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1、Unit4 Having Fun 基础练习一、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)1. Its said that the young man went abroad for further education alone in his 妈十).2. He gave me a warning that eating too much 弋克力)is bad formy health.3. 阳歌)is her favourite.4. Many children are flying 风筝)in the park.5. He has been to Beijing six(次)in all, and

2、he wants to be thereonce more.6. They look like 猴子).7. The boy is so 聪明的)that he can work out the problems easily.8. What day is it 令天),Tony?9. We are going to have a 13(餐)this weekend.10. Miss Yang likes reading onS 星期日).11. She began to learn to play the piano in her 四十多岁).12. Some students in our

3、 school like to eat 巧克力).13. In spring, we can hear birds 歌唱).14. Ive got a new 用筝).Its very beautiful.15. I need much t 时间)to finish the work.二、单词拼写(单句首字母填空)16. Fifty and fifty is one h .17. In English, blue can m sad.18. Im thirsty. I would like to drink three b of juice.19. S the document on the

4、computer, so we can find it next time.20. Today is Wednesda yt is Thursday.21. I do my h in the afternoon.22. E are the biggest(大的)animals on land.23. Do you think it is good for a to live in the zoo?24. The wolf lives in the E forest. It likes to eat m25. We wont use money in the future, because ev

5、erything will be f26. There are two h people at the hall, so we feel it is very crowded.27. Excuse me, Miss. Wang. What does the word m 意思)?28. He can drink two b of beer at one time.29. Can you tell me how to s the document?30. - Lets go to the movies this evening.-Sorry, I am too busy. But we can

6、go t evening.三、单项选择31. - How many brown boxes ?Two.A. do you have B. is there C. are you have D. does you have32. He wants Cuba.A. liveB. livesC. to live in33. - does your pet dog weigh?-Its is 5 kilograms.A. How heavy; weighB. How many; weightC. How much; weightD. How much; weigh34. The plane will

7、leave atA. a quarter to elevenB. eleven a quarterC. eleven quarterD. eleven past a quarter35.How muchthe pair of shoes?-Twenty dollars is enough.A. isB. areC. wasD. were36. - Whats the time now?ItsA. twenty pass sixB. half past sevenC. at ten past tenD. at five to nineat home.37. Henry often helps h

8、is mother doA. cleanB. cleaningC. cleanedD. cleanscoffee?drinks now.A. any; anyB. any; some C. some; someD. some; any39. Would you likethe voluntary work?A. taking partB. taking part inC. to take partD. to take part in40. I dont havemeat, so I havebread for breakfast.A. some; any B. some; some C. an

9、y; anyD. any; some41. They have many apples. But only severalbig and red.A. wasB. isC. wereD. are38. - Would you like to have-No, thanks. I dont want42. I want it today.A. sendB.sends43. - does she weigh?-Her is 50 kg.A. How heavy; weighC. How much; weight44. - Whats the time by your watch?Its.A. fi

10、fty-one past nineC. nine past fifty-one45. How muchA. isthe meat cost?B.doesC. to send D. sendingB. How many; weightD. How much; weighB. fifty-one nineD. nine to tenC. areD. do答案一、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)1. forties2. chocolate3. Singing4. kites5. times6. monkeys7. smart / clever8. today9. picnic10. Sunday11

11、. forties12. chocolate13. singing14. kite15. time二、单词拼写(单句首字母填空)16. hundred17. mean18. bottles19. Save20. tomorrow21. homework22. Elephants23. animals24. European;meat25. free26. hundred27. mean28. bottles29. save30. tomorrow三、单项选择31. A32.C33.C 34.A 35. A36. B37.B38.D 39.D 40. D41. D42.C43.C 44.D 45. B


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