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1、Unit7 Whose is this ?湖南省保靖县水田河小学 陈迷方Back ground information:Students: 25 primary school students, Grade 4Time: November 2, 2013Lesson duration: 40 minsTeaching objectives:1. new vocabulary: 能听读会说,认读新单词:bag, scarf, key, wallet ,hat ,mobile phone.2. New structure: 能用Whose is this ? 询问物品的所有者; 能用Is this

2、 your? 提出疑问并作出正确的回答 Teaching key points: 1. 能听读会说,认读新单词bag, scarf, key, wallet ,hat ,mobile hone; 2. 能用Whose is this ? 询问物品的所有者.Teaching difficult points:正确使用并区分you 和your , Anne 和AnnesTeaching aids:Word cards , tape, pictures, PPT, etc.Teaching procedures:Step 1.Warming-up / Revision1. Greetings.2.

3、Listen and do the actions. (The rabbit dance)Left left right right right go turn around go go go . Left right left left right right . Left left right right right go go go .Left left right right right go turn around go go go .3. Revision Play a game: find the bag 教师讲课前准备好的迷宫图片贴在黑板上,请同学们找到拿到手提包的路线,使用

4、turn left, turn right, go 等单词和词组。 T:Look! A bag. Can you find the bag? Step 2. Presentation1. New words and sentences. (1)感知新句型。 T:Whose bag is this? Whats in the bag? Now lets open it and see. (2)教师拿出自己的手提包,并在包上贴上“Miss Chens” bagT:Whats it ?Ss: Its a bag. T: Whose is this? Ss: Its Miss Chens.单个读,分组

5、读,操练bag这个单词。(3)教师叫同学们猜手提包里会有什么东西。引出scarf, hat, key, wallet, mobile phoneT: There is a scarf in it, a hat and a key in it. (并展示实物)教师板书:scarf , hat, key教师带读新单词Play a game : Golden fingers.操练单词。讲实物上所贴的人名露出来,让学生看见。T:Look at the scarf. Whose is this? Oh, Its Peters. Look at the hat. Whose is this? Oh, it

6、s Annes scarf.Look at the key. Whose is this?Oh, its Lindas scarf.区分Peter, Peters的用法。 老师走到一学生的旁边,指着他说:”This is Peter.” 并指着他的尺子说:“This is Peters ruler.” 举三组例句,让学生仿照例句自己造句。学习新单词:wallet, mobile phone呈现钱包和手机的实物,并在实物上贴上:Janes。教师板书:wallet ,mobile phone。 教师带读单词。 小组朗读,分男女生读。 Play a game: 大小喇叭游戏。 教师首先在黑板上画一个

7、大喇叭,学生根据指挥员所画的声波线来进行齐读单词。如果声波线长,学生则大声读出所操练的单词;如果声波线短,学生则小声读出所操练的单词。指挥员画声波线的速度可以越来越快。增加活动的趣味性,还可以锻炼学生的反应力。老师先做指挥员,作为示范,然后叫学生再来充当指挥员(附有游戏图解。) 拿着钱包问学生:“Whose is this? Is this your wallet?”导入:“Is this your?”的句型。并帮助学生进行回答。 将实物反过来,让学生看到上面的名字,并说出句子“Its Janes wallet and mobile phone.”“Its Peters scarf.”词汇句型

8、操练 记忆力大比拼:想一想,这些物品分别是谁的呢?用上“Whose is this?”“Is this your?” 2. The dialogue课文学习:教师可分步骤循序渐进地引导学生熟悉课文。Listen and watch. 不打卡书,听音,观看VCD,了解课文的大概内容。Listen and say.说说自己记住了哪些句子。 Listen and say.打开书,听音,回答问题:李老师捡到了什么?这个东西是谁的?是玲玲的吗?Listen and repeat. 听音,跟读,提醒学生模仿语音、语调,一拿到学生正确地模仿。Read and say. 创设情景,让学生将课文中的内容表演出来

9、。 复述课文内容,渗透德育教育,让学生养成“拾金不昧”的好习惯。Step 3 Practice1. Lets chant.教师将所学单词串成歌谣。Bag, bag, its Janes bag.Scarf, scarf, its Peters scarf.Hat, hat, its Annes hat., Key, key, its Lindas key.Wallet, wallet, its Janes wallet.Mobile phone, mobile phone, its Janes mobile phone.2. Group work.根据教师的提示,学生分组自编歌谣。Book,

10、book, its my book.Pen, pen, its Mingmings pen.Step 4 Act and play教师收集一些学生的物品,在讲台上布置一个失物招领处,同事请两至四名同学上台当工作人员。(老师先充当工作人员,让学生熟游戏规则。) A: Whose is this? B: Its Dongdongs pen. C: Whose is this? Is this your ruler? D: No, it isnt.E: Its Mingmings ruler.F: Whose is this? Is this book?G: Yes, it is.aStep 5 Homework1.读单词。2.读课文,并进行背诵。3.指认家里的生活物品,说说是谁的。


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