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1、2024年吉林省长春市中考英语真题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、单项选择1My birthday _ is a toy panda. Its from my grandma.AtripBmonthCgiftDcolor2The Qinghai Lake is _ lake in China. It is in Qinghai Province.AlargeBlargerClargestDthe largest3Lili _ be at home. She has gone to the farm to pick apples.AmustntBcantCmustDcan4Mom, coul

2、d I _ the TV? I want to watch the news about space.Of course. And dont sit too close.Aturn onBturn offCput onDput off5Look! The students _ an art class in the park.AhaveBwere havingChadDare having6_ are these sports socks?10 yuan for 3 pairs.AHow manyBHow muchCHow oftenDHow long7There _ many ancient

3、 Chinese poems in this book. Which one do you like best?Climbing a Tower by Wang Zhihuan.AareBisCwereDwas8As a science lover, I hope I can invent a bike _ can fly in the sky.AwhereBwhenCwhichDwho9_ helpful the speech is! It tells us to use the Internet safely.AWhatBWhat aCHowDWhat an10The Mid-Autumn

4、 Festival is coming. I wonder _.In your uncles home.Awhere we will celebrate itBwhen we will celebrate itCwhere will we celebrate itDwhen will we celebrate it二、补全对话根据对话内容,运用下面所给的句子选项补全对话。选项中有一项是多余的。(Lei Lei and Han Lu are talking in the English corner.)Han Lu: Hi, Lei Lei. You look excited. 11 Lei L

5、ei: Yes. We will have an International Summer Camp.Han Lu: Really? Its cool.Lei Lei: Guess what? We will work for the camp.Han Lu: Wow, wonderful! 12 Lei Lei: We can introduce something special about our hometown.Han Lu: Thats easy. Changbai Mountain and the Songhua River are my favorites.Lei Lei: I

6、 have different ideas. 13 Han Lu: Haha! Very funny. I know you will say that.Lei Lei: Dont forget Changchun is also an ice and snow city.Han Lu: 14 Winter sports in Jilin are famous around the world.Lei Lei: Thats for sure. I hope we can tell the foreign friends more about our hometown.Han Lu: 15 Le

7、i Lei: Oh! Its time for class. Lets go.Han Lu: OK.AMe, too.BYoure right.CWhat can we do then?DIs there any good news?EWhats your favorite food?FMy favorites are tieguodun and guobaorou.三、完形填空阅读短文,掌握其大意,然后从每小题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。When my friend suggested that we join the new Tai Chi (太极拳) Club, I thought

8、 he was 16 . I always believed tai chi was for old people. However, after the first class, I 17 that I was wrong. It was amazing. Tai chi led to a big 18 both in my body and mind.I still remember my first few tai chi classes. The basic skill I learned was keeping a balance (平衡). An action was called

9、 “golden rooster (公鸡) standing on one leg”. Following the instructions, I tried to 19 on one leg. It seemed that it was not a hard one, but I still 20 many times. Soon, I felt bored and 21 from practicing over and over again. I started to 22 myself. Maybe I was really 23 in this kind of exercise. Ju

10、st then, my coach taught me how to relax myself. Step by step, I made 24 . Later, I was able to do more difficult actions and feel peace of mind as well. My love for tai chi became 25 . I even wanted to look into the ancient Chinese culture behind tai chi.I discovered tai chi is deeply from Chinese

11、yin and yang. The practice of it helps to keep a balance through 26 : left and right, up and 27 , breathing in and breathing out. Finally, tai chi brings about a state of body balance and 28 peace.Now I can honestly say it helps me become much 29 . I sleep better at night, and I am more active durin

12、g the day. More importantly, practicing tai chi has made me better 30 the Chinese culture. I am sure I will continue to practice tai chi and enjoy the advantages it has brought me.16AjokingBwaitingCreadingDexplaining17AforgotBdreamtCrequiredDrealized18AdecisionBproblemCchangeDlove19AsitBstandClieDju


14、hier30AunderstandBteachCtranslateDencourage四、阅读理解Sunshine Art MuseumPlace:On the north side of King SquareArriving Here: Subway stations:Nelson Street (2-minute walk)Embankment (3-minute walk)Charing Cross (7-minute walk)Opening Hours: Mon.Sat.10 a.m.4 p.m.Prices:Adults: $10/personChildren under 12: FreeConnect with us: Call 723-1182 for more information.根据图示内容,选择最佳答案。31_ is the c


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