Unit 3 课时1 Section A(1a-pronunciation)分层作业 新人教版七年级英语上册

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Unit 3 课时1 Section A(1a-pronunciation)分层作业 新人教版七年级英语上册_第1页
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《Unit 3 课时1 Section A(1a-pronunciation)分层作业 新人教版七年级英语上册》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 3 课时1 Section A(1a-pronunciation)分层作业 新人教版七年级英语上册(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 3 My School 第一课时 分层作业一、单词拼写1we often have a meeting in our (礼堂).2The school is clean and safe for us. (餐厅)3There is a car the house. (在的前面)4There are a lot of tall (建筑物)in our city.5Its important to follow the traffic rules when we go (穿过) the road.6Tom is standing (在对面)the shop.7There are only

2、 two teachers in this (办公室).8The girl is (游泳) in the gym.9Look! The boys are (run) on the playground(运动场).10There is a (运动商店) over there in the street.二、单项选择11There is a post office across from the park.A表语B主语C宾语D定语12Look, _ many restaurants in front of the bank.Ahas.BhaveCthere isDthere are13请选出单词b

3、anana的正确重音。_AB14I couldnt see the film clearly. Two tall boys were sitting _ me.AbetweenBin front ofCnext toDbehind15选出单词重音与所给图示完全匹配的选项。Ahello, afterBthirty, thirteenCSeptember, banana16Why do you have to cross the street to get home?Because its _ our school.Aacross fromBonCbehindDin front of17You c

4、ant see Lucy because she is _ a tree.AunderBbehindCnearDin front of18Which pair of the words with the underlined letters has the same sound?AclothestoothBreadbreakCgoodcook19_ is the post office? Dont worry. Lets find it on the map first.AWhenBWhatCHowDWhere20Which underlined part has the different

5、sound?AfortyBsorryCmorningDsport三、补全对话以下对话缺失了五个句子,根据图片请选用适当的句子补全对话,其中一个为多余选项。Here is a map of Li Huas school. Mike wants to see Li Huas school. Theyre at the school gate. They are talking about the school.Mike: What a big school! 21 Li Hua: There are five buildings in our school.Mike: I want to see

6、the classroom buildings. Where are they?Li Hua: 22 There are two classroom buildings in our school.Mike: 23 Li Hua: Its a big playground. Many students play football there.Mike: I want to play football. Where are the footballs?Li Hua: 24 There are many footballs in it.Mike: There are a lot of books

7、in your school. I like to read books. Can you tell me where the library is?Li Hua: 25 The books there are very good.Mike: Thank you so much.Li Hua: Youre welcome.AWhats on the left of the Classroom Building 1?BIts behind the Classroom Building 2.CHow many buildings are there in your school?DThey are

8、 in the middle of the school.EWhere is the big playground?FBehind the playground is a sports hall. 四、完形填空My name is Bill. Im a 12-year-old middle school student. I study in Sun Middle School. Its in a 26 neighborhood. Its far from the busy streets. There are many buildings in my school. In the front

9、 of my school is the 27 building. Its a building for teachers. Behind it is the library building. It is my favorite place 28 I like reading. After school, I always 29 time reading books or doing my homework there. 30 is the classroom building? Its next to the library. Behind the library is the dinin

10、g hall. There are all 31 of food there like hamburgers, bread and vegetables. Students having lunch there need to 32 $10 every week. There is a gym in my school, too. Its 33 from the classroom building. My friends and I 34 playing ball games there. It is really fun.I like the teachers in my school.

11、They are very friendly. They 35 take us to climb mountains or watch movies on weekends. We always have a good time.26AquietBbusyCnoisyDdirty27ApostBpoliceCofficeDhospital28AbutBbecauseCsoDand29AuseBtakeCcostDspend30AWhereBWhatCWhenDWho31AplacesBkindsCgroupsDyears32ApayBsellCcallDbuy33AfrontBbetweenC

12、nextDacross34AtakeBenjoyCforgetDstop35AoftenBneverCseldomDhardly五、 阅读理解AALLEYNS SCHOOLPROUD TO SHINE1961-2021ALLEYNS IS GROWINGAlleyns SchoolTownley Road, Dulwich, UKofficewww.alleynes.org.ukWelcome to Alleyns School. Our school is big and it has 600 students aged 13-15. However, it only had 100 stu

13、dents and four teachers when it was open on September 10th, 1961.Main Teaching BuildingThe school has a huge yard and next to it is the main teaching building. The building has two floors, with six classrooms on each. In each classroom there is a computer, an overhead projector, and a smart white bo

14、ard. It also has a small reading area with different kinds of books offered by the students.LibraryOur school library is used for all the reading classes weekly. The members of the reading club can meet here and do some reading after school.School HallWe have a fantastic school hall. It is used for gym, meetings and having lunch. It is the place where we hold many event


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