Unit 7 课时2 Section A(2a-2e)分层作业 新人教版七年级英语上册

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Unit 7 课时2 Section A(2a-2e)分层作业 新人教版七年级英语上册_第2页
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《Unit 7 课时2 Section A(2a-2e)分层作业 新人教版七年级英语上册》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 7 课时2 Section A(2a-2e)分层作业 新人教版七年级英语上册(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 6 Happy Birthday! 第二课时 分层作业一、单词拼写1She was having a (惊喜) party for Tina on Saturday.2I saw (某物) strange in the sky last night.3Would you like (某物) to eat?4We often have a big s (出售) on Mid autumn Day.5How many k (千克,公斤) of tomatoes did you buy?6How much (酸奶) do you need, Tom?7The (总数) of my frie

2、nds is more than 12.8What is the (价格) of the exercise book?9These (气球) make our classroom so beautiful. I think we will have a nice party.10Mom bought a(n) (巧克力) cake for my birthday party.11I like (比萨饼)very much.12I found a shopping l (清单) on the table. It was made by my sister.13The clothes in our

3、 store are all at our great (sell) this week.14Its not to see so many fans at the concert. (surprise)15How about (take) the bus to the park?二、单项选择16_ is your dog?Its four months old.AHow oldBWhatCHowDWhat time17Which of the following is the right intonation?AA: Where is my pencil box?B: Its on the s

4、ofa.BA: Is this your ruler?B: Yes, it is.CA: These are my keys. Are those your keys?B: No, they arent.18_ books do you read every month, Mike?Two or three.AHow muchBHow manyCHow old19Excuse me. _ the green beans today?Thirteen yuan a kilo.AHow many kilos areBHow many kilos isCHow much areDHow much i

5、s20下列每组单词中,有一个划线部分的发音与其它两个不同,选出这个单词。AnameBthankCfine21_ homework do you have every day?Just a little.AHow muchBHow manyCHow heavy22 I bought _ for my father on Fathers Day. Aspecial somethingBspecial anythingCanything specialDsomething special23Wow, your sweater looks nice. _ is it?Its only ten doll

6、ars.AWhereBHow oldCHow much24_ Coke do we need?Five tins, please.AHow muchBHow manyCHow heavy25 How much do you spend in the supermarket?The fruit cost 15 yuan and the snacks cost 10 yuan so the _ is 25 yuan.ApriceBtotalCgold三、补全对话根据对话内容,从所给的七个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,使对话内容完整。(有两项为多余选项)(In the market)Marke

7、t worker: Can I help you?Tony: Yes. Id like some beef. 26 Market worker: 90 yuan a kilo. 27 Tony: Half a kilo, please. Market worker: 28 The vegetables are fresh today. Tony: A kilo of potatoes, please. How much are they?Market worker: 29 Tony: One kilo, please. How much should I pay you?Market work

8、er: Half a kilo of beef and a kilo of potatoes. That will be 55 yuan. Tony: Oh, I forgot to buy lemons. Market worker: 30 Tony: Four. Market worker: Four lemons, 10 yuan. Tony: Thanks! Here is 65 yuan.AWhat can I do for you?BHow much are the potatoes?CWhat else would you like?DTen yuan a kilo.EHow m

9、uch is it?FHow many lemons would you like?GHow much do you want? 四、完形填空先通读短文,掌握其大意,然后从 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案。Its my sons 31 birthday today. I go into a cake shop to buy a big birthday cake 32 him.There are a lot of people in the shop. I find a little 33 watching the cakes for a long time. H

10、e is in 34 clothes. At last he 35 money to the shopkeeper and says, “I want the 36 cake.”“Sorry, the cake is 15 yuan, 37 you only have 10 yuan,” says the shopkeeper. “I have no more money,” says the little boy and he begins to 38 .“ 39 would you like to buy the cake for?” I ask.“My mum, madam.”“Why

11、doesnt she 40 and buy one?”“My father left us three years ago,” the boy 41 . “We dont have much money. My mother has to 42 from morning to night every day. She celebrated (庆祝) my birthday in the past eight years, but she never celebrated 43 . I want to buy a small cake for her. But I dont have enoug

12、h 44 ”“Oh, my poor boy! My son is at your age. Im your 45 friend and I work with her,” I say. “I will buy her a nice birthday cake.”31AsixthBseventhCeighthDninth32AforBwithConDto33AboyBgirlCmanDwoman34AoldBnewCfunDnice35AtakesBgivesCfindsDloses36AshortBlongCsmallDbig37AorBsoCandDbut38AseeBplayCcryDs

13、mile39AWhoBWhatCWhereDWhy40AgoBcomeCbringDmake41AtellsBspeaksCsaysDtalks42AeatBworkCshopDthink43AtheirsBmineChisDhers44AroomBtimeCfoodDmoney45AunclesBfathersCmothersDsisters五、阅读理解AToday is January 16th. Its Pauls 10th birthday. He is at home with his parents. In the morning, he has some long noodles (面条) for breakfast. He says thank you to his mother. After that, he takes 50 dollars and goes to a mall. Why does he go to the mall? Does he buy things for his birthday? No! He wants to buy some things for his family. First, he sees a brown sweater. His mother needs a sweater. So he


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