Starter Unit 2 课时3 Section B(1a-2b)分层作业 新人教版七年级英语上册

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1、Starter Unit 2 Keep Tidy 第三课时 分层作业一、单词拼写1I have many (东西) in my box.2I think Peter n (需要) to eat vegetables to keep healthy.3I have some (橡皮) at home.4I lost my k (钥匙) yesterday.5Youre (别客气).二、单项选择6Do you have a _ in your room?Yes. You can call me in the evening.AringBradioCbaseballDtelephone7We wan

2、t _ play baseball, _ we dont have a baseball.Ato; butBto; andC/; butD/, and8I have a nice _ and you can see a pencil-box and some books on it.AdeskBeraserCruler9Yunnan is _ the southwest of China.AonBatCtoDin10There are some cakes _ this box. You can open it and eat the cakes.AonBinCunderDnear11Peop

3、le and birds share their homes _ the blue sky.AunderBfromCbesideDwithout12Where shall we meet tomorrow, Linda?Lets meet _ the school gate.AinBonCatDof13The schoolbag in Picture _ is under the chair.ABCD14The 33th Olympic Games will take place _ Paris, the capital of France.AinBatConDfrom15I cant see

4、 Lucy because she is _ the tree.Ain front ofBbehindCnext to16Betty loves reading very much. There are lots of books _ her book shelves.AatBonCfromDbetween三、完成句子17I dont have model planes. Larry has model planes. (合并为一句)I dont have model planes, Larry .18汤姆不整洁,他的磁带到处都是。(be)Tom isnt tidy. His tapes .1

5、9我的钥匙在椅子下面。My keys are the .20Gina的书在哪里?它们在椅子上。 are Ginas books? Theyre the chair.21我弟弟的飞机模型在桌子下。My brothers model plane is .22a computerisontherethe desk ./?23在我旁边的那个男生是我的堂兄弟。The boy me is my cousin.24His schoolbag is on the sofa. (对画线部分提问) his schoolbag?25这个蓝色的飞机模型是Jack的。This blue is Jacks.26你想来参加

6、这周五的图书销售会吗?Do you to the book sale this Friday?27这个白色的飞机模型不是刘兵的,是她的。The white Liu Bings. Its .28我妈妈找不到她那顶蓝色的帽子。My mother cant find her .29那些地图在我的包下面。The maps my bag.30床上到处都是书。Books on the bed.31一些钥匙在书柜里。Some keys in the 32保罗有棒球,但是他没有棒球拍。Paul has a baseball, he have a baseball bat. 四、情景运用看图写话33 Kate,

7、 tidy 34his, be 35 Tom, have 36here, family 五、阅读理解Every student wants to have a good school day. How can we do that? I think my school life can give you some help.Every day I get up early. After that, I make my bed tidy and clean. Then I brush my teeth and make my face clean. Its important to wear r

8、ight clothes. If I have P.E. that day, Ill wear my sports clothes and shoes. Before I go to school, I usually eat a healthy breakfast at home. My favorite food is bread and milk.At school, I listen to my teachers carefully. Ill ask my teachers and classmates for help if I dont understand. I also lik

9、e to make friends. I make many friends at school. I always talk with them or play sports with them after class.After school, I usually walk home. I take a walk after dinner. Then I do my homework. After I finish the homework, I go to take a shower. Then I go to bed.37What food does the writer like b

10、est?AHe likes eggs and milk best.BHe likes bread and eggs best.CHe likes milk and bread best.DHe likes milk and rice best.38What does the underlined word “understand” means?AHear.BKnow.CSpeak.DAnswer.39Who probably (可能) likes this passage?ALisa, a student.BLucy, a teacher.CBill, a musician.DBob, a w

11、orker.40From this passage, we can see the writer _.Atalks with his friends after classBwears the same clothes every dayCfinishes homework at schoolDdoesnt like to do sports41Whats the best title for this passage?AHow Can I Make Good FriendsBHow Can I Be a Good StudentCHow Can I Get Up EarlyDHow Can

12、I Have a Good School Day 六、完形填空I am a student in PEP School. My name 42 John Miller. This is my schoolbag. Its blue and I like the 43 very much. Oh, whats this 44 English? Its 45 English dictionary. How do you 46 it? D-I-C-T-I-O-N-A-R-Y. Is that an eraser? No, it 47 . Its a key. That is my pencil box. You can 48 a ruler, two pencils and three pens in it. 49 is my ID card? I 50 it in the morning. My name is on the card. I must find it. Call me 51 6554887 or, e-mail me at johnmiller sina. com.42AbeBamCisDare43AnameBcolorCnumberDschool


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