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1、Unit8三步法写过生日 写作思路主题:本单元围绕“描写生日活动”开头:My birthday is in. Its in.介绍生日日期中间:On that day, I usually. I eat.I share. My friends usually.介绍生日活动结尾:I am so happy.表达感情知识储备一、词组1.on the eleventh of May在五月十一日2.Su Yangs birthday 苏阳的生日3.on your birthday 在你生日这一天4.have a big dinner 吃一顿丰盛的晚餐,吃一顿大餐5.cat some noodles 吃一

2、些而条6.after that 在那之后7.play with Kity 和凯蒂一起玩8.have a great tine 玩得开心9.on the eighth of April 在四月八日10.have a party at home 在家举办一场聚会11.eo to buy a birthday cake 去买一个生日蛋糕12.cat the birthday cake 吃生日蛋糕13.play some games 玩些游戏14. have a lot of fun 玩得开心15.work in the city 在城里工作16.tall and pretty 又高又漂亮17.peo

3、ple in the west 两方人18.open their presents 打开他们的礼物19. write about your birthday 写你的生日20.aheroinaplay 在戏剧里的一个英雄21.see some numbers 看到一些数字22.some numbers on the door门上的一些数字23.be easy for me 对我来说很简单24.be good at Maths 擅长数学25.have the answers 有了等案26.the fourth number 第四个数字27.go in 进去28.start fighting 开始打

4、仗29.run away 选走me out from a room 从一个房间里出来31.Thank you so much.非常感谢32.a birthday card一张生日贺卡33.Happy Birthday!生日快乐!34.go shopping (do some shopping)去购物35.your parents birthdays 你父母的生日36.on these days 在这些天二、句型1.Whensyour birthday, SuHai?你的生日是什么时候,苏海?2Its on the eleventh of May.在5月1日。3.Its also Su Yang

5、s birthday.它也是苏阳的生日。4.What do you do on your birthday?在你生日的时候你做些什么?S We usually have a big dinner with our parents and grandparents.我们通常和我们的父母和祖父母一起吃大餐。6.Afer that, we play with Kitty the cat.在那之后,我们和猫凯蒂一起玩。7.We always have a party at home.我们总是在家里举办聚会。8.Then, my friends come in the afternoon.然后,我的朋友

6、们下午来。9. We eat the birthday cake together and play some games.我们一起吃生日蛋糕和玩些游戏10.We have a lot of fun! 我们玩地很高兴!11.People in the West usually open their presents as soon as they receive them.西方人通常在他们一收到礼物就打开礼物。12.How can I open the door?我怎样才能打开这扇门?13.Is this the password?这是密码吗?14.Thatseasyforme.那对我来说很简

7、单。15. The first number is six, The second number is three.第一个数字是六。 第二个数字是三。16.Then,a cat comes out from a room.然后,一只猫从一个房间里出来。17.What a play!真戏剧性啊!18.When are your parents birthdays? 你父母亲的生日是什么时候?19.Whats the date today?= What date is it today?今天是几号?三、知识点1.序数词及其缩写形式1. first(lst) 2.second(2nd) 3. thi

8、rd(3rd)4. fourth(4th) 5. fifth(5th) 6.sixth(6th)7.seventh(7th) 8. eighth(8th)9. ninth(9th)10.tenth(l0th) 11.twelfth(12th) 12.fheenth(15th)13.eighteenth(l8th) 14.twentieth(20th) 15.twenty-frst(2lst)16.twenty-second(22nd) 17. twenty-third(23rd) 18.thirtieth(30th)19.fortieth(40th) 20.ffieth(50th) 21.si

9、xtieth(60th)22.seventieth(70th)23.eightieth(80th)24.ninetieth(90th)25.thirty-third(33rd)26.forty-fourth(44th)27.ninety-ninth(99th)28.one hundredth(100th)2.What date is it 和 Whens的句型区别(1)What date is it today?=Whats the date today?用于询问日期,意为今天几号。其答句结构为:Its + the+日期(序数词)+of 十月份。如:What date is it today?

10、Its the second of June.今天是几号?今天是六月二日。(2)Whens.用于询间在何时,意为何时是.其答句为:Its +on +the+日期(字数词)+of 十月份。如:Whens your birthday? 何时是你的生日?Its on the second of June.在六月二日。3.日期的表达方式(1)月份只有在与日期一起使用时才采用缩写,一般不单独使用。(2)缩写形式:书写时,可以省略序数词前的te和后面的-st,-nd,-rd,-th等,如:1(st) Oct, Oct. l(st)。但读仍要完整读作 the first of October或 Octobe

11、r(the) frst.4.After that, we play with Kitty the cat.(1)the cat 是 Kitty 的同位语,对前者做进一步解释。如:Miss Li, our teacher, is very nice. This is Tom, my brothers friend(2)play with 可以表示“玩、玩弄”的意思,后面+具体的名词。区别与play+球类,play the+乐器。如:play with the ball 玩那个球play with them 和他们一起玩play tennis 打网球play basketball 打篮球play

12、the piano 弹钢琴play the violin 拉小提琴 实战演练题目一:你过生日是什么时候呢?你会做些什么呢?请以“My birthday”为题写一篇作文。参考词汇:January一月February二月March三月Apri.四月 May五月June六月July七月August八月September九月October十月November十一月December 十二月at home在家dance跳舞 play games打游戏make a wish许愿 sing the birthday song唱生日歌eat noodles/a birthday cake吃面条/生日蛋糕参考句型

13、:My birthday is in.I will have a birthday party.The party will start at. I will.Well have a good time.范文:My birthdayMy birthday is in April. I will have a birthday party at home. The party will start at 7:00 p.m. I will invite some friends to the party. We will sing the birthday song and eat a birth

14、day cake. It sounds like a lot of fun. Well have a good time.题目二:你过生日是什么时候呢?你会做些什么呢?请以“My birthday”为题写一篇作文。参考词汇:January一月February二月March三月Apri.四月 May五月June六月July七月August八月September九月October十月November十一月December 十二月birthday present生日礼物birthday cake生日贺卡play games打游戏参考句型:My birthday is on the.I have a

15、big birthday party. They.I make a. We also play.We have a good time.范文:My birthdayMy birthday is on the eighth of April. Its a sunny day. I have a big birthday party at home. Many friends come to my home. They give me a lot of birthday presents. We sing and dance. I make a wish and share the birthday cake with my friends. We also play games together. We have a good time.题目三:你过生日是什么时



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