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1、文学文体的翻译要使译文适应原文的风格,必须首先了解作品所处的时代,作家本身的民族,其写 作特点与创作意图等等。如: He went away angrily. 他拂袖而去。 (违反了民族风格,西方人不穿中国古代的阔袖长衫。) 风格包括时代风格,民族风格,文体风格和作家的作品风格。6.1 适应原文时代风格 不同时期的作品反映不同时期的时代风格,但并不是说,一定要用古汉语译古英语。 而是能使读者在译文中窥见时代的风貌。 Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability. Their chief use for delight is i

2、n privateness and retiring; for ornament, is in discourse; and for ability, is the judgment and disposition of business. 读书足以怡情,足以博彩,足以长才。其怡情也,最见于独处幽居之时;其博彩也 最见于高谈阔论之中;其长才也,最见于处世判事之际。They (studies) perfect nature, and are perfected by experience. 读书补天然之不足,经验又补读书之不足。6.2 适应原文民族的风格 有些产品的名称译成汉语应保留异国情调。如

3、: Kiss me (吻我)Stone (石头)Gold Star (金星) 奇士美 四通 高士 达 把外国人的名字译得和中国人名一样,如果不是人们所熟悉的人或已经约定俗成的 固定译法,是不可取的,因为这失去了原文的民族特色。如: Bernard Shaw, Reagan,Gogol 肖伯纳 里根(李根) 果戈里(郭哥儿) The moon made a pathway on the broad river for the light feet of Sivas bride. 月光倾泻在宽阔的河面上,照出一条路来,湿婆神的新娘可以在河面上轻移莲步。 月光倾泻在宽阔的河面上,为步履轻盈的湿婆神的

4、新娘照出一条路来。 尽量不要把带有中国民族色彩的次用在翻译外国文学作品中了。6.3 适应原文作家的风格 在翻译时不可不先研究作者的风格问题,如果忽视了这一点,其结果是:只抓住了 原文在体裁上的一些特征,而没有反映出作家的个人风格。如彭斯的诗 A Red Red Rose O, My luves like a red, red rose, Thats newly sprung in June, O, My luves like the melodie, Thats sweetly playd in tune.啊,我爱人象红红的玫瑰, 它在六月里初开;啊,我的爱人象一支乐曲, 美妙地演奏起来。啊,

5、我的爱人像一朵红红的玫瑰, 六月里迎风初开;啊,我的爱人像一首甜蜜的歌,唱得柔美又合拍。 吾爱吾爱玫瑰红, 花儿刚开六月中6.4 适应原文的文体风格 1936年,爱德华八世在他禅位前,向英国国民发布广播讲话: But you must believe me when I tell you that I have found it impossible to carry the heavy burden of responsibility and to discharge my duty as king as I would wish to do, without the help and su

6、pport of the woman I love. But you must accord me credence when I state to you that I found it impossible to endure the heavy burden of responsibility and to consummate the fulfillment of my stewardships king without the assistance and cooperation of the lady upon whom I have bestowed my affection,

7、( on the newspapers)要我担负起一国之王的重任并完满地履行这一职务所赋予我的使命,离开我所为之 倾心的夫人的辅佐与协助, 我认为是不可能的。当我向你们郑重宣布这一点时, 务请得到诸位的信任与谅解。下列四段英语表明同一议题的四个“正式的等级”: 旧式正式英语 To some scholars, instruction emanates from lecture or laboratory; to others it radiates from within. No scholar is so well taught as he who can teach himself. 学人

8、中有受教于讲堂、实验室者,亦有教发之于内者。能自教自学,则学人中之最 上矣。 现代正式英语: Although learning is judged to require from teachers ,the real instructors may be found not so much in school or in great laboratories as in the students own powers of insight. 学识得之于导师是人所共见的。但是,真正的“导师”大都不出自学校或实验室, 而 是学者本人的洞察力。Try your best to translate

9、the following two passages: 一般非正式英语 We think we learn from teachers, and we sometimes do. But the teachers are not always to be found in school or in great laboratories. Sometimes what we learn depends upon our own powers of insight. 口语体非正式英语 You know, people are always saying they learn from teache

10、rs! OK, so they do, sometimes. But what I want to get across is this: you dont always find your teachers in school or in labs, either. No sir! Sometimes you find the teacher right in your own eyes and ears and brains. Thats where its at! 大家都说我们是向老师求教,一般说来,情形的确如此。但是老师也并不只有在学 校里或实验室里才能找到。有时候,我们学到了东西,靠的是自己的心明眼亮。The Answer 大家总是说教学教学,老师教,学生学。不错,有时候是那么回事。但是,依我看 老师也不是只有在学校里或者在实验室里才能找到,不是的!有时“老师”就在你自 己脑袋里,在你耳朵里、眼睛里,就是这么回事。



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