Unit 1 课时4 Section B(1a-1d)分层作业 新人教版七年级英语上册

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Unit 1 课时4 Section B(1a-1d)分层作业 新人教版七年级英语上册_第1页
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1、Unit 1 You and Me 第四课时 分层作业一、单词拼写1P are very clever. They can repeat (重复) peoples words.2Kangkang can play (弹) the (吉他) very well.3They are watching a (网球) match on TV.4There are some (海报) on the wall in Emmas bedroom.5Oh, my God! Today is cold. It is (甚至) colder than yesterday.6She (想要) to be a tea

2、cher when she grows up.7Lots of people surf the Internet to look for some (信息).8Dont let out your personal (信息) online.9Tims (最喜欢的) sport is soccer.10Mary is good at playing the guitar, and she wants to join the school (乐队).二、补全对话Dale: 11 Gina: Good morning. Dale: 12 Gina: Oh. She is my friend, Amy.

3、 Dale: 13 Gina: She comes from the UK. Dale: She looks like Judy. Gina: Yes. 14 Dale: Are they in the same grade? Gina: Yes. 15 Dale: Is Judy your friend, too? Gina: No, she isnt. But I hope she can be my friend one day.AWho is that girl in a red sweater?BIts a fine day today.CBut theyre in differen

4、t classes.DShe is Judys sister.EThey are good friends,FGood morning.GWhere does she come from? 三、短文填空A. 阅读短文,根据语篇要求填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。 每空限填一词。Betty comes from America. Shes in Beijing now. Shes studying in No.2 middle school. She lives in an apartment 16 her parents. There 17 many tall buildings near her

5、 home. Her home is close 18 a bus station, 19 she often goes to school by bus. She has classes 20 weekdays. On Sundays she often plays games with her Chinese friends. She likes China and the Chinese people very much.B. 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Good morning. 21 are you? Nice to meet you. M

6、y name is Nancy Hand. Nancy is my 22 (one) name. Hand is my last name. I am from the UK. I am 13 years old. Im a student 23 China now. Im in Xingzhi Middle School. Students in my class 24 (be) very nice. I like to play(玩) with them.Peter is in Class One, Grade Seven. Hes my classmate. I can 25 (spel

7、l) his name, P-E-T-E-R. Hes 13, too. He likes black very much. He has a black phone, three black 26 (ruler) and a black eraser. And 325-2145 is 27 (he) telephone number. Cathy is my friend. Shes 28 English girl. Her favourite color is white. She has a white jacket, a white pen 29 a white cup. Her fa

8、vorite 30 (number) are six and eight, because she thinks they are lucky numbers. Her telephone is red. Her telephone number is 365-2458.四、完形填空Hello, everyone! Im Chen Kang. I 31 from China. Now Im studying in a middle school in New York. The 32 is great. I like it very much.Im studying a new 33 , sc

9、ience. It is my favorite 34 its very interesting. And Im also 35 how to use the Internet. Now I can use it very well and I can 36 e-mails and send (发送) them to people. Im making lots of new friends here. They are very 37 . I usually do sports with them on the weekend. Sometimes 38 stay in the sports

10、 hall to play ping-pong 39 sometimes we go out to play soccer. Im enjoying (喜爱) my life here a lot.How about your school? Can you tell me 40 youre doing in your school?31AgoBcomeCtalkDtell32AtripBhostCschoolDdream33AsubjectBruleCdanceDsport34AorBbecauseCbutDbefore35AteachingBsayingClearningDasking36

11、AbringBreadCrememberDwrite37AterribleBfriendlyCsorryDbad38AweBtheyCIDhe39AtoBofCsoDand40AwhenBwhoCwhatDwhy五、阅读理解AJack doesnt talk much and he is afraid to meet strangers (陌生人). His mother wants him to be outgoing (外向的). So she always thinks of ways to help him. One day, Jack finishes his homework an

12、d wants to play soccer. “You can play soccer, but before that, you must give this card to Mrs. Read,” his mother says. “Mrs. Read? I dont know her and I dont know where she lives,” Jack says. “Here is the address (地址).” says the mother. Jack says OK and leaves home. He walks with the card and gets t

13、o Mrs. Reads house. He stands in front of the house for about ten minutes and then knocks at (敲) the door. A woman comes out. “Excuse me, are you Mrs. Read?” Jack asks. “Yes, you are Jack, right?” Mrs. Read says. Jack is surprised (惊讶的) but says yes. Then a boy runs out. He is Mrs. Reads son. The tw

14、o boys make friends with each other quickly. “It will be a nice day,” Jack says to himself.41What is Jack like?ALazy.BShy.CSmart.DCool.42What does Jack do before he knocks at the door?AHe writes a card.BHe talks to a woman.CHe thinks for a few minutes.DHe plays a game with his mother.43Why is Jack surprised?ABecause he sees a boy.BBecause Mrs. Read is tall.CBecause he meets a new friend.DBecause Mrs. Read knows him.44From the passage, we can learn Jack _ at last.Acant fin


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