Starter Unit 2 课时1 Section A(1a-2e)分层作业 新人教版七年级英语上册

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《Starter Unit 2 课时1 Section A(1a-2e)分层作业 新人教版七年级英语上册》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Starter Unit 2 课时1 Section A(1a-2e)分层作业 新人教版七年级英语上册(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Starter Unit 2 Keep Tidy 第一课时 分层作业一、单词拼写1Its a good habit to keep your room (tidy) every day.2With everyones efforts, our class has become t (干净的) and clean.3We must (keep) our classroom clean every day.4There isnt much water in the (瓶子).5How many (bottle) of milk do you want?6Tom wants to buy three

2、 (瓶) of milk.7That yellow e (橡皮擦) is Jims sisters.8A set of (钥匙) is in the Lost and Found office.9My dictionary my pencil box are on the desk.10The (紫色) jacket looks great on you.11What colour do you like, Tina?I like bl .12My sister likes pears and I like (橙子).13I need a notebook, a pencil, a baseb

3、all, a set of keys a Chinese dictionary.14Whats Marys favorite color?Her favorite color is g (绿色).15How much is your y (黄色的) T-shirt?二、单项选择16一Does your brother _ ping-pong balls?一Yes, he _ three.Ahave;haveBhas;hasChas;haveDhave;has17Kate, my English book is on the sofa. Can you _ it for me? OK. Here

4、 it is, Dad.AaskBknowCgetDcall18What _ is it?_ black and yellow.Acolor; They areBcolors; ItsCcolor; ItsDcolors; They are19This is an .AbagBmapCorangeDpen20This is _ apple.Aa.BtheCanD/21Is there _ supermarket near here? Yes, but _ supermarket is small.Aan; theBa; theCthe; aDthe; an22My dream is to be

5、 _ actress. Today I acted well in _ uniform.Aa; aBan; aCan; anDa; an23This is _ egg. _ egg is big.Aa; ABthe; AnCan; AnDan; The24_ man over there is _ English teacher.AThe; anBThe; aCA; theDA; an25Do you have _ MP4?Yes, I have one.AtheBanCa 三、 阅读理解A“Mum, I cant find my jacket.” “Dad, I cant find my s

6、choolbag.” “Linda, can you see my keys?” Sams things are everywhere. He often asks his family for help.Now it is 11:30 in the morning. Sam cant find his English book. He must find it for the English class in the afternoon. It is not in his schoolbag.“Do you see my English book?” Sam asks his sister

7、Linda.“No, but I found a white ruler,” she says.“What about you, Dad?” Sam asks his father.“No, but I found a black pen. Is it yours?”“Yes, it is,” Sam says. “Thank you.”The English book is lost. Sam is sad.“Sam, here is your English book,” Mom says. “You must be careful next time.”“I see, Mom. I wi

8、ll take good care of my things,” says Sam.26How many people are there in Sams family?ATwoBThreeCFourDFive27When is it now?AIn the morningBIn the afternoonCIn the eveningDAt night28What does the underlined word “it” refer to?AThe jacketBThe penCThe bookDThe eraser29Who found the English book?ASamBSam

9、s sisterCSams fatherDSams mother30What can we know from the text?AThe white ruler is Lindas.BSam will look after his things well.CSam often asks his teacher for help.DSam has an English class in the morning.BWhat is your favorite color? Does it make you feel happy or relaxed? Some people think color

10、s have a connect ion with (与有联系) their feelings. This may be true. Scientists ask 26, 596 people from 100 countries about their favorite colors and why they like them. Many people think blue is a cool color. Blue clothes can help you feel relaxed. And the color blue can make people not eat too much.

11、 If you dont want to be fat, you may try to eat at a blue table. Blue can also mean sadness. When you are unhappy, you may say “Im feeling blue”. Yellow is the color of the sun. Its a warm color. When you walk in a yellow room, you may feel warm and comfortable. Many people like orange because it is

12、 also a warm color. In factories (工厂), orange is the color of workers clothes. It can help them work betterHow about green? When you do your homework for a long time, just stand up and look at the trees outside. You may feel better. Purple usually makes people think of romantic (浪漫的) and beautiful t

13、hings. On your mothers birthday, you can buy her a purple sweater as a gift.31What do the scientists do?AThey eat at blue tables.BThey go to 100 countries.CThey help people to be happy and healthy.DThey ask people about their favorite colors and why they like them.32Which picture means “Im feeling b

14、lue.”?ABCD33What does the underlined word “It” refer to?AYellow.BOrange.CGreen.DPurple.34What is the passage about?AThe model of colors.BThe game of colors.CThe science of colors.DThe history of colors.35What is the structure of the passage?ABCDCMy name is Paul. I like red. I have a red watch. Its under my sofa.My name is Bob. I like blue. I have a blue notebook. It is on my desk. A tape player is on my desk, too.My name is John. I like black. I have a black bag


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