Module 10 Unit2 I’m in New York now英语五年级下册分层作业外研版三起

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《Module 10 Unit2 I’m in New York now英语五年级下册分层作业外研版三起》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Module 10 Unit2 I’m in New York now英语五年级下册分层作业外研版三起(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Module 10 Unit2 Im in New York now2023-2024学年英语五年级下册同步分层作业设计系列(外研版三起)学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、 选词填空,补全对话。What Who When How Where1 are you going to the airport?At 7 oclock.2 are you going?I am going to Beijing.3 are you going to Beijing?I am going by train.4 are you going to do there? I am going to climb th

2、e mountain.5 is going to Shanghai?Amy is going to Shanghai.二、 选择题。( )6Daming _ a bus _ his home last night. Atook; toBmake; inCmade; for( )7There is some new food _, new people _. Aeat; to meetBto eat; to meetCeating; meeting( )8When did you arrive there? _ALast Sunday.BNext summer.CTomorrow morning

3、.( )9There are _ cars and people in New York. Alots ofBa lotClot of( )10I want _ more about the US. AfindBfinding outCto find out( )11How can I go to the farm? You can _ a taxi.AtakeBbyCgo( )12I want to _ a present for my cousin. AtakeBtakingCto take( )13This little girl can _ English. AspeakBtalksC

4、say( )14Those Americans _ English. AtellBaskCspeak( )15_ met Daming at the airport? Grandma.AWhereBWhatCWho三、 选出每组中不同类的单词。( )16AsayBarrivedCmet( )17AhowBwhenCsaw( )18AgotBtaxiCbus( )19AairportBpetCbus station( )20AspeakBEnglishCChinese四、 选择与图片匹配的句子,写在相应的横线上。(有两句多余)Mingmings family are making the tra

5、velling plan(旅行计划) to Sanya.We are going to swim in the sea.My family will ride bikes there.Were going to take a yellow taix.We are going to take photos.We will take clothes and tickets.Were going to Sanya by plane.The food there is delicious.21 22 23 24 25 五、 句型转换。26Im going to sing a song. (用we改写)

6、 going to sing a song.27My uncle met me at the airport. (对画线部分提问) met you at the airport?28My mother is going there at five oclock. (对画线部分提问) your mother going there?29Linda can speak Chinese well. (改为一般疑问句) Linda Chinese well?30Im going to the airport. (对画线部分提问) you going?六、 选择合适的单词填空,补全短文。Im Lucy.

7、 I am in Beijing 31 (with / and) my family now. We 32 (were / are) all happy. Beijing is a beautiful city. There are many tall 33 (building / buildings) and cars. We are going to 34 (visit / visited) the Great Wall 35 (tomorrow / yesterday). And we are going to Beijing Zoo. Because I like animals. T

8、hen we will visit 36 (my / I) grandma. She is in Beijing. We will 37 (taking / take) a present for her. We will have a 38 (lovely / love) time in Beijing.七、 阅读短文,选择正确的答案。Dear Mum and Dad,Im in New York now. I arrived here yesterday. Im very happy. Grandma and Cousin Simon met me at the airport. We t

9、ook a yellow taxi to their home. New York is very beautiful. There are lots of tall buildings, cars and people. Grandma made Chinese food for me. But I want to try American food. I want to find out more about the US. I will write again soon. Love,Daming( )39Who did Daming write this letter to? AHis

10、parents.BHis grandma.CSimon.( )40How did Daming go to the US? ABy bus.BBy taxi.CBy plane.( )41When did Daming arrive in New York? AThis morning.BYesterday.CThis afternoon.( )42What food did Grandma make for Daming? AAmerican food.BEnglish food.CChinese food.( )43Where is Daming now? ABC参考答案:1When 2W

11、here 3How 4What 5Who6A7B8A9A10C11A12C13A14C15C16A 17C 18A 19B 20A21Were going to Sanya by plane. 22We are going to take photos. 23We will take clothes and tickets. 24My family will ride bikes there. 25The food there is delicious.26We are27Who28When is29Can speak30Where are31with 32are 33buildings 34visit 35tomorrow 36my 37take 38lovely39A 40C 41B 42C 43C


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