Unit6 Part B Read and writeLet’s checkLet’s singStory time英语四年级下册分层作业人教PEP

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《Unit6 Part B Read and writeLet’s checkLet’s singStory time英语四年级下册分层作业人教PEP》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit6 Part B Read and writeLet’s checkLet’s singStory time英语四年级下册分层作业人教PEP(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit6 Part B Read and write&Lets check&Lets sing&Story time2023-2024学年英语四年级下册同步分层作业设计系列(人教PEP版)学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、 选择题。( )1What are these? They are _.AdressBsunglassesCa hen( )2The blue shoes are nice. Can I try _ on? Sure. Here you are.AitBtheyCthem( )3I have _ umbrella. Its very nice. AaBanCtwo( )4

2、The dress is nice and _. I will take it. AcheapBexpensiveCgood( )5_ are these shirts? Theyre 16 dollars.AHowBHow muchCHow many( )6_ do you like this jacket? Its pretty.AHowBWhatCWho( )7The dress is nice. Can I try them _? AupBonCdown( )8How do you like the shirt? _AIts $20.BIts mine.CIts pretty.( )9

3、_ do you like the shoes? Theyre just right.AHowBWhenCWhat( )10This dress is $500. Its too _. AsmallBexpensiveCcheap二、 选择恰当的单词完成句子。AumbrellaBscarfCsunglassesDglovesEpants11This is a . We put it around our neck.12Its rainy. You should take the .13We put on the to keep our hands warm.14Its hot and sunn

4、y, so I put on my .15These are too long for me.三、 用所给单词的适当形式填空。16The gloves (be) nice. Can I try (they) on?17Excuse me. Are those gloves (your)?18Are (this) sunglasses Mikes?19How many (hat) do you have?20I can try (they) on.四、 选择合适的答语。AYes, I want a pen.BIts 99 yuan.CTheyre 78 yuan.DSize six.ETheyr

5、e purple.( )21How much is the pink dress? ( )22What size are your shoes? ( )23What colour are your socks? ( )24How much are the black pants? ( )25Can I help you? 五、 连词成句。26how, are, those, shoes, big, much, (?)27you, do, like, skirt, How, this, (?)28I, them, on, try, Can (?)29this,much,How,is,scarf(

6、?) 30I,Can,on,them,try (?)六、 翻译题。31当然。Of .32雨伞也便宜。 are cheap, .33它们非常便宜!They are very !34今天所有的太阳镜和手套都是5元!Today all and are five !35那好贵!Thats too !七、 补全对话。ACan I try it on?BIll take it.CCan I try on the yellow dress?DHow about the blue one?ECan I help you?Assistant: 36 Mary:Yes. The yellow skirt is s

7、o nice. 37 Size 9, please. Assistant: Sure. Here you are. Mary: Oh, no! Its too small. Assistant: Oh. This is the only yellow skirt in our shop. 38 Mary: I dont like blue. 39 Assistant: Of course. Mary: Its just right. And its nice, too. 40 八、 阅读故事,完成下列任务。一起来看看Mother Monkey给Baby Monkey买了什么礼物。(M=Moth

8、er Monkey B=Baby Monkey) M: Tomorrow is your birthday. Lets go and buy some clothes. B: Great! I like new clothes. Shop assistant(商店导购员) : Welcome! Can I help you? M: Yes. How much is this coat? Shop assistant: Its $95. M: OK. Try it on, baby. B: No. I like this dress. M: Its too cold. Lets buy a co

9、at. B: No, no! I like this dress. M: OK. Try it on, baby. B: Great!. Mum, is it pretty? Ah-choo!M: It is pretty. But put on this new coat, too. B: OK, Mum. I love you. M: I love you, too.41阅读故事,判断正(T)误(F)。( )(1) The coat is 90. ( )(2) Mother Monkey loves Baby Monkey. ( )(3) The dress is pretty. ( )(

10、4) Baby Monkey is very happy. 42阅读故事,选择正确的答案。( )(1) Baby Monkey wants to buy _.Aa dressBa coatCa short( )(2) Mother Monkey buys _ for Baby Monkey. Aa coatBa dressCA and B( )(3) Tomorrow is _ birthday. AMother MonkeysBBaby MonkeysCshop assistants( )(4) It is very _ today. AhotBcoldCwarm参考答案:1B2C3B4A5B6A7B8C9A10B11B 12A 13D 14C 15E16are them17yours18these19hats20them21B 22D 23E 24C 25A26How much are those big shoes?2728293031course32Umbrellas too33cheap34sunglasses gloves yuan35expensive36E 37A 38D 39C 40B41F T T T 42A C B B


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