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1、2024年湖南省长沙市中考英语真题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、阅读理解International Summer Camp 2024Edward Educational Company was set up in 1999. It has rich experience in providing educational trips for children. Our camp is located in (位于) the Swiss Alps. Hie mountains, forests and lakes here provide a playground for young adv

2、enturers (冒险者).Three age groupsThe three age groups allow children to make friends of similar ages from different countries.Plenty of activitiesOur camp activities include rock climbing, horse riding, painting and much more. But hunting (猎捕) wild animals is not allowed.Cultural exploration (探索)Switz

3、erland (瑞士) has many traditions like chocolate making. Through ow summer camp, children will learn more about this country.For further information, please call us at 257-8900.1When was Edward Educational Company set up?AIn 1999.BIn 2014.CIn 2024.2What can children do at the camp?AJoin four age group

4、s.BLearn more about Switzerland.CRide horses and hunt wild animals.What should you do when you cant find the time to do a long workout? Have you heard of exercise snacks (零食式锻炼)?Exercise snacks are a popular and inventive new way for people to stay fit. Instead of spending hours on the playground, p

5、eople break that “large meal” into exercise “snacks”. These exercises can last anywhere from 20 seconds to two minutes. Then you can have a rest for 30 minutes to four hours before another snack.It is reported that exercise snacks can be as useful as traditional exercise methods. Just three exercise

6、 snacks a day can benefit (使受益) your physical health. Besides that, there are lots of other benefits. Your concentration (专注力) and creativity get better, and you can become more productive. Also, “snacking” throughout the day stops you from sitting too long.There are so many acceptable exercise snac

7、ks, like doing sit-ups, jumping rope or running up and down some stairs (楼梯). But for those who dont know where to start, here are some helpful exercise choices:Exercises such as lifting weights will satisfy the needs. Since most people dont keep weights at their offices, lift full water bottles.Squ

8、ats (深蹲) moving your body as if to sit down while keeping your back straight. Five to ten of these should make a good snack.For those who don5t like traditional exercises, simply turn up the music. Pick a lively song and start dancing. Itll make for a fun workout.What are you waiting for? Lets get m

9、oving. Your body will thank you for it!3How long can an exercise snack last according to the passage?A20 seconds to two minutes.B30 minutes to four hours.CFive to ten minutes.4Which is an acceptable exercise snack mentioned in the passage?ADoing math exercises.BEating snacks.CDoing sit-ups.5What is

10、the writers attitude (态度) to exercise snacks?ADoubtful.BUnclear.CSupportive.6What is the main purpose of the passage?ATo change traditional eating habits.BTo introduce an inventive new way to stay fit.CTo encourage people to do long-time outdoor exercise.The Four Seasons, written by the Italian musi

11、cian Antonio Vivaldi, was first played about 300 years ago. Since then, it has enjoyed worldwide popularity.The great musical work includes four parts: “Spring”, “Summer”, “Autumn” and Winter”. Each part brings to mind the season it is meant to describe. “Summer”, for example, begins slowly. Listene

12、rs can easily picture a hot, lazy summer day when nobody wants to move. When you listen to “Autumn”, a harvest (收获) celebration will readily come to mind.But now, Hache Costa, a music director in Spain, has decided to give the old work a fresh feel. He says the climate (气候) today is very different f

13、rom what it was in the 1700s. The Four Seasons would be “a lot dirtier” if it were written now.Costa has “updated” the musical work to make it match the realities of the modern world. The “updated” musical work has been played in Madrid, Spain. The performance takes place in front of a screen. As th

14、e musicians play, a video shows the effects (影响) of climate change, such as forest fires and unusually dry weather.After enjoying it, people find the new “Summer” now sounds noisier and more powerful. Because of global warming (全球变暖), the other three seasons have become shorter. Costa says he expect

15、s people to feel “really sad” after listening to the new Four Seasons.“I really want more people to become truly aware of (意识到) what is happening to our planet,” says Costa. “And I believe Vivaldi would not be angry with my changes.”7What do we know about The Four Seasons?AIt is still unpopular now.

16、BIt was written by Hache Costa.CIt was first played about 300 years ago.8What will come to mind when we listen to the old “Autumn” according to the passage?AForest fires and dry weather.BA harvest celebration.CA hot lazy day.9Which is close to the underlined word “updated” in meaning in Paragraph 4?A提上日程


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