Unit5 Part A Let’ s learn Look, say and complete英语五年级下册分层作业人教PEP

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《Unit5 Part A Let’ s learn Look, say and complete英语五年级下册分层作业人教PEP》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit5 Part A Let’ s learn Look, say and complete英语五年级下册分层作业人教PEP(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit5 Part A Let s learn Look, say and complete2023-2024学年英语五年级下册同步分层作业设计系列(人教PEP版)学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、 观察表格,按规律写单词。I 1 minehehis 2 3 herherswe 4 oursyouyour 5 they 6 theirs二、 选择题。( )7_ rabbits are these? Theyre Peters.AWhoBWhoseCWhich( )8_ storybooks are these? These are _.AWhose; mineBWhos; myCWhose

2、; my( )9These books are _. AMikeBMikesCMikes( )10The blue bag is _. AhersBherCshe( )11Amys pens _ on the desk. AisBamCare( )12_ dog is that? AWhoBWhoseCWhat( )13The picture _ Hangzhou is pretty. AonBofCwith( )14_ books yours? Yes, they are.AIs thisBThese areCAre these( )15This is Amys skirt. Its _.

3、AhersBhisCshe( )16This classroom is _. AweBmyCours三、 选词填空。your mine their hers his our17This is Johns story book. The story book is .18That is Amys dog. The dog is .19These are rabbits. These rabbits are theirs.20This is computer. The computer is yours.21This is my bag. The bag is .22Look! This is c

4、lassroom. The classroom is ours.四、 用所给单词的适当形式填空。23 (who) is it?Its Amys. She likes the pen so much.24 (be) the storybook yours? It is very interesting.25That isnt his dog. The dog is (she).26Look at those books. They are (our).27These beautiful flowers are (your).五、 选择与句子对应的图片。A B C D( )28Look! The

5、cat is his. ( )29There are some pictures on the table. They are theirs. ( )30What a big house! Its hers. ( )31The lovely dog is Li Mings. 六、 选择合适的答语。AYes, it is.BIts under the tree.CTheyre the rabbits.DTheyre eating bamboo.E. Its sleeping.( )32Where is it? ( )33Whats the dog doing? ( )34What are the

6、y doing? ( )35Is it jumping? ( )36Whose carrots are these? 七、 选词填空,补全对话。(一)yoursmymineA: Where is 37 ruler? I cant find it. B: Lock! There is a red ruler under the desk. Is that 38 ? A: Yes, its 39 . Thank you.(二)theirsWhoseHis A: Heres a white cat. 40 cat is this? B: I think its Mikes. 41 is white.

7、 A: Oh Is that Tom and Jims cat? B: Yes, its 42 .(三)herthesehers A: Whose books are 43 ? B: They are 44 .A: Oh, they are 45 books.八、 每周的照片分享日又到了,看看同学们都带来哪些照片。阅读短文,完成下列任务。Hello, Im Lily. There is a picture show in our classroom. There are four pictures on the desk. The picture of Beijing is mine. Tha

8、t picture of Shanghai is Amys. Look at this picture. Its Mikes. Its about Hainan. And that picture is Toms. He draws a picture about Harbin. The children are making a snowman.46阅读短文,给照片找到主人。(1) (2) (3) (4) 47阅读短文,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。( )(1) There are four pictures on the chair. ( )(2) The picture of Beiji

9、ng is Lilys. ( )(3) Mikes picture is about Hainan. ( )(4) Tom draws a picture about Harbin. ( )(5) In Toms picture, the children are playing basketball. 看图,照例子,写对话。例: Whose dog is this?Its Marys.Ah! The dog is hers.48 49 50 参考答案:1my 2his 3she 4our 5yours 6their7B8A9C10A11C12B13B14C15A16C17his 18hers

10、 19their 20your 21mine 22our23Whose24Is25hers26ours27yours28D 29C 30B 31A32B 33E 34D 35A 36C37my 38yours 39mine40Whose 41His 42theirs43these 44hers 45her46Lilys Amys Mikes Toms 47F T T T F48Whose duck is this? Its Mikes. Ah! The duck is his. 49Whose cat is this? Its John and Toms. Ah! The cat is theirs. 50Whose pens are these? Theyre Bob and Lucys. Ah! The pens are theirs.


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