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1、六年级下学期英语期末考试试卷六年级下学期英语期末考试试卷一、单项选择(每小题一、单项选择(每小题 1 1 分,共分,共 2020 分)分)1_ are you?Im twelve.AHow oldBHow muchCHow many2Mr.Black wants to _the car,and buy a new one.AbuyBsellCwant3Can Tom help kids _ swimming?Yes,he can.AtoBwithCfor4We had a meeting _ seven and eight oclock yesterday.AatBaboutCbetween5

2、The new school needs some _ teachers.You can go and have a try.AwomanBwomenCwomens6It takes _ time to get there.Amuch tooBtoo manyCtoo much7He cant drive a car _ ride a bike,_my brother can.Aand;andBor;butCand;but8_ do you exercise?Four times a week.AHow longBHow oftenCHow soon9Im going fishing afte

3、r I finish _ my homework.Ato doBto doingCdoing10The boy with his brother _ to school every day.AgoBgoesCis going11Our teacher is very strict _ us.AatBinCwith12Why do you usually get to school the earliest?_ I dont want to _ late for school.AFor;isBBecause;beCSo;be13Peter has to practice _ English so

4、ngs every week.Ato singBsingCsinging14Koalas sleep _ the day and get up _ night.Aduring;atBat;duringCat;at15_ pandas can you see in the picture?AHow muchBHow oldCHow many16Do you know what animal lives only in China?_,of course.ALionsBElephantsCPandas17Mr.Wang is very _ to us.We all like his class.A

5、friendlyBsmartCugly18The Chinese kung fu is one of the _ of China.AfightsBjobsCsymbols19Its winter,_ it isnt cold at all.I dont think its good.AandBbutCor20There you can see lots of people _ vacation.AatBofCon二、完形填空(每小题二、完形填空(每小题 1 1 分,共分,共 1010 分)分)21阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给三个选项(A、B、C)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。I wan

6、t to tell you about my life.I am(1)the USA.The USAis a great(2).I speakEnglish.But now I am living in(3).China is(4)a great country.In China,I(5)English.The students are all good at their lessons.Their favorite(6)are English,P.E.andArt.Imlearning(7),but I can only speak a little Chinese,(8)it is ver

7、y hard.Today,I go to visit theGreat Wall in Beijing.I am very excited and(9).In China,I am teaching English,writing an Englishtextbook,and making friends(10)many Chinese students.I love Chinese people.Do you like peoplefrom the USA?(1)AtoBfromCfor(2)AcityBtownCcountry(3)AChinaBAmericaCJapan(4)AalsoB

8、tooCeither(5)AstudyBsayCteach(6)AteachersBsubjectsCclassmates(7)AEnglishBChineseCJapanese(8)AandBsoCbecause(9)AhappyBsadCsorry(10)AwithBonCin三、补全对话(每小题三、补全对话(每小题 2 2 分,共分,共 2020 分)分)22请从 AF 中选出正确的选项补全对话,每个选项只能用一次。A.Is this your new bike?B.Have a good day at school.C.How long does it take you to get

9、to school?D.How do you get to school?E.I go to school by subway.F.How far is it from your home to school?A:Hey,Jane.B:Yes.I ride it to school every day.A:I take the bus.B:A:About 5 kilometers.It takes about 20 minutes.B:About 15 minutes by bike.Its good exercise.A:B:You,too.23用正确的句子补全对话。A:Hello,Juli

10、e!Nice to meet you!B:Hello,Jim!A:Julie,I want to ask you something about school rules.?B:Ok,please.Id like to help you.A:First,can we eat in the classroom?B:.But we can eat in the dining hall.A:Oh,I know.?B:Yes,we can listen to music outside.A:Oh,can we wear hats in the hallways?B:No,we cant.But we

11、can wear hats outside the hallways.A:Thats all.B:Youre welcome.四、阅读理解(每小题四、阅读理解(每小题 2 2 分,共分,共 3030 分)分)24阅读短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中,选出最佳选项。I have many subjects at school,English,math,history,geography,Chinese,P.E.,music,and art,but myfavorite subject is art.Mr.Li is my art teacher.Hes a very good teac

12、her and I like him a lot.Every class he haspictures by many artists(艺术家)for us to see.Then we try to draw like the artists in class.Now art is not only asubject for me.It is my hobby(爱好).I really like to draw at home with black pencils and colored pencils.I haveabout 50 pencils at home,all different

13、 colors.Sometimes I draw beautiful pictures of animals.My favorite artistdraws cartoons(漫画).He draws Snoopy,the little black and white dog.I love Snoopy.He is my favorite cartoondog.Do you know this artist?Its Charles Schultz!(1)I like _ best.AEnglishBmathCart(2)_ subjects are mentioned(被提到).ASixBSe

14、venCEight(3)Mr.Li is _.Aa teacherBmy favorite artistCmy father(4)Snoopy is _.Aa name of an artistBa cartoon dogCa subject(5)The passage(短文)is mainly(主要)about _.Amany subjectsBsome artistsCmy favorite subject-art25阅读短文,回答问题。Its December.Its snowing and the weather is really cold in the north of China

15、.You can see manychildren playing with snow.Some of them are skating on the river because its so cold that the water in the riverfreezes(结冰).Its a white world.How beautiful!But inAustralia now,the weather is hot.Many people goswimming in the sea.They are having a good time.Jim and his friends are pl

16、aying soccer near the sea.The sunnyweather is really cool for them.They want to swim after playing soccer.Why are they swimming in December?It is winter,isnt it?Yes,it is in China.But it isnt inAustralia.Thats because we,Chinese andAustralians,have different season(季节)in a year.(1)Whats the weather like in the north of China in December?(2)What are some Chinese children doing on the river?(3)Are Jim and his friends swimming in the sea now?(4)Can you see white snow inAustralia during Christmas Da


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