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1、2017-2018学年度八年级仁爱英语上册第一次月考试卷(考试时间70分钟,总分100分). 单项选择。(20分)( )1. _ do you prefer, walking or running?I like running better.A. What B. HowC. WhenD. Which( )2. Are you going to _ our English team?Yes, I am.A. take part in B. joinC. took part inD. joined( )3. _ do you play baseball? Twice a week.A. How l

2、ong B. WhenC. How manyD. How often( )4. Xu Xia and her teammates are _ the USA next week.A. leaving forB. leave forC. leaveD. left( )5. Mr. Xiang is the best teacher in our school. He is good _ teaching.A. forB. toC. withD. at( )6. What do you often do _ the summer holiday?I often go swimming.A. atB

3、. toC. duringD. on( )7. I see Wei Han _ English almost every morning.A. readsB. readingC. readD. to read( )8. Which team are you going to play _ the day after tomorrow?A team from No. 7 Junior High School. I hope we will win.A. aboutB. withC. forD. against( )9. Sam spends two hours _ his homework ev

4、ery day.A. to doB. doingC. doD. does( )10. There _ an English party in our class next week.A. is going to haveB. is going to beC. will haveD. have( )11. Im sorry for _ I said. It doesnt matter. A. howB. whichC. whatD. when( )12. Id like to read the book over there. Could you pass _, please?Certainly

5、. Here you are. A. me itB. it to meC. me for itD. it for me( )13. Many new drivers dont have good _ for driving. Theyre called Road Killers (马路杀手). Youre right. A. skillB. skillsC. lookD. looks ( )14. The saying A tree cant make a forest (森林) tells us that _ is very important in a football match. A.

6、 skillB. bodyC. teamworkD. speed(速度)( )15. Would you mind _ us in the game?Not at all. A. joiningB. joinC. join in D. joining inD. Of course, I will. ( )16 When and where _ we meet?Lets make it 3:00 at my home. A. doB. mustC. shallD. did( )17. I talked with a foreigner(外国人) for a long time yesterday

7、. Great! Its a good _ to practice English. A. habitB. chanceC. skillD. exercise( )18. The shirt looks very nice. I guess it is _ 100 yuan. A. at firstB. at mostC. at leastD. at last( )19. Dont be late next time!_A. Sorry, I wont. B. Sorry, I dont. C. All right, I wont. D. OK, I wont. ( )20. Kangkang

8、 won the first place in the _ in the school sports meet last week. A. boys 100-meter raceB. boys 100-meter raceC. boys 100-meters raceD. boys 100-meters race. 情景交际。(10)下面方框中选择适当的选项补全对话,其中有两项是多余的。(5分)A:Hi, Jim. 21B:I am going to the gym. A: 22B:Im going to take part in the football match there. 23A:O

9、f course. Ill go there to cheer you on. B:Oh. Its very good. 24A:Yes, I do. But I dont play it very well. B:You need more practice. A:Yes, youre right. 25B:At five oclock. A:Oh, its ten past four now. Lets hurry. A. How long will it last?B. Do you like playing football?C. Would you like to go with m

10、e?D. Where are you going?E. When will the match start?F. What are you going there for?G. Will you enjoy soccer?21 22 23 24 25 (B) 在下列横线上填入适当的句子,补全对话。(5分)A: Hello, is Michael in?B: _A: Michael, shall we go to the West Hill for a picnic this Sunday together?B:_.What shall we take ?A:We take some food

11、and drinks. Well have lunch at the foot of the West Hill.B:_A:Good idea! We can take some photos with your camera.B:_A:Lets make it 7:00 oclock in the morning.B:_A: At the school gate.B: Ok, see you then.A: See you. 完形填空。(10分)Summer is coming again. Many students 26 swimming. Its a good way 27 cool.

12、 And its also good for our health. But sometimes its very 28 because some students are not always 29 others or they dont swim in a 30 place. They always think 31 is around them and 32 will happen (发生) to them. Then some people 33 their lives when they were swimming. So we should 34 make it alone whe

13、n we plan to swim. If everyone remembers this, swimming 35 safe. Lets enjoy swimming and keep safe! ( )26 A. to goB. wentC. are goingD. goes( 27 A. keepB. to keepC. keepingD. kept( )28A. dangerB. dangerousC. safeD. safety( )29A. withB. forC. toD. about( )30A. beautifulB. goodC. rightD. nice( )31A. luckyB. luckC. shameD. pity( )32A. nothingB. anythingC. everythingD. something( )33A. loseB. lostC. losingD. will lose( )34 usuallyB. oftenC. alwaysD. never( )35A. beB. isC. will beD. will. 阅读理解。(30分)(A)My father is seventy-five yea


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