Starter Unit 3 Section B What is fun on a farm习题课件人教版七年级英语上册

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1、初中 英语(2024秋季新教材)七年级上册 RJStarter Unit 3 Welcome!Section B What is fun on a farm?教材核心知识精练一、根据图中物品的数量,用英语写出相应的数字一、根据图中物品的数量,用英语写出相应的数字1._2._fourseven3._4._5._twofivethree6._nine7.six8._eight二、根据句意及汉语提示写出单词二、根据句意及汉语提示写出单词1.I dont like this pencil.Please show me _(另一个)one.2.What _(别的)do you want?3.The ch

2、ildren often stand round in a _(圆圈)and play games.4._(数数)and see how many trees there are in a row(一行).anotherelsecircleCount熟词生义熟词生义A.v.认为;看作 B.n.总数 C.v.有价值;重要(1)I count him as my best friend._(2)First impressions(第一印象)really do count._(3)Hold your breath(屏住呼吸)for a count of ten._ACB5._(看)!The cat

3、is climbing a big tree.Look三、单项选择三、单项选择1.Let me _ you with your English.Thank you very helpC.helpD.helped【解析】let sth.让某人做某事,为固定用法。故选动词原形help。2.Shall we meet at 9 oclock tomorrow morning?Sorry.I need to go to school.Lets make it_ time.CA.othersB.the otherC.anotherD.other【解析】

4、我们明天早上九点见面怎么样?抱歉,我得去学校。让我们再约一个时间吧。others是复数代词,表示其他人或物,后不再跟名词;the other(二者中)另一个的;其余的;another又一,再一,不定数量中的另一个,后跟单数名词;other其他的,后跟复数名词。故选C。3.2024宿迁泗阳县期末_ do you do on the weekend?Read some books.DA.How otherB.How elseC.What otherD.What else【解析】周末你还做了其他什么事?读了一些书。根据句意做了其他什么事可以判断用What而不用How;修饰疑问代词What用else,

5、other用于修饰名词。4._ the picture.Some dogs are in it.BA.LookB.Look atC.SeeD.Read【解析】look为不及物动词,后接宾语时要加介词。look at指看的动作。see着重于看的结果,即看到,看见。read多指看书、看报。阅读题目可知,此处是让某人看一幅画,侧重于看的动作,故选B。5.2024青岛崂山区期末You cant see Lucy because she is _ a front of【解析】句意:你看不到露西,因为她在树后面。behind在后面,符合语境,

6、故选B。under在下面;near在附近;in front of在前面。四、根据汉语意思完成句子(每空一词)四、根据汉语意思完成句子(每空一词)1.乔在一个大农场里长大。Joe grew up _ _ _.on abigfarm2.你能看到许多种动物。You can see many _ _ animals.kindsof3.这里有几把椅子?_ _ chairs are there?Howmany4.他叔叔有七头黑白相间的奶牛。His uncle has seven _ _ _ cows.blackandwhite5.农场里这些兔子是什么颜色的?是黑色的。_ _are these rabbit

7、s on the farm?Theyre black.Whatcolour五、按要求完成句子(每空一词)五、按要求完成句子(每空一词)1.Whats that?(写出答语)_ _ apple.Itsan2.This is a fox.(对画线部分提问)_ this?Whats3.My cup is yellow.(对画线部分提问)_ _ is your cup?Whatcolour4.This is a big house.(改为复数句)_ are big _.Thesehouses5._ _ do you have in your garden?(根据答语写出问句)Some flowers

8、and trees.Whatplants六、根据短文内容,在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单六、根据短文内容,在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式词的正确形式 新风向语篇串考课本新词2023天津西青区期末改编Janes grandparents live on a big farm.Jane often visits 1_(they)on weekends.On the farm,there are many 2_(kind)of animals,like chickens and ducks.Jane likes playing with them because it is

9、really 3_(fun).themkindsfun There is a small dog on the farm.It 4_(have)no mother.It never plays 5_ other animals.Jane often gives 6_ poor dog some food to eat.Soon they become good 7_(friend).Every time,when the dog sees Jane,it runs up to her.Sometimes it follows(跟随)Jane to the lake.Jane can 8_(co

10、unt)ducks in the lake and the dog can swim 9_ the lake.haswiththefriendscountin Her grandfather often asks her,Why does the dog 10_(like)you so much?Oh,because I love it,Jane answers.Yes,animals are our friends so we should be kind to them,Grandfather says with a smile.likeSection B What is fun on a

11、 farm?阅读能力强化训练阅读理解阅读理解 素养:思维品质 话题:农场迎来新伙伴 难度:中 建议用时:6分钟 2024南阳桐柏县方树泉中学期末Mary lives on a farm.She likes animals very much.There are six sheep,three horses and ten chickens on her farm.One day,Lisa,one of Marys friends,goes to visit Mary.I have a white rabbit,Lisa says.It is from my cousin Jack.But I

12、cant find a nice home for it to live in.Can you give me some ideas?Yes,Mary says.You can bring(带来)your rabbit here.I think it will be happy to live on my farm.And you can come to take care of(照顾)the rabbit at any time.Lisa is very happy to hear that.The next day,Lisa takes her rabbit to Marys farm.A

13、nd the two girls give the rabbit a name Bubbles.Now,Bubbles has a nice new home.It lives on the farm happily.【解题导语】【解题导语】玛丽住在农场,她非常喜欢动物,也养了许多动物,还收养了朋友莉萨的小白兔。1.What animals live on Marys farm at first?()Sheep Horses Rabbits ChickensBA.B.C.D.【解析】细节理解题。根据第一段中的There are six sheep,three horses and ten ch

14、ickens on her farm可知,玛丽的农场里有羊、马和鸡。2.Lisa gets a rabbit from _.AA.her cousinB.her friendC.Marys cousinD.Marys friend【解析】细节理解题。根据第二段中的It is from my cousin Jack可知,莉萨从她表哥那里得到了一只兔子。3.What is Marys idea?()DA.To let Lisa live with her.B.To buy the rabbit from Lisa.C.To give the rabbit to others.D.To let th

15、e rabbit live on her farm.【解析】细节理解题。根据第三段中的You can bring(带来)your rabbit here.I think it will be happy to live on my farm可知,玛丽建议让莉萨的兔子住在她的农场里。4.Who give(s)the rabbit a name?()DA.Jack.B.Mary.C.Jack and Lisa.D.Mary and Lisa.【解析】细节理解题。根据最后一段中的And the two girls give the rabbit a name Bubbles可知,兔子的名字是玛丽和莉

16、萨一起取的。5.What is the best title(最佳标题)for the passage?()AA.A nice farmB.Two good friendsC.Bubbles has a new homeD.Mary likes beautiful animals【解析】标题归纳题。本文主要介绍了玛丽在农场饲养小动物并收养朋友莉萨的小白兔的故事。故A项最恰当。ReflectingI can count numbers correctly.Very well OK Needs workI can describe plants and animals on a farm.Very well OK Needs work项目式学习项目式学习Shoot a video for your hometown Your English teacher asks you to introduce your hometown by shooting a video.How do you do the homework?Task 1:Answer the questions to fini


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