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1、 实用翻译教程,刘季春,中山大学出版社翻译练习答案(仅供参考)P451.Thestereoradioisnowastandardfeature.立体收音功能现在已经是一种标准功能了。2.Ifwateriscoldenough,itchangestoice.水温降到一定程度就会结成冰。3. Thereiscluetotheidentityofthemurderer. 没有确定窃贼身分的线索。4. Lowertemperaturesareassociatedwithlowergrowthrate.温度一降低,生长速度就会慢下来。5. Wehadbarelydroppedofftosleepwhen



4、largreenvalleystorichagriculturalplainswherelifecontinuesasithasdoneforcenturies.景色随着山峦的起伏而不断变换着,覆盖着浓密森林的山丘一直延伸到肥沃的农业平原,在那里生活如其千百年来的样子延续着。P1021. 银行拒绝给该公司提供新的贷款The bank refuses to provide loan again to this company2. 一有新货,我们即与贵方联系We will contact you as soon as new goods arrive 3. 随函附上装船单据副本,请查收Attach

5、ed is the copy of shipping documents, please check 4. 我们相信,你方定会见票即付We believe you will certainly draw at sight5. 请将信用证修改为“在广州议付”Please revise the L/C to “negotiate in Guangzhou”6. 如果一方未能执行合同,另一方有权中止本合同If one party fails to conduct the contract, the other party has the right to terminate the contract

6、.7. 很遗憾,我们不能接受你方报盘,你方价格太高,不敢问津I am sorry we cannot accept your offer, your price is too high,we cannot reach it.8. 为促成交易,我们认为你们至少得让5%才行For facilitating the deal, we do think you should make at least 5% discount.9. 我们的支付条款是保兑的、不可撤销的信用证,凭即期汇票支付Our payment term is confirmed and irrevocable letter of cr

7、edit, by sight payment.(drawing at sight)10. 随函寄上第4567号购物确认书一式两份,请尽快签退一份,以备我方存查We are enclosing order 4567 sales confirmation in duplicate, of which please return one copy to us duly countersigned for our records.1. Betweentwohighcliffsrunsaswiftstream.急流飞泻于悬崖之间。2.Weshallregardasapersonalfavoranyhel

8、pyoullgiveMr.Chadwick.任何你将你给予Mr.Chadwick的帮助我们会把它当做人情。3. Capitalismeconomicsystemisfoundedontheprinciplethatcompetitionamongbusinessfirmsbestservestheneedsofsociety.资本主义经济制度建立在企业之间的竞争最好地服务于社会的需求的原则上。4.Theyspokeinsmotheredwhispers,asthoughthenightwerelistening.(EdithWharaton:EthanFrome)他们说话的声音低得不能再低,好

9、像怕黑夜也在偷听。5. Likeeverycommander,Fatherexpectedinstantobedience,andhewishedtodealwithtrainedtroops.(ClarenceDay:LifewithFather)像每个指挥官一样,父亲期望的是快速的服从,而且他渴望着指挥受过训练的军队。6. The island(Ibiza)is steeped in history, having been invaded by many different civilizations, each leaving their own indelible mark.伊比沙岛

10、充满历史气息,曾经被许多不同文明入侵,并留下了它们不可磨灭的印记。7. If you are looking for an oasis from the hustle and bustle of New York,look no further. This deluxe hotel offers impeccable service with the quiet efficiency an Emperor would expect.如果你想在喧闹繁华的纽约找一处舒适的地方,那么不必找了。这个高级酒店能为您提供皇帝都想要的快捷周到的服务。8. He (Gorge Moore) learned t

11、o write sentences that fall away on the ear with a misty languor and it delighted him so much that he could never have enough of it.(W.Somerset Maugham:Lucidity,Simplicity, Euphony)乔治.摩尔学着写一些听起来朦胧柔情的句子,乐此不疲9. Byzantine art is an acquired taste and probably not one in ten of the visitors has acquired

12、 it. They wander into the church and look around aimlessly.(Nancy Mitford:The Water Beetle)欣赏拜占庭艺术需要一种后天获得的品味,恐怕不到十分之一的游客能拥有它。大多数人漫步在教堂,只是漫无目的的四处张望。10. Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind;it is not a matter of rosy cheeks,red lips and supple knees; it is a matter of the will, a qualit

13、y of the imagination, a vigor of the emotions; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life.(Samuel Ullman :Youth )青春不是年华,而是心境;青春不是桃面,丹唇,柔膝,而是深沉的意志,恢宏的想象,炽热的感情;青春是生命的源泉在不息的涌流。P128试将下列英语句子译成汉语,注意词量的增减1. If once virtue is lost,all is lost丧失了道德,便丧失了一切2. We think the business mainly depends on your p

14、rice我们认为生意能否成交,主要取决于你方价格3. What we concerned about is the availability of your product我们所关心的是能否获得你方供货4. If you confer a benefit, never remember it; if you receive one,remember it always施恩勿记,受恩勿忘5. My work, my family, my friends were more than enough to fill my time工作啦,家务啦,朋友啦,这些就够我忙的了6. The man was wearing a black suit, a pair if black shoes, a black bears, and a troubled look那人黑衣,黑鞋,黑胡须,黑着一副脸7. Should you fail in your obligations, we shall be compelled to cancel the order 若你方未能履行义务,我们将被迫撤销订单8. We leave it to you to suggest a solution as we have full confidence in your fairness我们完全信任你方办事公正,



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