Unit 3 Section A What is your school like(1a-2)习题课件人教版七年级英语上册

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1、初中 英语(2024秋季新教材)七年级上册 RJUnit 3 My SchoolSection A What is your school like?(1a-2)教材核心知识精练一、根据句意及首字母提示写出单词一、根据句意及首字母提示写出单词1.We have lunch in the dining h_ at half past twelve.2.A lot of students are playing basketball in the g_.3.I often play tennis on the sports f_ with my friends after school.4.Mrs

2、 Green is our English teacher and we often ask her questions in the teachers o_.5.Our new science b_ is behind the library.allymieldfficeuilding二、将活动与其发生的地点图片连线二、将活动与其发生的地点图片连线1C;2A;3E;4B;5D三、根据汉语意思完成句子(每空一词)三、根据汉语意思完成句子(每空一词)1.教学楼在哪里?在学校礼堂前面。Where is the classroom building?Its _ _ _the school hall.

3、infrontof2.看!图书馆在计算机楼对面。Look!The library is _ _ the computer building.acrossfrom3.我的家在体育馆隔壁,你很容易找到它。My home is _ _ the gym and you can find it easily.nextto4.我通常在星期二与星期四之间有空。Im usually free _ Tuesday and Thursday.between5.站在海伦后面的那个女孩是谁?她的妹妹露西。Who is the girl standing _ Helen?Her sister,Lucy.behind四、

4、按要求完成句子(每空一词)四、按要求完成句子(每空一词)1.Is there a school hall in your school?(作肯定回答)_,_ _.Yesthereis2.I have a pen and two books in my bag.(改为同义句)_ _ a pen and two books in my bag.Thereis3.2023无锡宜兴丁蜀学区月考They often read books in the library.(对画线部分提问)_ _ they often _ books?Wheredoread4.My classroom is on the s

5、econd floor.(对画线部分提问)_ _ your classroom?Whereis5.The playground is behind the classroom building.(改为同义句)The classroom building is _ _ _ the playground.infrontof五、找出画线部分读音与其他三个不同的选项五、找出画线部分读音与其他三个不同的选项1.()A.differentB.diningC.pinkD.unitB2.()A.officeB.bottleC.hobbyD.togetherD3.()A.acrossB.sameC.mistak

6、eD.eraserA4.()A.foodB.lookC.tooD.schoolB5.()A.teacherB.eachC.breakfastD.speakCSection A What is your school like?(1a-2)阅读能力强化训练阅读理解阅读理解 素养:思维品质 话题:校园地图 难度:中 建议用时:7分钟多模态语篇指示图Word Bankfloor 楼层infirmary 医务室male 男性的female 女性的fire exit 消防通道headmaster 校长cashier 出纳员secretary 秘书lobby 大厅【解题导语】【解题导语】这是一所学校一楼的

7、地图。1.How many fire exits can we find on the map?()DA.One.B.Two.C.Three.D.Four.2.Where are the cashier and the secretary?()CA.In Grade 5.B.In the hallways.C.Next to the headmasters office.D.Near the female bathroom.3.Where is the school infirmary?()AA.Between the two bathrooms.B.Between the two teach

8、ers offices.C.Across from the fire exit.D.Across from the male bathroom.4.The teachers office of Grades 1-4 is_.BA.in front of the female bathroomB.next to the Grades 5-8 teachers officeC.between two fire exitsD.behind the Grades 5-8 teachers office5.What is next to Grade Three?()CA.The hallway.B.The fire exit.C.Grade 4.D.The male bathroom.ReflectingI can name the places in my school.Very well OK Needs workI can introduce the places in my school.Very well OK Needs work


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