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1、教学课题授课专业Part II Thanksgiving Day(感恩节)汽修及机电授课年级中专11级Unit 12 Trandition教材 分 析学 情 分 析教学目标本单元的阅读部分的材料是关于美国最传统的节日一一感恩节的由 来。课文第一部分是感恩节庆祝的时间及其由来,第二部分讲述了感恩节 最主要的食物,第三部分是关于感恩节对现在人的重要意义。我在教学中 将强化语言点和语法知识的简单传授,采用任务型教学法和小组合作探究 学习法,从而扩大课堂的语言输入量及学生的语言输出量。也通过课文的 学习让学生对美国传统文化文化有更深的认识和理解,以便扩充学生的知 识面。经过上一学期的英语阅读技巧的系统

2、学习,学生已经掌握了略读、 跳读等一定的阅读技所以能够分析读懂此文,但大部分学生英语基础比较 差,英语词汇量不足,因而要加强此方面的训练。他们学习比较认真,求 知欲旺盛,思维比较活跃,同时表现欲也很强。部分学生的基础较好,能 主动配合老师,愿意开口讲。因此,一旦因材施教,设置他们感兴趣的活 动,就能让他们投入到课堂活动中来。(一)认知目标1 .词汇和语言点(见教学重点第 2点)。2 .充分理解课文大意并完成所给的任务。3 .用所学的词汇和语言点复述课文。4 .用所学的知识与伙伴进行交流、沟通,学会交际。(二)、情感目标利用多媒体手段营造积极和谐教学氛围,使学生不自觉地进入情景 之中,充分调动学

3、生的思维活动和情感体验,引起学生的共鸣。本部分旨 在培养学生通过阅读手段,获取有关美国传统文化方面的知识,扩大他们的国际视野,提高阅读能力,强化文化意识,激发他们能够感恩生活,感恩父母、朋友。(三)、智力目标在阅读课文,运用语言的过程中培养学生的自学能力, 分析能力、 想象力和合作能力,帮助学生扩大词汇,提高思维能力和运用英语的综合 能力,激发创造能力。重点词句的翻译1) The Pilgrims wanted to give thanks to God for their first harvest.2) They invited their Indian friends to join t

4、hem in a bigfeast.3) Today Thanksgiving Day is not only a day to give thanks教,一 , 6but also a day for family members to get together.学重常用词语和短语的用法1) 1) celebrate点2) revive3) join in4) invite sb. to (do) sth.5) not onlybut also .6) give thanks to教 学 难 占 八、1 .如何利用略读、查读等阅读技巧和识别关键词等阅读微技形成阅读策略完成课后阅读理解题。2

5、.怎样以阅读课的教学为依托,全面训练学生的听、说、读、写能力。3 .如何让学生更快更准确地掌握本课的重点词汇和短语。(详见教学重点2)4 . not only.but also 的用法教 1.活动教学法学 方 法2 .任务型教学法3 .必要时采取竞争机制时间 分配导入快速阅读精读小游戏 讨论总结及布置作业5分钟 5 分钟 20分钟 5 分钟 5分钟 5 分钟教 学 手 段1 .多媒体辅助,通过动画,图片等方式让学生对课文及词汇有直观的认 知2 .黑板教学设计过程Step I Leading-in and Pre-reading1. Asking some questions:a) What i

6、s the most traditional holiday of China?Spring Festivalb) What is the most traditional holiday of America?Thanksgiving Day2. Play the footage ofthe original of Thanksgiving.Let the students think over and discuss the originalof Thanksgiving andcelebrated time.Step II Fast reading.Let the students sc

7、an the text to get some information about the text and then answer the following questions.a) When is Thanksgiving Day always celebrated ?It s always celebrated on the fourth Thursday in Novemeber. b) What are the Thanksgiving Day main dishes?The main dishes for Thanksgiving Day are turkey and pumpk

8、in pie.Step III Intensive Reading1) Let the students carefully read the text and accomplish ComprehensionExercisesComprehension Exercise2) Thanksgiving Day is the most traditional holiday of .A. India B. America C. Canada D. Japanese3) The first Thanksgiving Day was held in Massachusetts in .A. 1820

9、B.1683 C. 1621 D. 18634) They invited their Indian friends to a big feast.A. take part in B. have C. cook D. celebrate5) The main dishes for Thanksgiving Day are and pumpkim pie.A. fishB. chickenC. beef D. turkey6) Thanksgiving Day was officially revived by in 1863.A. Lincoln B. Marco PoloC. DianaD.

10、 Frankfurt7) Thanksgiving Day is not only a day to give thanks to but alsoa day for the family to get together.A. Pilgrims B. farmer C. IndianStep IV Words SearchingCompetition in groupsThe purpose of this step is to revise and consolidate the knowledge they learnStep V DiscussionDivide the students

11、 into a few groups, discuss the following questions1. Who do you want to give thanks?2. How do you express your thanks? What will you doStep VI Summary and HomeworkSummary:Weknow that Thanksgiving Day is celebrated on the fourth Thursday ins the day forNovember. And the main dishes are turkey, pumki

12、m pie. It family members to get together and give thanks to each other.HomeworkFill in the blanks with the proper form of the words given below.traditional holiday celebratenvite member joinvarious ho1. We will a party this evening.2. Spring Festival is the most holiday in China.3. My friends me to

13、join them for dinner.4. You will meet problems in a new place.5. A sports meeting will be at the Saturday morning.6. I m a of the class.Step VII Blackboard design? celebrate V. 庆祝,称颂celebration n.庆祝活动 in celebration of , for the celebration of为了庆祝,为了祝贺? revive V. 复活使苏醒? give thanks to感谢? invite sb. to do sth.邀请某人做某事? join in 参加比赛或具体活动take part in参加活动 (强调主语参加该活动,并在活动中起积极作用)attend 参加会议 (强调发生这一动作本身, 并不在于参加者起作用与否)? not only - but also 不但 而且1 ) 连接并列主语时,谓语动词按就近一致原则2 )连接并列分句时,前一分句用倒装,后一分句用陈述语序



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