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1、Module 7 CommunityHe cant see.一、教学目标: 1、知识目标:学习句型:He/She/These firemen cant2、能力目标:能运用can, cant谈论能力。3、情感目标培养学生对动物的热爱,树立学生的爱心意识。二、教学重点 1、句型结构:He/She/These firemen cant三、教学难点 通过can, cant能够熟练表达能力。四、辅助资源录音机、磁带、单词卡片、图片、PPT.一、复习单词认读单词卡片Progromme use blind deaf hear firemen sausage二、教学新课1.用useful造句,引入课文内容Pe

2、ns are very useful. Books are very useful. Ss:T: Eyes are very useful. Are his eyes useful? (同时出示盲人单词图片)Ss: No, they arent. 2. 用blind造句,引入课文内容出示一张盲人的PPT。指着图说:This man is blind. He cant see. Who can help him? Good, so, we can say He is blind. He cant see. This dog helps him. 幻灯片切换回去,全班同学一起描述一遍图片。Who

3、wants to try? 提问两个同学。(学习句子He cant see.同时板书He cant .)总结I think Dogs are very useful. Do you agree? 3 用deaf造句,引入新课T: Can you hear? Ss: Yes, I can.T: But some people, they cant hear. Lets look. (展示幻灯片the deaf girl)T: This girl cant hear. She is deaf.Who can help her?/ Can dogs help her? Lets look. Yes,

4、 you did a good job, so, we can say She is deaf. She cant hear. This dog helps her. 幻灯片切换回去,全班同学一起描述一遍图片(第二张加快速度)。Who wants to try? 提问两个同学。(学习句子She cant hear.同时板书She cant hear.) 4、运用firemen,引入课文内容Dogs can help the blind man, dogs can help the deaf girl, what else can they do?教师接着出示一张firemen的PPT(新授fi

5、remen)并贴到黑板上。指着图说:After the fire. These firemen cant find people. These dogs help them. So, we can say These firemen cant find people. These dogs help them. 幻灯片切换回去,(第三张加快速度) 全班同学一起描述一遍图片。Who wants to try? (学习句子These firemen cant find people.同时板书These firemen cant.)5、听录音,寻找答案T: Dogs can help the bli

6、nd man.(图片) Dogs can help the deaf girl.(图片) Now, I like dogs very much. (PPT图片) Do you like dogs? Lingling likes dogs very much, too. Do you want to know why? Open your books turn to P26. Look at picture 1。教师问What is the programme about?放录音,找到答案。( Its about dogs. ) Why do they need dogs help?答案分别是B

7、ecause this man cant see, this girl cant hear, these firemen cant find people.)突出本科的重点句型。T: Ok. Lets listen and repeat, then answer:T: Show the questions:Can Sam have a dog?May I say “Can Sam has a dog?”(语法知识)Ss: No, he cant.T: What dog can Sam have? Ss: Hot dogs.T: Is this hot dog a real dog?Ss: No

8、, they are sausages. T: Do you like hot dogs? 为什么叫热狗呢?Hot dog, 面包加香肠怎么就成了“热狗”呢?这其中还有一个小故事呢!一个卖香肠的小贩,看见客户购买香肠的时候因为香肠太热客户都要带着一双手套,特别麻烦,一天他在院子里看见一些小男孩拿树叶包着毛毛虫,来吓唬女孩,他受到了启发,就拿面包夹着香肠来卖,热狗其实并不热,只是里面的香肠热 6、给学生一定时间,练习读对话。然后把学生分成四组,分角色朗读Amy 组Lingling 组TV presenter 组 Sam 组(Amy和Ms Smart一组)(5分钟)Step 6: 练习题Step 7: Summary7、板书设计Module 7 CommunityUnit 1 He cant see. He cant see. helps She cant hear. These firemen cant find people. 8.课后反思:



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