Unit 4 课时2 Section A(2a-2f)分层作业 新人教版七年级英语上册

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Unit 4 课时2 Section A(2a-2f)分层作业 新人教版七年级英语上册_第2页
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《Unit 4 课时2 Section A(2a-2f)分层作业 新人教版七年级英语上册》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 4 课时2 Section A(2a-2f)分层作业 新人教版七年级英语上册(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 4 My Favourite Subject 第二课时 分层作业一、单词拼写1We cant forget the poor life in the (过去).2My sister children. She wants to be a teacher in the future. (善于应付的)3Eight is a lucky(幸运的) (数字)in China.4What about (帮助) your brother to find his radio?5She asked me why I was late. The r (原因) was that there was so

2、mething wrong with my bike.6Tonys sister enjoys (听) to music and she often goes to concerts.7I love reading because I want (更多地了解) the world.8Some students dont like math, because its (困难的).9Gina r (真正地) wants to get a pair of sports shoes.10Which (学科) do you like best?二、单项选择11Mary thinks geography

3、is really difficult, _ she doesnt like it.AbutBbecauseCsoDand12选出以下句子中连读标注正确的选项。AIts a good idea.BCan you play games?CLet me get it.13In western (西方的) countries, _ is the first day of a week.AMondayBFridayCSaturdayDSunday14Hi, Bill. _ are you so busy?Because I have an art lesson after school.AHowBWh

4、ereCWhy15Can you _ my math, Lisa? Sorry. You can ask Lin Tao. He is good at it.Ahelp withBthink aboutCplay withDlook at16Which underlined part makes a different sound from the other three?I think _ does.AmouthBblouseChouseDsoup17Whats your favorite subject? _. I want to be a volleyball star.AGeograp

5、hyBChineseCHistoryDP. E.18All the subjects at school are _. We must learn them well.AboringBdifficultCusefulDeasy19_ do you like music?Because its very relaxing.AWhatBWhyCWhoDWhere20以下单词中含有相同元音音素的是_.Aknow; nowBabout; brownCwell; helloDmust; ruler三、补全对话根据对话内容,在每个题的空白处选择适当的话语,使对话意思完整。A: Hi, Jenny. 21

6、B: Well, I am a little busy this term. I have six classes every day. A: Me too. 22 B: 23 A: I have Chinese, English, maths, history and some others. P. E. is my favourite. I often take part in (参加) the long jump. 24 B: Wow! Youre good at the long jump. A: Yeah! Thank you! What subjects do you have?B

7、: I have social studies, science, maths, French, English and art. A: Whats your favourite subject?B: 25 ALast term I won the first place!BMy favourite subject is science!CI also have six classes every day.DWhere did you study last term?EWhat subjects do you have?FHow is your school life going?GIm gl

8、ad to see you again. 四、完形填空Hello, everyone! Im Frank Smith. My 26 name is Frank. Im thirteen years old. My birthday is on 27 1st, Childrens Day. Im a middle school student. I go to school 28 Monday to Friday.Today is Monday. Im really 29 . I have 30 classes in the morning. The first class is Chinese

9、. It starts at 8:20 a.m. Then I have two math classes and one English class. At twelve, I have 31 at school. I like the food very much. In the afternoon, I have history and art. The last class 32 at 5:00 p.m. After school, I always play basketball 33 an hour with my classmates. I have seven subjects

10、 this 34 . Whats my favorite subject? Its science for sure. Why do I like it? Because I think its 35 and interesting and it can 36 me a lot in the daily life (日常生活). My 37 teacher Mr. Clark is great fun. 38 classes are very interesting. I like P.E., too. In P.E. classes, I like to 39 . I have P.E. o

11、n Tuesday and Thursday. I dont like history, because I think it is very boring. Luckily (幸运地是), I 40 have one history class a week.26AlastBfirstCfamilyDfull27AMayBJuneCJulyDAugust28AonBfromCinDbetween29AinterestingBfineChealthyDbusy30AthreeBfourCfiveDsix31AdinnerBbreakfastCsupperDlunch32AbeginBstart

12、CfinishesDfinish33AatB/CforDabout34AmorningBafternoonCeveningDterm35AboringBdifficultCusefulDterrible36AhelpBneedCaskDstudy37AscienceBChineseCmathDP.E.38ASheBHerCHisDHe39Awatch TVBplay computer gamesCplay ping-pongDdo my homework40AreallyBonlyCalsoDvery五、 阅读理解AIm Liu Jia. Now its a quarter past nine

13、 on Tuesday morning. Were having an English class in our classroom. In this English class, Miss Li asks us to talk about subjects. Li Ming, Ma Lan, Wang Lei and I like different subjects. We are very happy to tell something about our favorite subjects.Li Ming likes history best because he thinks its

14、 interesting. He can learn a lot about the past. Ma Lans favorite subject is Chinese. She wants to read more books. Wang Lei says his favorite subject is science. He often goes to the library on Monday and Friday and reads some books on science there. He wants to be a scientist like Yuan Longping. What about me? I like art best because I like drawing pictures very much. On Saturday and Sunday I


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