分满分 3030 分)分)阅读理解Kaifu TempleIts a place of interest with a long history and rich cultural relics(文化遗产).There are manytrees and flowers in it.The oldest tree can be more than 600 years old!Many people visit the place to enjoy the

2、 beautiful scenery and pray(祈祷)for health,wealth andgood luck.Working hours:8:00 a.m.5:30 p.m.Tickets:10 yuanFree:Children under 14(not including 14)Seniors(老人)over 65(including 65)1When can people visit Kaifu Temple?AAt 7:30 a.m.BAt 10:00 a.m.CAt 6:00 p.m.2How much should they pay if a father and h

3、is 8-year-old son visit the temple?A10 yuan.B14 yuan.C20 yuan.阅读理解Zibo barbecue(淄博烧烤)in Shandong province has become so popular that people all over China aretraveling there to taste it.What is the most popular food in your hometown?How can we make it well-known?Here are some students ideas.StudentH

4、ometownFoodHistoryHow to make it popularChen Keni,15WenzhouDengzhanCake(灯盏糕)From1360sTo sell it in blind boxes.Jin Siyu,16ChangshaStinky tofuFrom1660sTo make good use of online networkplatforms(网络平台).To provide a comfortable diningenvironment.Xia Chenxi,15HangzhouDingshengCake(定胜糕)From1130sTo know h

5、ow people invented it and themeaning of eating it.3Where is Chen Keni from?AWenzhou.BChangsha.CHangzhou.4Which food has the longest history?ADengzhan Cake.BStinky tofu.CDingsheng Cake.5What is Jin Siyus advice?ATo sell it in blind boxes.BTo show the meaning of eating it.CTo use the Internet to make

6、it known.阅读理解Avideo has gone viral(病毒式快速传播的)on Chinese social media.It shows a deliveryman jumping off ahigh bridge to save a woman in Hangzhou.In the video,the man,in a black T-shirt and black pants,made thesimplest preparation before jumping into the river.I was riding my e-bike across the bridge

7、to deliver(派送)an order.said 31-year-old Peng Qinglin,thedeliveryman,who had received his first order of the day when he heard the call for help.Without thinking twice,Peng took off his glasses and shoes,put down his phone and jumped into the river.I was a little scared at first,because the bridge lo

8、oked so high.he said.But the river was swallowing(吞没)her.Peng added.After saving the woman,although he was very tired,the first words Peng said were hisdelivery was going to be late.Luckily,the client was understanding.Although the order was finally more than 10 minutes late,he was notangry at all.W

9、hats more,people spoke highly of him and the video about his event got more than 40,000 likes ina couple of hours.For his bravery and kindness,the government showed that all the people were proud of him.Meanwhile,thecompany that Peng works for has also offered him some money and the chance(机会)to stu

10、dy in college for free.However,what Peng wants most is the chance to study.Im just a deliveryman like many others.Peng said,If I meet someone in danger,I will still offer a helpinghand.6What does Peng Qinglin do?AApostman.BAdeliveryman.CAfireman.7How did Peng feel before jumping off a high bridge?AE

11、xcited.BScared.CTired.8What does the underlined word client in Paragraph 4 refer to(指代)?A顾客B记者C公司9Which of the following is TRUE?AWhat Peng wants most is some money.BPeng looks forward to more likes on the Internet.CPeng thinks the chance to study is the best reward(奖励).10What can we learn from the

12、passage?APractice makes perfect.BThink twice before taking action.COffer a helping hand to people in need.阅读理解That evening Holmes wore different clothes and a large black hat.He even changed his face and his hair.You see.said Holmes to me,I dont think she wants her new husband to see the photo.But w

13、here is it?Ather bank?No.Such a woman likes to keep important things herself.Im sure its in her house.But the Kings men didnt find it!I said.Yes.But they didnt know where to look for it!said Holmes.But how will you know it?I asked.Shellshow me.Shell have to.Just then Irenes taxi arrived.I waited out

14、side the window and watched.I saw how beautiful Irene was.ThenHolmes put up his hand,and I threw the smoke-stick(烟头)into the room.At once,the people in the street and inthe house all began to shout Fire!very loudly.The house was full of smoke.I walked away,and Holmes cameto meet me ten minutes later

15、.Well done.Watson.he said.Have you got the photo?I asked.I know where it is.She showed me.he answered.But why did she show you?Its easy.he said and laughed.You saw all those people in the street?I paid them to help us.It wasnt areal fire.When people shout Fire!,a woman runs to the most important thi

16、ng in her house,her baby,her gold,or.a photo.Irene ran to find her photo which was in a cupboard(柜橱)in the living room.I saw it.But I did nottake it.Lets go there and unmask(揭露)the truth tomorrow.11Who changed his/her looks that evening?AWatson.BIrene.CHolmes.12What can we know about the photo?AIt was at Irenes bank.BIrene hid it very carefully.CThe king put it in the palaces cupboard.13What is the correct(正确的)order?a.Watson threw the smoke-stick.b.Irene ran to the cupboard.c.The house was full



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