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1、八年级下学期期末英语试卷八年级下学期期末英语试卷一、单选题(本大题共一、单选题(本大题共 1515 小题小题,共共 15.015.0 分)分)1Can I use your bike,Jim?_.Just remember to return it to me tomorrow.AFeel freeBTake careCExcuse meDNot at all2Why does he look so tired?_,he works until midnight every day.AIt all dependsBGood luckCAs far as I knowDMe,too3Oh,wev

2、e got plenty of time.We havent._!Its already six oclock.AHurry upBMe neitherCWait a minuteDIt doesnt matter4With rapid development all these years,China is making progress _ achieving Chinese Dream.AamongBtowardsCafterDagainst5I woke up early yesterday to find it was a beautiful morning.And the sun

3、_ through the window.AshinesBhas shoneCwill shineDwas shining6Its the first time that I_ the Palace Museum with my children.I want them to learn more about ancientChinese culture.AvisitBhave visitedCam visitingDvisited7Singapore has a large_ with ancestral homes(祖籍)in China,so they have a better und

4、erstandingof the Chinese culture.AtechnologyBmemoryCchallengeDpopulation8The town was still the same when I returned years later._has changed.ANobodyBItselfCNothingDAll9When is our homework _?The day after tomorrow.But Mr.Li said we could hand it in on Monday at the latest.AhugeBunusualCdueDcertain1

5、0The temperature reached 37 today,_ most people to spend as little time outdoors as possible.AintroducingBcountingCprotectingDleading11Peter and Judy are planning to get married.I dont think they_ get married.Theyve known each other for such a short time!AshouldBcouldCmayDmust12How was your trip to

6、the zoo?Wonderful!I have developed a love for nature and animals,_pandas.AactuallyBespeciallyCanywayDnaturally13I deeply believe in the power of music.Thats true.Music brings us together _ when we are apart.Aso thatBas soon asCunlessDeven though14Which poem you your hometown?Farewelling Meng Haoran

7、at Yellow Crane Tower.It makes_ me _ think about my family andfriends back in Wuhan.Aconsiders;asBregards;withCreminds;ofDencourages;to15Do you know_?Ahas Tina finished reading Treasure IslandBChina is one of the oldest countries in the worldChow long has Tom owned the bikeDhow does Martin feel abou

8、t the song二、完形填空(本大题共二、完形填空(本大题共 1515 小题小题,共共 15.015.0 分)分)完形填空I have been to many places during vacations.But Wudang Mountain is the most16place in mymind.I have been to the top of the mountain and I think of it as big17in my life.Do you know the18of Wudang Mountain?Its in the city of Shiyan,Hubei

9、Province.Every year,thousands of19come to visit it.My father and I went to climb it in early summer three years ago.Thetop of the mountain was surrounded by many white clouds.I20to look up while climbing at firstbecause I dont think it was21enough to climb such a high mountain.22it was beautiful,Iwa

10、s still in low spirit to look at it.My legs were badly shivering because of the three-hour walk.I23myself that I couldnt give up climbing since it was my dream to24the top.It was cold and the wind was brushing my face strongly.It was25that I succeeded in reaching thetop26the help of my father at las

11、t.Seeing the mountains with large rocks around me and the waterfallsbelow us,I27my success in reaching the top.I couldnt28taking out my camera to take somenice photos right away.In our lives,reaching the top is our dream.The process of climbing is difficult but29yourefforts.Just prepare more30you ca

12、n finally reach the top.16A boringB unusualC dangerousD strange17A progressB chanceC inventionD performance18A populationB situationC locationD condition19A studentsB guestsC passengersD visitors20A hatedB fearedC hurriedD offered21A fairB braveC safeD difficult22A IfB AlthoughC BecauseD Since23A re

13、mindedB hidC movedD wished24A getB seeC reachD arrive25A nervousB easyC fairD unbelievable26A underB inC onD by27A achievedB ownedC enjoyedD accepted28A stopB waitC continueD help29A pricelessB necessaryC worthD enjoyable30A even thoughB so thatC in order toD ever since三、阅读理解(本大题共三、阅读理解(本大题共 1515 小题

14、小题,共共 30.030.0 分)分)阅读理解Baduanjin Exercise AHitAmong Young PeopleBaduanjin,a kind of exercise seen as an exclusive(专有的)sport among the aged,hasgained popularity among the young in China.This special kind of exercise includeseight different movements.Comparing with more physical demanding activities s

15、uch as the ball games,swimmingor gym workouts(在健身房健身),Baduanjin is slow and usually accompanied(伴随)by relaxing music.As a result,its perfect for office workers,as they often sufferfrom lower back and neck pain.I own big thanks to Baduanjin since it gives me amuch healthier lifestyle,a young netizen

16、commented below one video of Baduanjin onBilibili.Travel Squad Travel LikeASoldierRecently,travel squad(特种兵式旅游)becomes a trendy trip style in China.Itmeans travel like a soldier.Unlike the relaxing kind of traveling that we are familiarwith,this new kind of tourism features(以为特色)visiting a lot of scenic interestsin a short period of time at a low cost,usually on weekends.Most of these visitors arecollege students.Such a trip can bring a splash of color to my stressful life.said Chen,a 24-year-ol



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