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1、初二英语作文集锦七篇 初二英语作文 篇 20 year lte, I a 30ersod, a kepa ong back utifulhr,wter ees,wt rosys,slim igure. i tmeav bwell-known strons i thevastunivere t explorehe ytres of he unvr life, rctly,Ine aan trel the universe,eprete ysteries f euivrse. Fbruary 1, 2, I andmy ematssitting inthmagic of t spacafin th

2、e romin Afer alt of the lnet,we restll sa an sound. nonl we cme to ahuge ack ole, inside h da, as to swllowvythinglike, cadme figtened. Tehle s astrog gtic foetat our spacec, ur pacaftculd o bar, shaf of h bo wasetroye,ithis on,or pcecaft wauc nt thark botomles pit. . . o y ead soaiul,I e he someoe

3、all e,ver dificul opeiseye, Iook ard te, hs isa terible blac oe Hr isimplyiggeyan nce, YaoHuangi ple, lowers. illerstsim, thisblack hole technoloyc more deveopedthan ur erth,te skflyg mayadvaced hless rid, a te nnl, iten o th lges sai tha thee Tme tunnel can ech Jrssceraansoo. I tok t psswod, oen th

4、blahole the acr,can ot waitotl my earth omprots this ecret. years ater, cete illantage. 初二英语作文 篇 A LteroGo riend arJn, Ln ime nse, how is yur umeraatin Im relyorr o wig s at I eetoo syat thmomtI m hpy o her thaou hveraved to i et tthssumme hlidy. owih Icoud there wihy!Let me tel you someting aut mys

5、ummerolid. M sumrhola is rh ad oofuM parentste m tHn Kn. ht a beutiful pace.I b ot offuny thng at the.ua etdreses, utedlls nth snks neverea befre ralywn to stayterandee oe ak!In rd, rlly pprcia theifethr Imeallooing orward tou epl! 初二英语作文 篇3 I teutr,weneento to chowen study on hIner,iecn ao.Tcher ta

6、ces is othe Ierne,t.Bt,eao tkemoney to tacer .Ti ca chne.ecan alo mke questionsonthe Itentn ome wa ,omortae ad elaxe.Is soo 在未来,我们不必去上学。我们可以在互联网上学习,在国内也可以学习。老师教是在互联网上。但是,我们也拿钱老师。这不能改变。我们也可以在互联网上的问题。在某些方面,它的舒适和放松。这很酷。 初二英语作文 篇4 Toay got u very ealy nth ornigAfter I fnihe bakfat,wen to sco Onywayto sc

7、hoI sawsomeign o te od. I pickeit up adoudit was a oble pne IasaraidI ouldb late for schoolI had timeto at t ownero I gavei o th pliceman. Shrtater I reahed y scho,hehmtercae t cass anpraeme inont of cass. ow oud h knewall about it I gss it mu e pocmanwh ldhm haI did I a er hap that I havedoe ojob 初

8、二英语作文 篇5 We knw the Inrispayin aoreamor portanpari r ai lie teernt, we cn get a uh inforain as can Wecse -ails too feds nd tk to thmas wll Beds,on the terete can ra oo, enjoyusi nd wathbal gms ca so do sppngwtou eavig or home. utmanytutsen ouh time lyngItrnt games Thewaste alt ofme. e mustmake goeot

9、heIntnet. 初二英语作文 篇6 课外活动Som sudents lke t aripa civinarclassactvties Th thin fer classcitisare aintegl pr of choolf Byoigin fuch acvis, the an learn what they calan frm oos,whih wil e beneficil to them in te fuur. Ohers, hoevr,dont iketr ass aciite a ll.hethink t a tudns wrk at hol is lanin oeiaowld

10、gnnon el Takn t in after class aciviies isa wte oft abe iea shol.I my pion, y stut oud egag n soeafter clas atiite becaue romhesativities a lear may valale nsthae n lea in clssrm Sho i ot jus lcef anngt difrce betee le o lay,or ht causd thehousf the dalyschl. inaly, fe cs acivtesbroaeou irle of acqa

11、intancs. Noamountof rnry sho wrk cn take tpace ofriedacquired i e ifomalamilaritie ctviies. 初二英语作文 篇7 那个只有好友才能看到的英语小说嗯。“富有”的主人公,谢谢你,有些歉疚,不过我一定会努力。 整整四个月之前,我来了。那是一个充满惊喜的十一月,而你,是我得到的第一个惊喜。我的包裹里装着我唯一的英语,我极小心地看护着它,生怕这样的变迁与颠簸,让我一直以来的安慰在不知不觉之间离开了我。最初的那几天,我竭力想要抓住机会,尽管没能最充分地表现自己,但是你仔细地注意到了我,用你的经验很快读懂了我,并主动地给予我安慰,和久违的安全感。 无容置疑,你意识到了英语对我的重要性,作为一个人人都尊敬、人人都有点怕的老师,你并没有用你的力量轻而易举地使我对你产生畏惧的心理,而是主动接近我,一点点揭开遮住我视线的厚厚的陌生,在我做得不够完美而感到不安失落的时候,微笑并体谅我。 而你也有严肃的时候。当我扣了不该扣的分数,你会突



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