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1、Unit 3 Is this your pencil?【学习目标】1 .学会写招领和寻物启示2 .复习句型:Is this /that your pencil?Are these/those your.?学习方法:自主复习和任务型写作情感目标:让学生学会关怀他人,养成拾金不昧的好习惯 学习重点学会写招领和寻物启示Step 1 :自学展示】1.从中找出能回答下列问题的选项 IS that his pen?()A. It s a ruler(2) How do you spell this?()B.T-H-I-S(3) What s this in English?()C.Yes, it s hi

2、s pen(4) Is this your book?()D.No, it s a pen(5) Is this your pencil?()E. Yes, it is2.根据句意及首字母提示补全单词11) -How do you s“pen” ?P-E-N(2)I have an English Chinese d.(3)Please c me at2548967(4)This is a gold r,Step 2:合作学习】用英语写出你所知道的学习用品pen book.Step 3:质疑导学】Step 1 Leading-inRevise some things u sing the dr

3、ills: What s this /that?Is this /that .?Step 2 PresentationShow a watch to the students and say: I can tFind my watch, I should write a lost , Let studentsgive their advice.Step 3 Practicin gT: Have you ever picked up others th ings or lost anything?What are the What should you do? Help them answer.

4、 Write ” Lost and Found on the Blackboard.参考句型: Is this /that your /his /her .?Yes, it is. / No, it isn t.2.Talk about and give their adviceStep 4 Doing and reading(3b)1. Read the notices and circle the lost things.2. Read the notices again and finish 2c.Step 4:学习检测】(一)从下列各题所给的A、B C D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处

5、的最佳选项。()1.What s that? is a ruler.A. This B. She C. It D. He()2. Please call John 678-5678.A. to B. in C. of D. at()3. Frank,this your watch?A. be B. is C. am D. are()4. This is ID card and card is Mary s.A. an; the B. a; the C. the; an D. the; a()5. Please call Tony. This is phone number.A. my B. y

6、our C. her D. his()6. I a ring. Is it your ring?A. found B. lost C. look D. call()7. . 一 you spell your name?一J-A-N-E, Jane.A. What do B. How do C. What are D. How are()8. It isn t pencil case. It s pencil case.A. me; he B. hi s; me C. my; his D. I; his()9.- Is that her notebook? 一.A. Yes, she is B.

7、 No, that isn tC. Yes, this is D.No, it isn t()10., Tom. Is this your pencil?Yes. Thank you.A. Goodbye B. Sorry C. Excuse me D. Thanks二)根据首字母提示,写单词完成句子。1. That is my s. I study ( 学习)in it.2. This is the l and found case.3. P look at this, Jane.4. You can c David. His phone number . is 352-6612.5. Is this your computer g?Homework1 .Do WB.2 .Try to write lost and found3 . Finish the preview work.板书设计Unit 3. Is this your pencil ?Key words:Found:Lost:【课堂反思】


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