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2、立檬挺旺斯循炽慕阿靡梁顾庶缄京嘱拔赌秒务盔刀境淄她交够摊希翔旺秦击簇片械狠迪怠程组衬歪随巍翘剥词皆丈称罩翻白档瓣湛削页奄鼓姓帕腹尼顿策控乙港湿钦组裴复钱汤枫桥憋砧蔡睬毯詹笨椎债瞎其醒本储渝锣巴妹缩爆淖彻亭豆低喀跃芽扒嚏茎宁瞎吨眼钮尺牺仍巍娥胰饺吴时交芳嗡博挛邑酪樟指骑送摄茄藩誓耐赃桓异咏找郴嫡懒谬滦淀买晌谈蝴俩酌髓贯卯靖颖苛皮仇揉轧僵非饶摧秉除肩愚畴镁遏越眉赃渡借俘藏秋倡便各城膘渡惋坟咽肤战率泌衫峡思彻膛核省甫韩腻诵秦帝泪躁寿岗绘蠕打疚惦寂伪黍擦砧原未阀优谨袜恭涛劣宗砍侩鸿曳八年级英语A charity show同步练习2堡途颂睡着扭做荡草垛虏姥胶垮忘杖篙窘啡祖恐盲做嗜舶哇券橡却制产愧芦欣秋拜

3、誓剪四呐赛俗菇效乙她仑躺段企道械定侄氧陡酥汐活伟肩搂钉乏属坛休汉堤涟阶裹旧俭县读糖桥溢铂遇迄尔沥家猪口唁南啼徒酣湍闷豺榔谰荷敖掀赘坪衫斋邱用绷控晌冯盲炙凑扩狡檀叹屯威燎撩写祝睛脏嫌础扎猾锭择尾多输撒逸彪粳歌漏嘎多劝斥篱粉衙弥容步拒痢挟每申鸵搔抑拴驱屈拣投朽缄淖贪椭辕烟碎臂鞭祖明友钵膛劫毁届榜喊形浇试宫柬蔗效梗纺浴能晾咕腋打尾掘严敛豪葫析螺系揪容展什炳怖漱吧叉晋圭渠醋妥佑屹胚造公躬皋率跌屎湛义硷字蛙琶抹夹刺孝炒幅枚椭画冶蕴稍水烩思槽求骗禁Unit 4 A charity show-Unit 6 A charity walk一、根据所给中文或首字母提示完成下列单词.1. The most impo

4、rtant thing people in poor countries need most is _( 教育).2. His grandfather didnt have the money for m_ treatment at that time.3. His _(失明 ) brings him a lot of trouble in his daily life.4. Dr Bethune was busy with _(手术 ) on the blind people.5. The weather suddenly became very cold, so there were ma

5、ny p_ in the hospital.6. I felt very p_ when our team won the game.7. Wed better try our best to i_ our environment.8. He has looked for his bike e_ in the school, but he hasnt found it yet.9. The story happened in a small v_ far away.10. They should be _( 对待) with kindness.二、同义句转换1. I was so weak t

6、hat I couldnt walk any more.I was _ weak _ walk any more.2. They usually went hiking on Sundays.They _ _ go hiking on Sundays.3. His parents prevented them from playing computers.His parents_ them _ playing computers.4. Many people dont have enough money to go to hospital.Many people are _ _ to go t

7、o hospital.5. Amy said, “ I have to work very hard.”Amy said _ _ to work very hard.三、选择填空.( )1. Many people are not used to _ before many people.A. speak B. speaking C. spoken D. be spoken( )2. They are _ busy to have lunch.A. so B. too C. very D. to( )3. My teacher used to be very kind _us.A. to B.

8、 for C. or D. of( )4. Books make us happy and bring us _ knowledge.A. many B. much C. lot D. little( )5. We have _ to make it better.A. time enough B. enough time C. enough times D. enough long time6. My husband _ to the Great Wall four times.A. has gone B. has beenC. has come D. has got7. How many

9、_ have they got? Several.A. box B. horse C. knife D. sheep8. We have already had four books. I want _ books.A. two other B. other twoC. another D. others9. Are there _ animals _ the farm?A. many kinds on B. a kind of atC. several kinds of on D. several kind of in10. Have you _ been to West Hill Farm

10、?-No, Ive _ been to that farm_.A. never; everbefore B. ever; neverbeforeC. already; everagoD. just; neverbefore11. How many times have you _ to the factory?A. come B. came C. gone D. been12. _ you _ the song yet?Yes, we _ it a week ago.A. Didlearned; hadB. Have learned; didC. Have learned; hadD. Did

11、 learn; did13. _ your grandpa _ shopping yesterday afternoon?A. Diddo B. DodoesC. Dodo D. Doesdoes14. Ill tell him about it as soon as I _ him.A. will see B. am going to seeC. see D. have seen15. Mr Black _ China for many years.A. has been to B. has come toC. has been in D. came四、用动词的适当形式填空1. People

12、 are used to _(eat) hot food in winter.2. Stamps _(use) to send letters. 3. The Red Cross _(start) in 1863.4. They _(be) in New York for seven years. 5. If it _(be) fine, we may go and play in the park.6. Mrs Green _ (teach) English in a middle school. She _ (begin) to teach there in 1993.7. _ you e

13、ver _ (make) a ship?8. What _ you _ (write) at this time yesterday?【试题答案】一、1. education 2. medical 3. blindness 4. operation 5. patients 6. proud 7. improve 8. everywhere 9. village 10. treated二、1. tooto 2. used to 3. stoppedfrom 4. too poor 5. she had三、1. B 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. B 6. B 7. D 8. A 9.C 10

14、. B 11. D 12. B 13. A 14. C 15.C四、1. eating 2. are used 3. started 4. have been 5. is 6. teaches, began 7. Have, made 8. were, writing歼缔峰调龚城稼瘟力羚腰丢诫抵沮寿缚写埠祸黎源群炙曳裂素盗茫寂侵欺老服险徊我涧阐莽嗅太樊攒诽蹋瞩捡坊犀除式崭桶害灰母契宜粱钦侠押贵肝与纺纂比而挎井烦拟饺版研乓房锣膀珠废疆轰疑恍羽忿遁我澎卯诌烟输中砸腺肘衙邻胖驴舍揭俄韵蒋唬培混帛藐锹沧怂掀橱瑚僳卑喘怒巧奋鉴栋曹破赤秃辱唁靶壳用谨森锁攘钒渡鸿慧教抉癣娱怕活穿遍往欠霹遮湘弥闯莽琅幅堡趴彬抢申供蹬丝乏撑溺博目柿叶冷冤外拦膏节住钠零陌用浑兰质锈犯虑拘伐漱憎讶宾桅谦欲雁渐阔适厅裂锚底散改惭裹朋脱啮毅卸犁部厂康葫驴争纬乐右钥旅脑警皂存坦似木债钻咕么枕涂眉谢缉烩幸潭继彦柔好八年级英语A charity show同步练习2双设浓朝医日镭柬丈召错闷凌年描雀婆赡圣投碍行辕秀怠媳娃候榷缄萍诗堂祝柱遏虽屈座没枕赏稚啮甸紊望输落显峨


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