Unit 4 课时1 Section A(1a-pronunciation)分层作业 新人教版七年级英语上册

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Unit 4 课时1 Section A(1a-pronunciation)分层作业 新人教版七年级英语上册_第1页
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《Unit 4 课时1 Section A(1a-pronunciation)分层作业 新人教版七年级英语上册》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 4 课时1 Section A(1a-pronunciation)分层作业 新人教版七年级英语上册(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 4 My Favourite Subject 第一课时 分层作业一、单词拼写1My favorite subject is (生物). We can learn a lot from it.2He is interested in (地理) because he likes travelling very much.3China is a great country (国家) with a long (历史).4Frank likes ball games, but Mary thinks theyre .(无聊的)5Mary gave her mom a book about on

2、 Mothers Day. (信息技术)6This book is (有用的) for students learning. Ill buy it for my son.7It is (令人激动的) for me to play basketball with my friends.8The students learn many (学科) in the school.9What is your sport? (最喜欢的)10My mother (叫醒) me up at eight at weekends.二、单项选择11English is _ useful subject. No one

3、 should give it up.AaBanCtheD不填12Do you have history _ Monday afternoon?AinBatConDfor13从ABCD四个选项中,选出句子连读标注正确的选项是_。AWhat do youthink of the news on CCTV 9?BI like watching the English news. I watchit every night.CDo you want to watch a gameshow with me now?DI dontmind it.14下列单词中,面线部分的字母a发双元音/eI/的一项是_

4、.AappleBthatCatDname15I dont like the TV series(电视连续剧) _ its boring.AbutBandCbecauseDso16结合语境,判断下列句子连读标注正确的选项是 _。AIs the ring on the tableKates?BThat sounds interesting, but I dont havea basketball.CWhy does Tom likeChinese?17I like music _ its relaxing.AwhyBbutCandDbecause18下列选项中不是双元音的是_。A/a/B/tr/C

5、/e/D/19When does your English lesson _ on Friday?At ten. Then we have a music lesson.AfinishBhelpChaveDneed20_ does she _ koalas?Because theyre interesting.AWhy; likesBWhat; likeCWhy; likeDWhat; likes21下列单词中,哪一个含有双元音/au/?AaboutBboxCbookDteacher22_ your favorite sport?My favorite sport is soccer.AHow

6、BHow isCWhatDWhat is23Bob, is science your favorite _?No, my favorite is music.AsubjectBbookCsportDtest24This English dictionary is _ to me and it can help me with my English.AboringBdifficultCusefulDrelaxing25Maths isnt as easy as Chinese. I agree with you. I think Chinese is easier than any other

7、_.AcolorBfruitCsubjectDseason26_ do you like Miss Sun? Because her classes are very interesting.AWhatBWhoCHowDWhy27_ is your geography class?Its on Monday and Friday.AWhyBWhereCWhatDWhen28Which of the following is double vowel (双元音)?A/ai/ /B/ /i:/C/d / / t/29下列字母发音中含有双元音/ei/的是_。AHhBFfCDdDGg30下面句子四个选

8、项中,哪个不可以连读?Its a good habit to get up early and take a shower every morning.As a goodBget upCy andDtake a 三、其他31默写出8个双元音音素符号,顺序不限,新旧版本符号不限。1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 四、语音题从选项中找出其画线部分与其他三个单词的画线部分读音不同的选项。32ApatternBbraveCactionDcat33AexaminationBeducateCemptyDenemy34AbearBwearCnearDpear35AcareBcopyCcerta

9、inDcoin36AChineseBteacherCtouchDChristmas五、补全对话(Three friends are talking about their subjects. ) Friends (3 persons) Hi! JennyMary Are you OK? I am OK. 37 No, Im not.Mary 38 I have two math classes on Wednesday.So? 39 Its so difficult!So whats your favorite subject? English. 40 When are your Englis

10、h classes? They are on Monday, Tuesday and Friday. 41 I have math this morning.OK, see you.Bye!AThank you.BI like Tuesday.CTell me why.DI have to go now.EYou dont like math?FWhere is your math book?GIts difficult but interesting. 六、完形填空先阅读短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入相应空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

11、Dale is an English boy. He is a 42 of Britain Middle school. He goes to school five days a week, from Monday to 43 . He studies hard (努力) at school. So he is very 44 every day. But today Dale is very happy, because it is Mondaythe 45 day of a week. For most of the students, Monday is 46 , because th

12、ey have to go to school again (又). They cant (不能) play 47 and they cant watch TV, either. But for Dale, he likes Monday. 48 Monday, Dale has PE. It is Dales favorite 49 . The PE teacher, Mr. Liu is very good. He always 50 games with students on the playground (运动场). And he always has ways (方法) to ma

13、ke his 51 interesting, 52 Dale likes Monday very much. But for Alan, an American boy from Sunset Middle school, it is different (不同的). Thursday is his 53 day. He likes going around the world (周游世界) one day, and on that day, they have 54 . From the class, he can learn (了解) more about different countries (不同国家). So he 55 he must study it from now on. Do you know what 56 Jim likes best? Its Friday. Why? Haha, because the next day is Saturday! What about you?42AplayerBs


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