Unit 4 语篇专项中考特训课件人教版七年级英语上册

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1、初中 英语(2024秋季新教材)七年级上册 RJUnit 4 My Favourite Subject语篇专项中考特训 主题语篇拓展阅读一、完形填空一、完形填空 素养:文化意识 话题:校园生活 难度:中 建议用时:7分钟 新素材 2024安庆期末改编 Drolma,15,is a middle school student.She is.1.Xizang.Drolma and her.2.study Tibetan(藏语)and Chinese at school.They have some other.3.at school,too.The 15-year-old girl says,.4

2、.is my favourite.When I have maths classes every day,I am very.5.Students there can eat and live at school for free(免费的).Drolma and Mary are in the.6.students bedroom.It is small but clean.After dinner,they study in the classroom for hours.Drolma likes.7.to Mary before going to bed.They think the sc

3、hool is.8.second home.The students in Drolmas school love their school.They love and.9.our country,too.Our great country China.10.them eat and live at school for free.And the cost(费用)of their study is free for 15 years.【解题导语】【解题导语】本文主要介绍了15岁的藏族女孩卓玛的校园生活以及她对祖国的热爱和感谢。1.()A.atB.fromC.ofD.onB【解析】be from

4、表示来自,符合语境。2.()A.classmatesB.familyC.teachersD.studentsA【解析】根据下文中的study Tibetan(藏语)and Chinese at school可知,此处表示卓玛的同班同学。3.()A.schoolbagsB.foodsC.subjectsD.gamesC【解析】根据上文中的study Tibetan(藏语)and Chinese at school可推知,此处表示他们在学校还要学习其他学科。故选C。4.()A.ChineseB.TibetanC.MathsD.EnglishC【解析】根据下文中的When I have maths

5、classes every day可推知,卓玛最喜欢数学。5.()A.sadB.busyC.freeD.happyD【解析】根据上文中的4 is my favourite可知,卓玛最喜欢数学,所以她上数学课的时候很开心。6.()A.importantB.specialC.differentD.sameD【解析】根据下文中的It is small but clean可知,此处说的是同一个房间。故选D。7.()A.sayingB.talkingC.tellingD.drawingB【解析】talk to sb.与某人交谈,符合文意。8.()A.yourB.myC.herD.theirD【解析】根据

6、上文中的They可知,此处应用their。9.()A.thankB.meetC.knowD.hearA【解析】根据下文中的Our great country China 10 them eat and live at school for free.And the cost(费用)of their study is free for 15 years可推知,卓玛和玛丽很爱也很感谢我们的国家。10.()A.wantsB.givesC.helpsD.excusesC【解析】结合语境可知,此处表示国家帮助他们在学校免费吃饭和居住。故选C。二、阅读理解二、阅读理解 素养:思维品质 话题:课程表 难度:

7、易 建议用时:6分钟多模态语篇课程表 Kangkangs TimetableMon.Tues.Wed.Thur.Fri.8:00-8:45ChineseMathsEnglishChineseEnglish8:55-9:40EnglishChineseMathsEnglishChinese10:10-10:55MathsEnglishPoliticsMusicMaths11:05-11:50GeographyPEMusicMathsArtMon.Tues.Wed.Thur.Fri.14:20-15:05HistoryGeographyChineseComputerSciencePE15:15-1

8、6:00BiologyBiologyChineseHistoryComputerScience16:10-16:55OutdoorActivitiesClassMeetingOutdoorActivitiesOutdoorActivitiesOutdoorActivities【解题导语】【解题导语】本文主要向我们介绍了康康一周的课程表。h续表1.Kangkang has an English lesson _.AA.every weekdayB.except(除之外)MondayC.only on Monday and TuesdayD.on Sunday【解析】细节理解题。根据康康的课程表内

9、容可知,康康从周一到周五都有英语课。2.When do classes begin in the morning?()AA.8:00.B.8:10.C.8:30.D.8:45.【解析】细节理解题。根据课程表中的8:00-8:45可知,康康从8点开始上课,故选A。3.How many Chinese lessons does Kangkang have every week?()BA.Five.B.Six.C.Seven.D.Eight.【解析】细节理解题。根据康康的课程表内容可知,康康周一、周二、周四、周五每天有一节语文课,周三有两节语文课,一周共有六节语文课。故选B。4.Its 11:30

10、on Friday morning.What class is Kangkang having now?()DA.An English class.B.A maths class.C.A Chinese class.D.An art class.【解析】细节理解题。根据课程表中的11:05-11:50Fri.和Art可知,康康星期五上午11:30正在上美术课。5.Kangkang has _ subjects altogether(总共).CA.9B.10C.11D.12【解析】细节理解题。根据课程表的内容可知,康康一共有11门课程。【拓展设问】1 新考法 开放性设问If you are Ka

11、ngkang,which day is your favourite?Why?_略2.新考法 开放性设问List the differences between your timetable and Kangkangs timetable._略三、任务型阅读三、任务型阅读 素养:文化意识 话题:伟大的老师 难度:中 建议用时:7分钟Confucius(551-479 BCE)Through old things we learn new things.Socrates(469-399 BCE)A person can understand and discover truth only by

12、questioning.Li Ming:There are so many famous teachers in the world.Jack:Thats true!Look,Socrates!He is my favourite teacher.Li Ming:Why do you like him?Jack:He was wise.He was the teacher of teachers in the West.Who is your favourite teacher?Li Ming:My favourite is Confucius.People call him Kongfuzi

13、.Do you know anything about him?Jack:Sure.He is also famous in Canada.Li Ming:He was a great teacher.He studied music,maths,literature,and some other things.He taught about three thousand students.Jack:They are both so great.根据对话内容回答下列问题【解题导语】【解题导语】材料介绍了两位伟大的老师:孔子和苏格拉底。1.What do Li Ming and Jack tal

14、k about?_2.Why does Jack like Socrates?_Favourite teachers.Because he was wise and he was the teacher of teachers in the West.3.Who is Li Mings favourite?_4.What did Confucius study?_5.How many students did Confucius teach?_Confucius.He studied music,maths,literature,and some other things.About three thousand.【拓展设问】1 新考法开放性设问 What do you know about the two teachers?_2.新考法开放性设问 How do you like them?_略略


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