2024-2025学年部编版小学英语(人教PEP)3年级英语上册unit5《Let's eat》单元检测及答案(含听力原文)

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2024-2025学年部编版小学英语(人教PEP)3年级英语上册unit5《Let's eat》单元检测及答案(含听力原文)_第1页
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2024-2025学年部编版小学英语(人教PEP)3年级英语上册unit5《Let's eat》单元检测及答案(含听力原文)_第2页
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2024-2025学年部编版小学英语(人教PEP)3年级英语上册unit5《Let's eat》单元检测及答案(含听力原文)_第3页
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2024-2025学年部编版小学英语(人教PEP)3年级英语上册unit5《Let's eat》单元检测及答案(含听力原文)_第4页
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2024-2025学年部编版小学英语(人教PEP)3年级英语上册unit5《Let's eat》单元检测及答案(含听力原文)_第5页
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《2024-2025学年部编版小学英语(人教PEP)3年级英语上册unit5《Let's eat》单元检测及答案(含听力原文)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2024-2025学年部编版小学英语(人教PEP)3年级英语上册unit5《Let's eat》单元检测及答案(含听力原文)(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、综合全练全测听力部分(40分)一、听一听,给下列图片按(AF)排序。(18分)1. 2. 3. 4. () () () ()5. 6. () ()二、听一听,选出你所听到的句子。(12分)()1.A.Id like bread and juice. B.Id like bread and eggs.()2.A.Can I have some water,please? B.Can I have some milk,please?()3.A.Drink the water. B.Drink the juice.()4.A.Eat some fish. B.Eat some rice.()5.A.

2、Cut the cake. B.Cut the bread.()6.A.Have some fish. B.Have some bread.三、听一听,给下列句子按(AE)排序。(10分)()1.Im hungry.()2.Have some cake.()3.Thank you.()4.Here you are.()5.You are welcome.笔试部分(60分)四、给下列单词选择相应的图片。(16分)1.milk A. 2.water B. 3.bread C. 4.fish D. 5.cake E. 6.rice F. 7.juice G. 8.egg H. 五、单项选择。(8分)

3、()1.Id chicken.A.am B.like C.are()2.Can I some water?A.have B.look C.head()3.Have bread.A.a B.an C.some()4.Have some milk.A.Im fine. B.Here you are. C.Thank you.六、为下列句子选择恰当的答语。(8分)()1.Id like some juice. ()2.Thank you.()3.Can I have some eggs? ()4.Look at my dog.七、为下列句子选择正确的译文。(16分)1.Can I have some

4、 milk?A.我能买些牛奶吗? B.请给我些牛奶好吗?2.Here you are.A.你好吗? B.给你。3.Id like some juice,please.A.请给我些果汁。 B.喝些果汁吧!4.Im hungry.A.我饿了。 B.我渴了。八、根据情景选择恰当的选项。(12分)1.现在是早晨,Sarah去Mr Black那儿看病,她应该说:A.Good morning,Mr Black. B.Good afternoon,Mr Black.C.Whats your name? D.Who are you?2.看过病后,Mr Black告诉Sarah要多喝水,他应该说:A.I lik

5、e water,Sarah. B.Have some water,Sarah.C.I like juice,Sarah. D.Have some milk,Sarah.3.Sarah想向Mr Black道别,她应该说:A.Thank you. B.Id like some bread.C.Eat some rice. D.Goodbye!听力原文一、A.fishBriceCeggDcake EmilkFbread二、1.Id like bread and eggs. 2Can I have some water,please? 3Drink the water.4Eat some fish. 5Cut the cake. 6Have some bread.三、Chen Jie:Im hungry.Tom:Have some cake.Tom:Here you are. Chen Jie:Thank you.Tom:You are welcome.答案详解一、1.C2.E3.D4.A5.F6.B二、1.B2.A3.A4.A5.A6.B三、1.A2.B3.D4.C5.E四、1.E2.D3.B4.A5.G 6F7.C8.H五、1.B2.A3.C4.C六、1.A2.D3.B4.C 七、1.B2.B3.A4.A 八、1.A2.B3.D


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