Unit 5 课时2 Section A(2a-2e)分层作业 新人教版七年级英语上册

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《Unit 5 课时2 Section A(2a-2e)分层作业 新人教版七年级英语上册》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 5 课时2 Section A(2a-2e)分层作业 新人教版七年级英语上册(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 5 Fun Clubs 第二课时 分层作业一、单词拼写1My grandpa enjoys watching (新闻) on TV every night.2Beethoven is a (有音乐天赋的) pianist. He is well-known all over the world.3In China many children begin to learn to play musical (乐器) when they are young.4Jim cant remember (准确地) his mothers birthday.5Tom can (打鼓).6To imp

2、rove your reading (能力), you should read more English articles.7We can p (用颜料画) the picture together.8Would you like to j (加入) our music club?.9I have the same (感受) as all my friends10If you like singing, you can join the Singing (俱乐部).二、单项选择11What can you do, Liz?_.AI like sportsBI am in the art clu

3、bCI can do Chinese kung fuDI want to join the dance club12_ club are you in?Im in the story telling club because I like to tell stories.AHowBWhatCWhenDWhere13下面句子中哪处发音可以失去爆破?Sharing a problem with others is like cutting it in half.ASharingBwithClikeDit14I dont like cooking, so I _ join the Food and

4、Drink Club.AcanBmayCmustDcant15They are very happy to _ the Music Club.Ajoin inBjoinCgo in forDtake part in16根据辅音分类规则,下列选项中不同于其他三个的是_。A/t/d/B/f/v/C/s/z/D/w/u/17 Do you want to join the music club? Sorry, I cant play the piano _ the violin.AbutBandCsoDor18下列单词中划线部分发音不同的单词是 .AcalmBcareCcostDcent19Beck

5、y often plays _ violin for an hour every day.AaBanCtheD/20下列哪一组音素全都是清辅音?A/k/ /s/ /B/s/ / /C/t/ /g/ /t/三、补全对话根据对话内容,从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话。(其中有两项是多余的)A: Hi, Jenny! 21 B: I want to join a sports club. How about you?A: 22 B: Really? What can you do?A: 23 B: Well, do you want to join the singing club or the gu

6、itar club?A: I want to join the singing club, but I also want to join the guitar club.B: I see. 24 A: Sounds great.B: 25 A: OK. Lets go.AI want to join a music club.BYou can join the two clubs.CCan you play baseball?DWhat club do you want to join?ENo, I cant.FI can sing and play the guitar.GLets joi

7、n them now. 四、完形填空阅读下面短文,从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。Hello, everyone! We have all kinds of clubs for you.The Music Club: Do you like singing songs? Can you 26 the guitar or the piano? Many students are good at playing the guitar and piano here. And we also have some good teachers. They can 27 you with them.

8、We have music lessons on Saturday and Sunday. So you can come here every 28 .The Story Telling Club: Our club is very 29 . You can sit on the sofa and listen to peoples stories. And you can tell 30 to people, too. You can come to our club on Monday and Friday.The English Club: Our club is 31 English

9、 learning (学习). Here, you can 32 with people in English. It can help improve (提高) your spoken (口语的) English. If (如果) you have any 33 in English, you can ask your friends here. 34 you can ask our teachers for help. We 35 have lots of English activities (活动). Welcome to our club every afternoon!26Abuy

10、BmakeCshowDplay27AwatchBthankChelpDfind28AdayBweekendCafternoonDmonth29ArelaxingBusefulColdDcool30AsportsBhabitsCstoriesDbooks31AfromBatCaboutDin32AmeetBdanceCsingDtalk33AlessonsBquestionsCtimeDfun34ABecauseBOrCButDSo35AalsoBonlyCveryDthen五、 阅读理解AThe Young Star ClubAre you between 10 and 16 years ol

11、d?Do you want to do any interesting things?If you say yes, the Young Star Club is the place for you. Here you can meet lots of children, and you can: Play games and sportsYou can play chess and cards. You can also play football, basketball and table tennis. Take tripsAt the weekend, we sometimes go

12、on trips. We go to parks, zoos and some other interesting places. Make thingsThe children in our club are great. We get old newspapers, boxes and old clothes. And we make new things out of them. Learn new thingsYou can learn computer skills, a new language (语言) like German and learn to play the pian

13、o. Open after school every afternoon & all day at the weekend. 10 a week36You can join the club if youre _ years old.A6B9C12D1837When does the club open all day?AOn Monday.BOn Wednesday.COn Friday.DOn Sunday.38Which of the following is TRUE about the club?AYou can join it for free.BYou can go to

14、 the club every day of the week.CYoull take a trip every weekend.DYou must take old boxes with you to go to the club.B根据短文内容判断下列句子正(T)误(F).Barry and Lucy are brother and sister. But they like different sports. Barry likes soccer. He is in the school soccer club, and he plays soccer every day. He has a soccer ball in his bookcase. He also likes volleyball. He has two white volleyballs. Bu


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