Unit 3 课时2 Section A(2a-2f)分层作业 新人教版七年级英语上册

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《Unit 3 课时2 Section A(2a-2f)分层作业 新人教版七年级英语上册》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 3 课时2 Section A(2a-2f)分层作业 新人教版七年级英语上册(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 3 My School 第二课时 分层作业一、单词拼写1The box is too (大的)for vou to carry.2The gift is (特别的) to me because it was made by my grandmother.3My good friend, Linda, is so (聪明的). She can remember new words easily.4The movie theater (张贴) some new posters. Lets go and see.5Is there anything (重要的) in todays news

2、paper?6I want to hand out some (通知) to tell students about the sports meeting.7 Where is my pan? Its in the (抽屉).8Look! Tim is dancing at the (角落) of the street.9There are no bones in the (背部) of elephants feet.10Make sure to (锁) your box on the bus, Jack.二、语音题找出划线部分读音不同的选项。11AlateBmathCsaleDtake12A

3、whereBwhyCwhoDwhite13AbreadBsweaterChealthDeasy14AbookBgoodCroomDlook15AmapsBeggsCpearsDphotos三、单项选择16_ there any banks near here?No, but there _ a bank on Center Street.AAre; isBIs; areCDoes; isDAre; are17How _ people are there in your family?There are three people in my family.AmanyBoldCsome18下面哪一

4、个单词的重读音节标记得不正确?Auniversity / junvst /Bimpossible/mpsbl/Ccelebrate /selbret/Dpreparation /prepren/19Please _ the notice on the wall. It is very important.Aput awayBput outCput upDput on20Its _ to remember: eat well, stay healthy and dont get fat.AdifficultBimportantCdifferentDinteresting21Which of th

5、e following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others?AHe will be forty years old this year.BThis pair of jeans is too short for me.CHow does your father go to work?DWould you like pork or beef?22Mum, my dress is too small. I need a _ one.Well, we can buy one this afternoon.AfunnyBl

6、argeCnewDfat23Which pair of the words with the underlined letters has the same sound()AfoolnoonBtonnodCchemistrychopsticks24指出下列各句中哪个划线单词的重音位置与其他划线单词不同。I think Guangzhou is a perfect place for young people because its excellent Metro system makes their lives convenient and wonderful.AperfectBexcelle

7、ntCconvenientDwonderful25My house is No. 207 on the right of the street. And yours?I live _ you. My house is No. 208 on the left of the street.Aacross fromBnext toCin front ofDbehind四、补全对话根据对话内容从下面选择能填入空白处的最佳选项补全对话。A: Hi, Kate. B: Hi, Li Ying. A: 26 B: There are 46 students in our class. A: Are ther

8、e any girls? B: 27 A: 28 B: No, but there is a map of America. A: 29 B: Yes, there is a computer on everyones desk. A: Wow! Thats very good! 30 B: See you!AAre there any computers on your desk?BSee you!CYes, there are 20 girls.DHow old are you?EIs there a map of the world on the wall?FHow many stude

9、nts are there in your classroom? 五、完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。My name is Gina. I am a 31 in Sunshine Middle School. This is my classroom. You can 32 a brown desk in the front of the class. Look! We are having an English class. A cup and 33 book are on the teachers desk. Two whit

10、e 34 are on it, too. The teachers put some chalks (粉笔) in them.Thirty yellow desks and 35 are in the classroom. They are the students. There is a 36 schoolbag on one of the desks. Is it mine? No, its Lucys. She likes red. Who is Lucy? She is my 37 . We are in Class One. We often 38 each other on wee

11、kends. Lucy has a good friend, Jenny. But Jenny is in Class Two. She lost her pencil box this morning. We must help her to 39 it.Oh, what are those? They are our baseballs. We always play 40 together. And there are some pictures on the wall. I think my classroom is nice.31AmotherBstudentCteacher32As

12、eeBbuyCtake33Aa historyBa scienceCan English34ApensBboxesCrulers35AcupsBchairsCclocks36AredBblueCwhite37AcousinBsisterCclassmate38AcallBexcuseCknow39AgetBbringCfind40AtennisBsoccerCbaseball六、阅读理解AHi! My names John. Im 13 years old and I go to a middle school. Here I want to talk about my classroom.

13、It is small, but new and nice. There are two big windows so there is a lot of light. There is a table for the teacher and 12 desks for the students. Two students share (合用) one desk. There is a blackboard on the wall. On the other walls there are some pictures of animalselephants, bears and horses.

14、There are also two maps here. One is a map of Great Britain and the other is a map of Europe (欧洲). There are four computers in my classroom. I sit in Row One and share a desk with Linda. She is my new classmate and my best friend, too.41How is Johns classroom?ABig and new.BSmall but nice.COld but big.DOld but nice.42What does the underlined word “light” mean?A光线B电灯C风光D火柴43How


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