Unit5 Part B Read and writeLet’s checkLet’s singStory time英语四年级下册分层作业人教PEP

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《Unit5 Part B Read and writeLet’s checkLet’s singStory time英语四年级下册分层作业人教PEP》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit5 Part B Read and writeLet’s checkLet’s singStory time英语四年级下册分层作业人教PEP(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit5 Part B Read and write&Lets check&Lets sing&Story time2023-2024学年英语四年级下册同步分层作业设计系列(人教PEP版)学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、 选出每组单词中不同类的一项。( )1AshortBsockCclothes( )2AawayBpackCoff( )3AheBmineCyours( )4AblueBgreenCsweater( )5AcarrotBcoatCdress二、 按要求写出下列单词对应形式。6dress(复数) 7skirts(单数) 8these(单数) 9that(复数) 10Sarah

2、(名词所有格) 11Wu Binbin(名词所有格) 三、 单选题。12Are these your coats? _AYes, they are.BThey are my sisters.CYes, it is.13_ sweater is this? It is Lucys.AWhatBWhoCWhose14Its hot outside. Put on your _. AshortsBjacketCsweater15_ is your dress? Its red.AWhat colourBWhereCWhose16Is this Mikes T-shirt? No, it isnt.

3、Its _.AyourBJackCJacks四、 用所给单词的适当形式填空。17These are Wu Binbins (pant).18I love (wear) my blue socks.19This green skirt is (John).20Its hot and (sun) outside. Put on your hat.21 (her) has a new skirt. Its cool.五、 选词填空。22Are these shoes (your / yours)?23Are these Kates blue (pant / pants)?24These (is /

4、are) Helens socks.25Is this (my / mine)?26Its hot today. You can wear your (T-shirt / sweater).27They are (John / Johns) shoes.六、 给下列图片选择相应的对话并涂色。AMum, wheres my red sweater?Oh, its on your bedBWhat colour are your shorts?Theyre blue.CLook, this is my new green T-shirt.How nice!DAre those your shoes

5、?Let me see. Yes, theyre my shoes. I like black shoes.( )28( )29( )30( )31七、 改错题。32Who sweater is this? (找出句子中的错误并改正) 改成 33They are my brother shirts. (找出句子中的错误并改正) 改成 34These pants is old. (找出句子中的错误并改正) 改成 35Is that your fathers coat?Yes, that is. (找出句子中的错误并改正) 改成 36The dress is he mothers. (找出句子中的

6、错误并改正) 改成 八、 补全对话。AWhose pants are these?BWhose dress is this?CIs this yours?DAre those your sweaters?EThey are my mothers.A: 37 B: Its my sisters.A: And those? 38 B: No, they arent. 39 A: I like this red skirt. 40 B: Yes, it is.A: Look at these blue pants. They are big. 41 B: They are my fathers.九、

7、 阅读对话,判断对错,对的写“T”,错的写“F”。Linda: Mary, is this your English book?Mary: No, its not mine. My English book is in my schoolbag. Maybe its Jims. Linda: Jim, is this your English book?Jim: My English book has a yellow cover, but this one has a red cover. Jerry cant find his English book, so he asks John.

8、Jerry: John, I cant find my English book. Can I borrow yours? John: Sorry, I need it now. You can ask Linda. Jerry: Linda, can I borrow your English book?Linda: Where is yours?Jerry: I cant find it. Its not in my schoolbag. Linda: Is this yours?Jerry: Yes, it is. Thank you very much.( )42Marys Engli

9、sh book is in the desk. ( )43Jims English book has a yellow cover. ( )44John wants to borrow an English book from Jerry. ( )45Jerry cant find his English book. ( )46This English book is Johns. 参考答案:1C 2B 3A 4C 5A6dresses 7skirt 8this 9those 10Sarahs 11Wu Binbins12A13C14A15A16C17pants18wearing/to wear19Johns20sunny21She22yours23pants24are25mine26T-shirt27Johns28B,涂蓝色 29C,涂绿色 30A,涂红色 31D,涂黑色32Who Whose33brother brothers34is are35that it36he his37B 38D 39E 40C 41A42F 43T 44F 45T 46F


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