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1、八年级英语下册短语Unit 11.Whats the matter with sb. 某人怎么了?2.Have a (bad) cold 得了(重)感冒3.Have a stomachache 得了胃病4.Have a sore back 后背痛5.Have a toothache 牙疼6.Talk too much 说得太多7.Drink enough water 喝足够多的水8.Have a fever 发烧9.Sore throat 喉咙痛10.Cut myself 割伤自己11.Lie down 躺下来12.Have a rest 休息一下Take breaks 休息13.Drink

2、some hot tea with honey 喝些加蜂蜜的热茶14.See a dentist 看牙医15.Get an X-ray 拍X光片16.Take ones temperature 量体温17.Have a headache 头疼18.I cant move my neck. 我脖子不能动19.What should I do? 我该做什么?20.Sound like 听起来像21.On the weekend 在周末22.All weekend 整个周末23.Play computer games 玩电子游戏24.Away from . 远离.25.In the same way

3、 用同样的方式26.Too long with moving 太长时间没动27.Go to a doctor 去看医生28.Bus driver 公交司机29.Bus No. 26 26路公交车30.On the side of the road 在马路一侧31.Next to. 在.旁边32.Shout for help 喊救命33.Think twice 思忖再三34.Get off/on . 下/上车35.What happen 发生了什么36.Have a heart problem 心脏有问题37.Go to the hospital 去医院38.Have to 不得不39.Take

4、. to 地点 带某人去某地40.Wait for . 等待41.To his surprise 令他吃惊的是42.Agree to do sth. 同意做某事43.Thanks to . 对亏.44.In time 及时45.Save a life 救了一命46.Right away 立刻47.Get into trouble 遇见麻烦48.Fall down 摔倒49.Put a bandage on it 绑绷带50.Run it under water 冲水51.For a few days 持续几天52.Put on 穿上53.Feel sick 感觉不舒服54.Have a nos

5、e bleed 流鼻血55.Mountain climbing 爬山56.Mountain climber 登山者57.Get sunburned 晒伤58.Be interested in . 对.感兴趣59.Be used to doing 习惯做某事60.Take risks 冒险61.Many times 许多次62.Lose ones life 失去生命63.Because of 因为64.By oneself 某人自己65.Run out 用光66.Save ones own life 救自己的命67.Be ready to do sth. 准备做某事68.Use. to do s

6、th. 使用.做某事69.So that 为了So. that. 如此.以至于70.Write a book called . 写一本叫.的书71.Mean doing sth. 意味做某事72.Seem to do sth. 似乎做某事73.The importance of. .的重要性74.Be in control of . 在.的控制下75.Between. and. 在.和.之间76.Make a decision 做决定77.Three times 三次78.Mind doing sth. 介意做某事79.Give up doing sth. 放弃做某事80.Keep on do

7、ing sth. 继续做某事Unit 21.Clean up 打扫2.Hope to do sth. 希望做某事3.The sick kids 生病的孩子们4.Cheer . up 为某人加油5.Give out 分发6.Make a plan 做计划7.After school 放学后8.Ask sb. to do sth. 要求某人做某事9.Come up with 提出10.Need to do sth. 需要做某事11.Old peoples home 老年之家12.This summer 今年夏天Last summer 去年夏天13.Talk to sb. 和某人说话14.Tell

8、stories 讲故事15.Used to do sth. 过去常常做某事16.Care for 关心17.One day 有一天18.Several hours each week 每周几个小时19.Animal doctor 动物医生20.Learn about 了解21.A strong feeling of satisfaction 强烈的满足感22.The look of joy 快乐的表情23.At the age of . 在.岁24.Decide to do sth. 决定做某事25.Try out 尝试26.Once a week 一周一次27.Go on a differe

9、nt journey 进行不同的旅行28.Come true 实现29.At the same time 同时30.Would like to do sth. 想做某事31.A dream job 梦想的工作32.Homeless people 无家可归的人33.Put up 张贴;搭建34.Hand out 分发35.Call up 打电话36.Put off 推迟37.Be busy with . 忙于.38.At least 至少39.Be worried about . 担心.40.In ones free time 在某人空闲时间41.A good way to do sth. 做某

10、事的好方法42.For example 例如43.Raise money 筹款44.Stop doing sth. 停止做某事45.Summer vacation 暑假Winter vacation 寒假46.Take after 长得像47.Fix up 修理48.Give away 分发49.Be similar to . 与.相似50.Write the letter to sb. 给某人写信51.Thank you for doing sth. 感谢做某事52.Set up 建造;建设53.Make it possible for sb. to do sth.对某人来说做某事有可能54

11、.Think about . 思考55.Normal things 正常的事56.Answer the telephone 接电话57.Be difficult for sb. 对某人来说很难58.A friend of mine 我的一个朋友59.Make a big difference to . 对.有影响60.Trained dog 训练犬61.Be excited about . 对.感到兴奋62.Be able to do sth. 能做某事63.Feel lucky to do 做某事感到幸运64.Give sb. orders 给出口令65.At once 立刻66.Chang

12、e ones life 改变某人生活67.Best wishes 最好的祝福68.Be free to do sth. 有空做某事69.Be strong in . 擅长70.Be interested in . 对.感兴趣Unit 31.Take. out of. 把.从.取出/带出2.Do the dishes 洗餐具3.Fold ones clothes 叠衣服4.Sweep the floor 扫地5.Make ones bed 铺床6.No problem. 没问题7.Go out for dinner 外出吃饭8.Go to the movies 去看电影9.Stay out la

13、te 晚归Stay up 熬夜10.Get a ride 搭车ride a bike 骑自行车11.Have to 不得不 (侧重客观因素)12.Eat breakfast = have breakfast 吃早饭13.use sth. to do sth. “使用某物做某事”14.Work on 从事;忙于15.Help out with . 帮助做.;处理;解决16.A few days “几天”17.At least 至少18.Finish doing sth. 完成做某事19.Two hours of TV 两小时的电视20.Be 形容词 + enough for sb. 对某人足够.

14、21.So much? 就这么多?22.Be back = come back 回来23.Any minute now 随时24.Be happy to do sth. 很高兴做某事25.make a mess 弄得一团糟26. Tidy . up 整理.27. Be angry about sth. 对某事生气28. Be angry with sb. 和某人生气29. Solve the problem 解决问题30. Come home from school 放学回家Come home from work 下班回家31.Throw down 扔下32. The moment + 从句 = as soon as + 从句 “一.就.”33. In front of . 在.的前面(外部)In the front of . 在.的前面(内部)34.Come over 过来;顺便来访35.Take a dog for a walk 遛狗36 Reply to sb. 回复某人37.All the time 一直38.All day = the whole day 一整天39.Shout back 大声回应40.Walk away 走开41.Neither did I



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