Module 8 Unit1 Will you help me英语五年级下册分层作业外研版三起

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1、Module 8 Unit1 Will you help me2023-2024学年英语五年级下册同步分层作业设计系列(外研版三起)学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、 选择题。( )1What present can I _? What about a cake?AmakesBtakeCtakes( )2Sams mother and grandma _ Chinese. AisBamCare( )3Tom _ got a toy car. AhasBhavingChave( )4What did you do _? I played football.AyesterdayBtodayCto

2、morrow( )5Tomorrow is my _ birthday. AmotherBmothersCmothers( )6His mother is _. AChinaBChineseCEngland( )7Will you help me? _.AYes, he willBI think soCOf course I will( )8Ill make a paper fish _ her. AinBforCat( )9_ you go to the library tomorrow? AWillBDoesCAre( )10Kates mother is _. AchangeBChina

3、CChinese二、 给下列句子或对话选择对应的图片。ABCDE.F.( )11Im going to visit my grandparents tomorrow. ( )12Your brother will love this kite. ( )13Will you play football tomorrow? Yes, I will. ( )14Mum will make a cake for me. ( )15I think hes got a toy train. ( )16What are you going to write on the kite? I am going t

4、o write the Chinese word for “cat” on the kite. 三、 选词填空。Of about on in for17Ben is going to visit his cousin London.18What a toy bear?Good idea!19I can write the English word it.20Will you help me? course, I will.21Bill wants to buy a present his cousin.四、 用所给单词的适当形式填空。22Im going to (visit) Mr Smith

5、 in Beijing.23He has (get) a dragon kite.24My parents are (China).25Tomorrow is my (brother) birthday.26Mike will (play) basketball this afternoon.五、 根据图片提示提出问题。27 Yes, I will.28Will you play football tomorrow? 29What will you do next Monday? 30What will you do next Sunday? 六、 连词成句。31is, That, idea,

6、 great, a (!) 32be, will, it, in, windy, Lingxian (?) 33It, Chinese, a, is, dragon, (.) 34about, What, a, toy, car, (?) 35His, mother, grandma, are, and, Chinese, (.) 七、 补全对话。AI want to buy some chocolate for her.BShe likes playing with dogs.CWhat presents can we buy for the children?DWhat about buy

7、ing a toy car for him?EAnd eating too much chocolate is bad for her teeth.Dad: The Spring Festival is coming soon. 36 Mum: Mingming likes toys. 37 Dad: Thats a good idea. And what about Lily? 38 Mum: But she has got some chocolate. 39 Dad: Hmm, what present can I buy?Mum: What about a pet dog? 40 Da

8、d: Great! Lets go shopping.八、 阅读短文,完成下列任务。Today is Friday. Tomorrow is Mrs Smarts birthday. It will be sunny and warm tomorrow. Her children will buy presents for her. Sam will make a birthday card for her and he will write “Happy Birthday!” on it. Amy wants to buy a hat for her. But Mrs Smart has g

9、ot lots of beautiful hats. Sam says, “What about a big birthday cake? Its nice to eat.” Amy also thinks thats a good idea. But Tom wants to buy a Chinese dictionary for her. He thinks his mother is learning Chinese. Its useful for her. Linda will make a dragon kite for her because Mrs Smart likes fl

10、ying kites. I think they will have a great birthday.41阅读短文,将人物与所准备的礼物连线。(1) Amy(2) Sam(3) Tom(4) Lindaa. b. c. d. 42阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。( )(1) Mrs Smart is learning Chinese. ( )(2) This Saturday is Mr Smarts birthday. ( )(3) Mrs Smarts children will buy an English dictionary for her. 43阅读短文,回答问题。(1) Wil

11、l it be windy and sunny tomorrow? (2) Will they have a happy birthday? 参考答案:1B2C3A4A5B6B7C8B9A10C11C 12D 13E 14B 15A 16F17in 18about 19on 20Of 21for22visit23got24Chinese25brothers26play27Will you read a book tomorrow?28No, I wont.29I will go to school.30I will go to the zoo.31That is a great idea!32Will it be windy in Lingxian?33It is a Chinese dragon.34What about a toy car?35His mother and grandma are Chinese.36C 37D 38A 39E 40B411-4 badc 42T F F 43No, it wont. Yes, they will.


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