Unit 7 课时1 Section A(1a-pronunciation)分层作业 新人教版七年级英语上册

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Unit 7 课时1 Section A(1a-pronunciation)分层作业 新人教版七年级英语上册_第1页
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Unit 7 课时1 Section A(1a-pronunciation)分层作业 新人教版七年级英语上册_第2页
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《Unit 7 课时1 Section A(1a-pronunciation)分层作业 新人教版七年级英语上册》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 7 课时1 Section A(1a-pronunciation)分层作业 新人教版七年级英语上册(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 7 Happy Birthday! 第一课时 分层作业一、单词拼写1The winter holiday (寒假) usually comes in J or February.2Thank you very much for my birthday with me. (庆祝)3There are only twenty-eight days in (二月).4Well have a school trip in D , the last month of a year (年).5We have an English Party on the 10th of (六月). Do com

2、e!6 (九月) is my favorite month because my birthday is in this month.7 is the third month of the year. Its my favorite season.8 (十月) is the tenth month of a year.9 is the eighth month of a year.10Childrens Day (儿童节) is on J 1st.二、单项选择11_ is your mothers birthday? Its on May _ .AWhen; oneBWhat; threeCW

3、hen; firstDWhat; 3rd12When is your birthday party?It is _.Ain June 22ndBon June twoCon June 22ndDon June13Which of the following is the right intonation (语调)?AA: Is this your book? B:Yes, it is.BA: Where is my schoolbag? B: Its on thebed.CA: These are my pens. Are those yourpens? B:No, they arent.14

4、When is your School Day?Its _.Ain April fifthBon June fourthCon July oneDon June 1nd15Tree Planting Day is on _ of March. Its the best time to plant trees.AtwelveBthe twelfthCtwelfth16Which sound is different from the other?AhomeBhopeChourDhouse17When is your birthday, Jack?Its _.AMay 18thB18th MayC

5、A and B18My brothers birthday is on May _.Athe ninethBnineCthe ninthDnineteen19What is the date today? Its_.A10 OctoberBSundayC6:4020September 5th should be read(被读作) _.ASeptember fiveBSeptember the fiveCSeptember fifthDSeptember the fifth三、语音题从A、B、C、D四个选项中, 找出画线部分与其他三个单词画线部分读音不同的选项。21AbagBdadCcarro

6、tDname22ApigBmileCtennisDwin23AcourageBaloudCpoundDdoubt24AcoastBdirectorCexceptDreflect25AbathroomBnorthernCearthquakeDwarmth四、补全对话请根据对话内容,从所给的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并将答案写在相应的位置上。选项中有两项是多余选项。Happy Girls(3)Hi, girls! Hi, Alice 26 Do you want to come? Sure. When is the party? 27 Dont be late! OK. Oh! We ca

7、n play games and eat nice food.Sounds good! 28 What about salad? 29 Great. And lets have some fruit, too. I like apples best. 30 Strawberries are my favorite.OK. Lets eat fruit and salad! See you! See you!AIts delicious.BWhat about you?CI dont like strawberries.DOh,when is your birthday?ELets think

8、about the food.FI want to have a party this Saturday.GAt four in the afternoon in my house. 五、完形填空阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。When is your birthday? How do you celebrate (庆祝) your birthday? Do you ever do anything different (不同的) on your birthday?Bill and Bob are twin brothers. 31 birthday

9、 is in August and it is coming soon. They are talking about it. “Every year we 32 a big birthday party. We ask our friends to come, play games and eat a birthday cake. Its always the same. Sounds 33 , right? This year I want a 34 one.” Bill says. “What do you want to do on that 35 ?” Bob asks.“Do yo

10、u know our classmate David? His mother is not 36 . She must see a doctor, but she doesnt have much money. So I want to 37 her. What do you think of it, Bob?” Bill asks. “Great! But 38 can we do for them?” says Bob. “I think a flea market (跳蚤市场) is good. We can put many things thereradios, clothes an

11、d books.” “Yes, youre right, People can come to 39 them and then, we can get some money and help Davids mother. Lets do it!” says Bill.When their 40 know about this, they want to help Davids mother, too. They buy a lot of things for his mom and help send her to the doctor. How warm-hearted Bills fam

12、ily are! After knowing about the story, do you also want a different birthday next year?31AOurBYourCTheir32AhaveBfindCcall33AinterestingBrelaxingCboring34AsameBdifferentCeasy35AdayBmonthCyear36AtidyBfatChealthy37AhelpBneedCask38AwhoBwhatCwhy39AeatBseeCbuy40AclassmatesBparentsCfriends六、 阅读理解ASandra w

13、as so happy. It was her twentieth birthday. Her parents had a big surprise (惊喜) for her. They bought her a car! It was a cool car in yellow, Sandras favorite color. There were a few flowers and a card with a note saying, “We love you. Drive safely!”After getting the key to the car, Sandra got anothe

14、r present later that evening. Her parents came in and sat in her room. Dad had a box in his hand.“Whats this?” Sandra asked.“Open it,” Dad said. Sandra opened the box! It is a GPS (全球定位系统).“You got me a GPS?” she asked.“Yes, dear. I think you will find your way around. All the maps for our state (州) and other states are in this GPS.” said Dad. “For now you will go farther (更远).”“Thanks, Dad and Mom. Its the best p


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