广西贵百河联考2024届高三下学期4月新高考二模试题高三英语 听力材料及参考答案

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《广西贵百河联考2024届高三下学期4月新高考二模试题高三英语 听力材料及参考答案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《广西贵百河联考2024届高三下学期4月新高考二模试题高三英语 听力材料及参考答案(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、英语答案 第 1 页 共 7 页2024 届“贵百河”4 月高三质量调研联考试题英语参考答案参考答案第一部分第一部分听力(每小题1.5分,满分30分)1-5 BCBAA6-10 CBABC11-15 BCCAB16-20 BABBC第二部分第二部分 阅读理解(每小题 2.5 分,满分 50 分)第一节:21-23 ADC24-27 BACA28-31 BCAD32-35 CBDB第二节:36-40 FGBCE第三部分第三部分 语言知识运用(两小节;共 30 分)第一节:完形填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)41-45 DCABC46-50 BDDAB51-55 CDABC第

2、二节:语法填空(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)56.hotter57.known58.was created59.reactions60.for61.to produce62.and63.advanced64.a65.who第四部分第四部分 写作(第一节 15 分;第二节 25 分;共 40 分)第一节 参考范文:Dear Jack,We are very grateful for your concerns about the flood which hit our village last week.As is reported,our village was str

3、uck by the serious flood without warning,with most of thefarmland drowned and some houses made of earth fallen.Fortunately,no deaths were reported.Hardlyhad it occurred when the government took the immediate reaction to relieve the disaster.Besides,with theassistance of the volunteers,the rebuilding

4、 work is going on well orderly.We are very confident that everything will return to normal soon because where there is a will,thereis hope.Thank you again for your concerns.Yours,Li Hua第二节读后续写参考范文:Paragraph 1:Oliver stood still to the ground and could not believe his ears.Trembling and sobbing,he co

5、llapsedon the ground,feeling alone and betrayed.He had no choice but to cry all the way back home.Seeing hismother,he couldnt contain his sorrow,pouring the incident out to her,who would always be there forhim whenever he felt down.Stroking her trembling boy,the mother said gently,“Just be yourself,

6、Son!People will like you for who you are.”Oliver had heard the remarks a million times before,yet he nevertruly got the point.Suddenly,it all clicked.Paragraph 2:Oliver decided to change himself after hearing his mothers words.He bought a new schoolbag andchose a haircut he fancied.He dropped his ar

7、t class and joined the drama club.He made new friends wholiked him for who he was.He rediscovered himself.If he had not been given the chance,he might havebeen too concerned with“fitting in”desperately to experience some of the“best”times of his life.Itdawned on him that despite the pain he felt tha

8、t day,it was a gift they had given him,which taught him tobe himself.#QQABCQ6AogigApAAABhCQQXSCEGQkACCAIoGgFAEIAABiAFABAA=#1英语答案 第 2 页 共 7 页听力原文听力原文(Text 1)M:What time is it now,Lisa?W:Its 9:30 a.m.,Mr.Johnson.M:Remind me to call my wife half an hour later.W:Okay,Sir.(Text 2)W:I didnt run through th

9、e red light,Officer.Why did you ask me to pull over?M:You overspeeded,Miss,and here is your ticket.(Text 3)M:Lucy,look!Is that your little Daisy on that rooftop?W:Oh,stupid kitty!Ive told her a million times not to chase those birds.She could get hurt if shedropped!(Text 4)M:Ms.Green,I am afraid if

10、your son keeps annoying other students in class,Ill have to ask you to find abetter school for him.W:Im so sorry,Mr.Peterson.I promise Ill teach him to behave.(Text 5)W:Do you know Mary was sent to StAndrews mental institution last Friday by her family?M:No way!Whats wrong with her?W:She went mad af

11、ter her son was killed in the car accident.M:Oh,I feel so sorry for her.(Text 6)M:The weather is really annoying,isnt it?W:Tell me about it.The combination of rain plus humidity and hotnessI really hate it.M:Yeah,I intended to play basketball with Jack on the outside playground,but now its all ruine

12、d.Anyway,I guess Ill just play some computer games at home.Do you want to join me?W:I need to do the laundry first.Ill come to you when I finish it.M:Okay.(Text 7)M:Nancy,I remember that one time you made a jar of really nice pumpkin dip.W:Oh,yeah,that was a popular one.Everyone in my sons birthday

13、party seemed to enjoy it.M:What do you need for it?W:Its really easy.All you need is one can of cooked pumpkin,one half pound block of cream cheese,powdered sugar,and a few spices.Do you want me to teach you how to make it?M:Great!I just intended to ask you to do me that favor.Thanks!#QQABCQ6AogigAp

14、AAABhCQQXSCEGQkACCAIoGgFAEIAABiAFABAA=#2英语答案 第 3 页 共 7 页(Text 8)W:Juan,whats your favorite Mexican holiday?M:Definitely the Day of the Dead.W:What is that?It sounds a little scary.M:Its not really scary for us Mexicans.Actually that day we celebrate,well,not celebrate,but rememberour family members

15、who are already dead.W:OK.How do you remember then?M:We put a big table decorated with flowers,bread,coffee or whatever the person that is dead used tolike and we think that on that day that person is going to come back from the dead.W:I see.And when do you have the holiday?M:Its on November the fir

16、st,and the second too.W:Do you do it just for your family or do you go and visit friends or other relatives?M:No,we only keep it within the family actually.(Text 9)W:John,you seem to be a little bit mad.Did I say something wrong?M:No,Julia.Its not about you.W:Oh?Then what is it?M:Havent you noticed that red car?It keeps trying to cut in.Ill teach that young lady who is the betterdriver.W:John,youve been caught by your road rage again We are not in a hurry anyway.Just let her pass.M:Err,sorry,Jul



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