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1、英语话题作文6篇(话题英语作文范文)下面是我收集的英语话题作文6篇(话题英语作文范文),供大家参阅。英语话题作文1Directions:Study the following cartoon carefully and write an essay in which you should describe the set of drawings, interpret its meaning, and give comments on this phenomenon.You should write about 200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 po

2、ints)参考范文:It is widely believed that fresh water will never be used up due to its rich resources such as rain, rivers and wells. In fact, such belief is unfortunately wrong and possibly dangerous. As is depicted in the picture, we are facing serious shortage of fresh water, especially in the norther

3、n part of China. The land in some areas has become barren and there is no water coming from the pumps. Definitely, the picture reminds us of the serious situation we are confronting.Short as it is, people still waste it. With the growth of population and industry, the amount of fresh water in use is

4、 also growing rapidly. It is estimated that if not controlled, fresh water will be used up by the next century. Another dangerous factor is the water pollution, which aggravates the seriousness of fresh water shortage.It is no use only being aware of the shortage of fresh water. It is never too late

5、 if we act right now. The first important measure is to protect our water resources form being polluted. Educating people to save water in daily life is of similar significance. Techniques such as recycling waste water and converting sea water into drinkable water are especially needed in dry areas.

6、 It is only when these measures are put into practice can the shortage of fresh water be solved.英语话题作文2Its going to be sunny on next Monday, has a highest temperature of 9 degree and a lowest of 5 degree . And it continues to be pretty good on Tuesday, has a highest temperature of 12 degree and poss

7、iblly a lowest temperature of 6 degree. But Wendsday is going to be a little windy, and getting cold. Highest temperature of 4 degree, lowest of -1 degree. And it will get colder and colder. Thursday is going to be cloudy, a highest temperature of 2 degree, a lowest temperature of -5. On Friday, its

8、 going to rain. Also very windy, so better put on some warm cloth for that day. A highest temperature of -5 degree, a lowest temperature of -10 degree.英语话题作文3太棒了,明天又可以去英语补习班了。因为,那里有我最喜欢的人一英语老师。她高高的个头,弯弯的眉毛,大大的眼睛。她的幽默,常常把我们逗得哈哈大笑。那天,有位同学在课堂上睡着了。老师悄悄地走过去把他叫醒,说:“哎哟!我唱催眠曲了吗?”那位同学说:“没有。”老师说:“那你怎么睡着了?难道我会


10、真的不再复发。这就是我们的英语老师,听了我的介绍,你们是不是也认识了她?点评:认识并了解一个人,需要从他的方方面面入手,这就看小朋友们的观察力和概括力了。本文从“够有趣”“够严厉”“好办法”三个方面介绍了英语老师,与此相对应的三个事例也很典型,很好地表现了人物特点。英语话题作文4Love is of the utmost importance to us humans. Everybody not only needs love, but also should give others love. As can be seen in the picture, love is a lamp wh

11、ich is brighter in darker places. This is indeed true. People in darker places need more light than other people. Maybe even a dim light can give them much hope for a better life. Maybe just a thread of light will call forth their strength and courage to help them step out of their difficulties. I c

12、an think of no better illustration of this idea than the following examples. (Numerous examples can be given easily, but these will suffice For instance when someone is starving to death, just a little food and water from you may save his(her) life. Again, when a little girl in a poor rural area dro

13、ps out of school because of poverty, just a small sum of money from you may support her t o finish school and change her life. In these circumstances you have given love which is like a lamp in a dark place where light is most needed. To sum up, we should offer our help to all the needed. We expect

14、to get love from others and we also give love to others. So when you see someone in difficulty or in distress and in need of help, dont hesitate to give your love to him (her). I believe that the relationship between people will be harmonious and our society will be a better place for us to live in.

15、英语话题作文5I have a health bd, because I have a health lifestle. I exercise ever da, usuall when I ce he fr schl. M eating habits are prett gd. I tr t eat a lt f vegetables. I eat fruit and drin il ever da. But I never drin cffee, because sas, it is t bad fr health. I lve un fd, t. But I eat it nl nce a

16、 wee. I sleep nine hurs ever night. Gd fd and gd rest can help e t stud better! And health lifestle helps e get gd grades!英语话题作文66月5日( June 5)是世界环境保护日, 我们周围的环境变得越来越糟糕,污染越来越严重。环境问题影响着人们的工作,学习,生活等,而我们的工作,生活,生产等又使环境污染越来越严重。如何保护我们的环境? 请以“ How to protect/save our environment/world? ”为题写一篇短文。提示:存在问题:1。水污染越来越严重;2。砍伐森林严重;3。 大气污染严重;4。 白色垃圾等。要求:如何改善/保护环境?至少:34个方面, 80字左右的。 范文How to prote


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