Unit 5 Section A How do you choose a school club(1a-2)习题课件人教版七年级英语上册

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1、初中 英语(2024秋季新教材)七年级上册 RJUnit 5 Fun ClubsSection A How do you choose a school club?(1a-2)教材核心知识精练一、根据句意及汉语提示写出单词一、根据句意及汉语提示写出单词1.Tom is good at playing football,so he wants to _(加入)the football team.2.There are many different _(俱乐部)at our school.We can do many kinds of activities after school.3.Pleas

2、e _(选择)the right answers after reading the text.4.She sings the song with _(情感)in the classroom.joinclubschoosefeeling熟词生义熟词生义A.n.想法,看法 B.n.理解力,领悟力C.n.同情(1)He has a wonderful feeling for colour._(2)My own feeling is that we should buy the cheaper one._(3)She has strong feeling for the sufferings of

3、others._BAC5.The dance-poem _(戏剧)Thousands of Miles of Mountains and Rivers(只此青绿)is well known all over China.drama二、单项选择二、单项选择1.2023绥化中考改编Bob is my brother.He likes playing _ basketball,but he doesnt like playing _ piano.()BA.the;aB./;theC.an;theD.the;/【解析】句意:鲍勃是我的弟弟。他喜欢打篮球,但他不喜欢弹钢琴。球类名词前不加冠词,play

4、basketball打篮球;乐器名词前应加定冠词the,play the piano弹钢琴。2.2023 广西中考改编Can you speak English,Lingling?Yes,I _.BA.mustB.canC.shouldD.need【解析】根据问句中的Can you speak English可知,答语应用can表示能,会。must必须;should应该;need需要。3.新素材 The talk show actor speaks _ feeling about the problems of school bullying.AA.withB.aboutC.fromD.acr

5、oss【解析】句意:这位脱口秀演员激动地讲述了校园欺凌带来的问题。with feeling带有感情地,符合题意。4.When will we meet?Lets _ it at six.DA.putB.seeC.playD.make【解析】make it 表示做到,获得成功,办成,及时到达,为固定搭配。5.Mom,I dont want _ any sports today!Can I _ TV to relax?OK,son.()CA.doing;watchingB.to do;to watchC.to do;watchD.doing;watch【解析】want to do sth.想要做某

6、事,为固定搭配;can为情态动词,后接动词原形。故选C。三、根据汉语意思完成句子(每空一词)三、根据汉语意思完成句子(每空一词)1.你为什么想要加入科学俱乐部?因为科学很有趣。_ _ _ want to join the science club?Because science is interesting.Whydoyou2.我星期一下午有音乐课。I _ _ _ _ Monday afternoon.havemusicclasson3.我也可以学弹吉他吗?你当然可以。_ I _ _ _ the guitar too?Sure,you _.Canlearntoplaycan4.你能算出这道数学

7、题吗?让我试一试吧。Can you work out the maths problem?Let me _ _ _.haveatry5.我会下中国象棋,但不会下围棋。I can _ _ _,but I _ play weiqi.playChinesechesscant四、找出画线部分读音与其他单词不同的选项四、找出画线部分读音与其他单词不同的选项1.()A.climbB.blueC.blowD.blackA2.()A.ageB.gateC.gladD.goodA3.()A.keyB.knowC.kindD.talkB4.()A.differentB.deliciousC.handsomeD.h

8、usbandC5.()A.talentB.listenC.talkD.reportB五、将下列单词按黑体部分的发音归类五、将下列单词按黑体部分的发音归类club,office,violin,map,blue,back,cake,flag,tiger,pretty,under,day,get,pen,too,favourite1./p/_2./b/_3./t/_map;penclub;bluepretty;too4./d/_5./k/_6./g/_7./f/_8./v/_under;dayback;caketiger;getoffice;flagviolin;favouriteSection A

9、 How do you choose a school club?(1a-2)阅读能力强化训练完形填空完形填空 素养:思维品质 话题:俱乐部 难度:中 建议用时:7分钟 Middle school students like joining clubs.Joining clubs in middle school.1.help you make new friends and help.2.know a lot of things.Students need to know something(某事物)about the clubs.Joining a school club isnt jus

10、t about.3.fun,and kids must know that being in a club needs time and needs to do a lot of things.Many students like to meet new.4.in the clubs.Linda from No.8 Middle School.5.,In the music club,I met Jane.She likes music and she can play the piano.6.I like music too,and I can.7.the guitar.So Jane ca

11、n help me play the piano and I can help her play the guitar.There are many clubs in schools.8.a clubthat you like.If you like drawing,you can join the.9.club.If you like basketball,you can join the sports club.But.10.club you want to join is up to(取决于)you.If your school doesnt have clubs,you can sta

12、rt a club.【解题导语】【解题导语】本文主要介绍了加入俱乐部的意义,同时呼吁同学们加入自己喜欢的俱乐部。Joining a school club(动名词短语作主语)isnt(系动词)just.about having fun(表语),and kids(主语)must know(谓语)that being in a club needs timeand needs to do a lot of things.(宾语从句)加入一个学校的俱乐部不仅仅是玩得开心,孩子们必须知道加入一个俱乐部需要时间并需要做很多事情。1.()A.mustB.canC.needD.cantB【解析】在中学加入俱

13、乐部可以帮你结交新朋友。can能,可以,符合语境。2.()A.youB.yourC.yoursD.yourselfA【解析】根据上文中的Joining clubs in middle school 1 help you make new friends可知选A。3.()A.takingB.makingC.havingD.doingC【解析】have fun玩得高兴,为固定搭配。4.()A.teachersB.friendsC.thingsD.classesB【解析】根据下文中琳达说的内容可知,很多学生喜欢在俱乐部认识新朋友。5.()A.tellsB.speaksC.asksD.saysD【解析

14、】say后接说的内容,符合语境。tell告诉;speak常表示说某种语言;ask问。6.()A.goodB.wellC.badD.badlyB【解析】根据下文中的So Jane can help me play the piano可知,简钢琴弹得好,修饰动词play应用副词,故选B。7.()A.buyB.learnC.teachD.playD【解析】play the guitar弹吉他,为固定搭配。8.()A.GetB.LeaveC.JoinD.StartC【解析】根据本段后面的内容可知,这里表示加入一个你喜欢的俱乐部,故选C。9.()A.artB.musicC.sportsD.chessA【解析】根据上文中的If you like drawing可知,喜欢画画应加入美术俱乐部。10.()A.whoB.howC.whatD.whereC【解析】根据下文中的you want to join可知,这里说的是你想加入什么俱乐部取决于你。故疑问词what什么符合语境。ReflectingI can talk about clubs in our school.Very well OK Needs work


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