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1、英语 八年级上 Unit 6 Im going to study computer science 教学设计泸溪三中 刘前一、 教学内容1,了解有关职业的知识并学习相关的单词和短语2,学习一些学问职业的句型二、 知识目标1,能够掌握课标要求的词汇:cook, doctor, engineer, violinist, driver, pilot, pianist, scientist.2, 了解有关的职业英文表达,并运用所学的知识进行讨论。3,让学生会说自己和他人未来想从事的职业及其原因。三、 能力目标1,学生能够讨论自己未来想要从事的职业和相关的职业英文表达。2,能够熟练的运用两个问梦想的句型

2、四、情感目标1,加强学生对于自己未来梦想的表达和对梦想的坚持。2,加强学生对于英语学习的兴趣五 教学重点1,掌握新课标要求的重点单词和词组及其用法。此外,还需要掌握be going to 的用法。2,掌握以下两个重点句型:1)- What do you want to be when you grow up?- I wan to be a basketball player.2) - How are you going to do that?- Im going to practice basketball every day.六、 教学难点1,从图片中猜测出本职业的名字。2,口语对话练习课本

3、上的两个句型。七、 教学思路 本课主要涉及学生的未来职业。在授课之前先做一个小调查,询问他们未来想要从事的工作,从而导出本节课有关各种职业的英文单词。通过图片的展示,从而练习上面的两个句型。八、 教学准备 教师准备本课时中教材涉及的各种职业图片和PPT,教材中的听力练习所学要听力材料和多媒体设备。九、 教学过程Step 1 Greet the class T: Is everyone here today? Lets go on to learn Unit 6 Im going to study computer science. Step 2 Warming up (1a) First lo

4、ok at the pictures on the PPT. Ask students to guess what they can see in the blackboard. Each thought bubble shows what the person wants to be in the future;. Read each of the words to the class, and teach the new words. Ask students to complete activity 1a. Then check the answers. Divide the stude

5、nts into groups to discuss which job is the most interesting, and which job is least interesting. Ask each group t6o make a result report. Fill their answers into a form, and then rank the jobs from 1 to 12.Step 3 Presentation Let each group write a short article to show their answers. The activity

6、will help the students to know each other better, and to know which job is the most popular among st5udents.Step 4 Listening (1b) This activity provides listening practice with the target language. Read the instructions to the class. Point out the sample answer and read it to the class. Play the tap

7、e the first time, and ask students only listen. Then play the tape a second time, and ask students to draw lines connecting the jobs and the activities. Check the answers.Key: 1,b 2,c 3,d 4,aStep 5 Practice the conversation(1c) First ask two students to read the conversation in 1c. T: Now work with

8、a partner. Make your own conversations. As students talk, move around the classroom checking their work. Offer language assistance as needed. Then ask some pairs to present their conversations to the class.Step 6 listening 2 (2a & 2b) 2a Read the instructions and point to the pictures in 2a. Point t

9、othe white box on each picture. Play the tape the first time, and let students only listen. Then play the tape a second time, ask students to think about what Cheng Han teaching in the classroom.2b Read the instructions and point out the sample answer. Ask a student to read the sample question and t

10、he sample question and the sample answer to the class.Keys :What: Cheng Han is going to be a teacher.Where: Cheng Han is going to Shanghai.How: Cheng Han is going to learn how to teacher children.When:Cheng Han is going to finish high school and college first. Play the tape again. Ask students to wr

11、ite their answers in the chart.Step 7 Pair work (2c) First ask a student to read the sample conversation to the class. Point to the questions and answers in activity 2b. Make a conversation about Cheng Hans plans. As the pairs talk, move around the classroom checking their work. Offer language assis

12、tance as needed. After several minutes, ask a few pairs to present their conversations to the class.Step 8 Summary This class weve learnt some new words about jobs: programmer, engineer, pilot, professional, grow, etc. And weve learnt to talk about what you are going to be when you you grow up. Afte

13、r class you can think about what your ideal job is and how to make actual plans to make your dream come true.Step 9 Homework1, Finish the exercises in work book.2, Recite the conversation of 1c and make a similar conversation with your partner.板书设计Unit 6 Im going to study computer science1,words:Cook, doctor, engineer, violinist, driver, pilot, pianist, scientist.2, sentence:1)- What do you want to be when you grow up?- I wan to be a basketball player.3) - How are you going to do that?- Im going to practice basketball every day.教学反思:8


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