Unit4 Seeing the doctor 单元主题阅读“疾病与建议”小学英语五年级下册单元主题阅读译林版三起

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Unit4 Seeing the doctor 单元主题阅读“疾病与建议”小学英语五年级下册单元主题阅读译林版三起_第1页
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Unit4 Seeing the doctor 单元主题阅读“疾病与建议”小学英语五年级下册单元主题阅读译林版三起_第2页
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Unit4 Seeing the doctor 单元主题阅读“疾病与建议”小学英语五年级下册单元主题阅读译林版三起_第3页
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Unit4 Seeing the doctor 单元主题阅读“疾病与建议”小学英语五年级下册单元主题阅读译林版三起_第4页
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Unit4 Seeing the doctor 单元主题阅读“疾病与建议”小学英语五年级下册单元主题阅读译林版三起_第5页
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《Unit4 Seeing the doctor 单元主题阅读“疾病与建议”小学英语五年级下册单元主题阅读译林版三起》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit4 Seeing the doctor 单元主题阅读“疾病与建议”小学英语五年级下册单元主题阅读译林版三起(8页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、5B Unit4单元主题阅读“疾病与建议”A篇 完型填空【正文】Some of my classmates are not feeling 1 today. Tom eats a lot of sweets. He has a 2 , and he cant eat 3 . Jack has a headache. His mother asks him 4 and rest. 5 he cant come to school today. Peter is stressed out, 6 the exam is coming. Nancy has a 7 because she ate to

2、o much yesterday. She 8 feel like eating anything. Jim has a sore throat. He can drink some hot tea 9 honey. Lucy has a toothache too. She has to see 10 after school.【词汇积累】stressed out 焦虑不安; exam n. 考试; ate v. (eat 的过去式) 吃;yesterday n. 昨天; sore throat 喉咙痛; honey n. 蜂蜜。( ) 1Abad BwellCill( ) 2Aheadac

3、he Bstomachache (胃痛)Ctoothache( ) 3Asomething BanythingCnothing( ) 4Alie down (躺下) Blies downCto lie down( ) 5ASo BButCBecause( ) 6Abecause BwhenCthough( ) 7Aheadache BtoothacheCstomachache( ) 8Aisnt BshouldntCdoesnt( ) 9Aand BwithCin( ) 10Aher parents Ba dentistCher teacher【真题演练】B篇 阅读短文,选择正确的答案。【正文

4、】(2022五年级下江苏单元测试)Old John goes to see a doctor. The doctor sees him and says “Medicine cant help you. You must have a good rest. Go to a quiet place for a month. Go to bed early, drink some milk, walk a lot and smoke one cigar (抽雪茄) a day.”“Thank you very much” said old John “I can do everything you

5、 say.”Four weeks later old John comes to the doctor again. Well, says the doctor, I am glad to see you. You look much younger. Oh, doctor, says old John, I feel very well now, I have a good rest. I go to bed early, drink milk, walk a lot. Your advice helps me. But you ask me to smoke one cigar a day

6、, and it nearly (几乎) kills (杀) me. 【词汇积累】medicine n. 药物; have a good rest 好好休息;a quiet place 一个安静的地方; smoke v. 吸烟; glad adj. 高兴的; advice n. 建议;nearly adv.几乎;差不多; kill v. 杀。 ( ) 11The doctor _. Aasks John to take some medicine Basks John not to take some medicineCgives John some medicine ( ) 12Old Jo

7、hn _ four weeks later. Adoesnt Blooks youngerCis old ( ) 13Which one is true? AOld John smokes now.BOld John doesnt smoke now.COld John doesnt smoke one cigar a day. ( ) 14What does old John need? ASome medicine. BA lot of rest.CCigar. ( ) 15The doctors advice is _. Ahaving a rest Bdrinking some win

8、eCsmoking some cigarC篇 阅读短文,选择正确的答案。【正文】(2023五年级下江苏盐城期中)Medical Record (病历卡) Name: Tim Age:12Disease (疾病) toothacheSymptom (症状) teeth hurtSuggestions (建议) should brush his teeth in the morning and before bedtimeshouldnt eat too many sweets Medical Record (病历卡) Name: Mr WhiteAge:38Disease (疾病) backac

9、heSymptom (症状) cant move freelySuggestions (建议) should have a rest and take some medicine twice (两次) a dayshouldnt do any exercise (运动) Medical Record (病历卡) Name: Miss XuAge:55Disease (疾病) feverSymptom (症状) have a headache /temperature is 102Suggestions (建议) should have a rest at homeshould drink so

10、me warm water and take some medicine twice a day【词汇积累】Medical Record 病历卡; disease n. 疾病; symptom n. 症状;suggestion n. 建议; move freely 自由移动; twice a day 一天两次;do exercise 做运动; temperature n. 温度。 ( ) 16_ has a fever. ATimBMr WhiteCMiss Xu ( ) 17Tim should brush his teeth _ a day. Afour timesBtwiceCthree

11、 times ( ) 18_ should have a rest. AMr WhiteBMiss XuCBoth A and B ( ) 19Miss Xus temperature is _. A37B36. 8C39 ( ) 20Which of the following sentences is not right? ATim should brush his teeth in the morning and before bedtime.BMr White should ride a bike.CMiss Xu Should have a rest at home.D篇 阅读短文,

12、判断正(T)误(F)。【正文】(2023五年级下江苏淮安统考期末) Today is Saturday. It is fine. The students in Class 1, Grade 5 are going to the zoo. But Yang Hong is absent. Wang Gang calls her.Wang Gang: Hello. May I speak to Yang Hong?Yang Hong: This is Yang Hong speaking.Wang Gang: Why are you absent today? Yang Hong: Im ill

13、. I have a high fever.Wang Gang: Im sorry to hear that. Are you taking any medicine?Yang Hong: Yes.Wang Gang: Have a good rest. See you soon.Yang Hong: See you. 【词汇积累】absent adj. 缺席的;不在的; speak to sb. 和某人说话;have a high fever 高烧; have a good rest 好好休息;see you soon 回头见。 ( ) 21Its Sunday today. ( ) 22T

14、he students are going to the park. ( ) 23Wang Gang is absent today. He is ill. ( ) 24Wang Gang is calling Yang Ling. ( ) 25Yang Hong has a high fever. 【模拟冲刺】E篇 任务型阅读【正文】Today is Monday. Wang Bing is not at school. He has got a fever. Wang Bing and his mother are in the hospital. The _ says to Wang Bing, “Take so



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