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1、(牛津初中英语总复习)8A Unit 2一、【精选词汇】 重点短语1. around the world全世界,世界各地 (p23)知识链接aroundall overthroughout 遍及, e.g. around/all over/throughout China2. British English简写为BrE,英式英语。American English简写为AmE,美式英语。知识链接英语在长期使用过程中由于地域和习惯等差异,逐渐形成了英式英语和美式英语两大阵营,它们在某些词的拼写、读音或用法上出现了不同;但这并不影响英语国家人们的交流,英美两国的人们已经接受了这些不同。BrEAmEC

2、hineseBrEAmEChineseAmerican footballfootball美式足球mathsmath数学autumnfall秋天rubbereraser橡皮filmmovie电影secondary schoolhigh school中学footballsoccer足球postmail邮政ground floorfirst floor一楼colour, neighbourcolor, neighbor颜色,邻居metremeter米travellingtraveling旅行liftelevator电梯holidayvacation假期3. in Year 8 (BrE)in Gra

3、de 8in the eighth grade (AmE) 在八年级 (p24)4. like learning how to cook and sew 喜欢学习如何做饭和缝纫 5. do not know how to do things for myself 不知道如何打理生活 6. cook healthy and tasty meals 做健康美味的饭菜 tastydelicious美味的;可口的 7. Reading Week读书周,read any books from the library 阅读图书馆的任何书籍8. as welltoo也,用于肯定句、一般疑问句句尾;eithe

4、r也,用于否定句句尾。用too, either填空知识链接Is she from England (也)? He didnt know the reason, (也). 9. have driving lessons上驾驶课have alesson上一堂课 10. drive me to school 开车送我去上学 知识链接drive sb to 开车送某人去某地,e.g. drive her to hospital开车送她去医院,drive him home11. (it) takes less time than taking the bus比坐公共汽车少花时间(省时间) 知识链接It

5、takes sb some time to do sth. 做某事花费某人一段时间。Sb spend(s) some time (in)doing sth.某人花费一段时间做某事。用法拓展It took Nancy half an hour to take the bus to school. Nancy spent half an hour taking the bus to school. 12. spend a lot of time practicing playing softball花费许多时间练习打垒球 知识链接spend time doing sth花费时间做某事 practi

6、ce doing sth练习做某事13. talk to new students about school life和新生谈论学校生活 知识链接talk to sb about sth和某人谈论某事14. listen to my problems倾听我的烦恼listen to sb听某人说话 知识链接listen to the teacher听老师讲课,listen to the singer听歌手唱歌15. have a great time talking to each other一起快乐地聊天 知识链接have a great/good time doing sthhave fun

7、 doing sth做某事获得乐趣16. Home Economicsa subject about cooking and sewing家政 (p25)17. read an article by a girl from the USA看一篇一个美国女孩写的文章 知识链接an article (written) by sb 某人写的文章,e.g. Yesterday he read an article (written) by Lu Xun.18. at the age of 16在16岁时 at the age ofat在岁时when sb was年龄 (p26)19. learn mo

8、re about更多地了解,We should learn more about the world. 20.形容词及反义词:easydifficult/hard, interestingboring,usefuluseless(否定后缀),popular unpopular, importantunimportant(否定前缀) 21. have a/an科目lesson 上一节课知识链接have an Art lesson, have a Computer Studies lesson, have a Geography lesson, have a History lesson, hav

9、e a Home Economics lesson, have a PE lesson, have a Science lesson22. do morning exercise做早操,类似的用法:do eye exercises做眼保健操 知识链接exercise 可数名词:操;练习do three exercises做三道练习题不可数名词:锻炼 do/take more exercise多运动23. length of summer holiday暑假的长度 知识链接long长的 length长度 (见8A Unit 1“重点短语”第25条注解)24. have more weeks of

10、f haveoff休息(时间)知识链接have/take some time off休息一段时间 e.g. have/take two weeks off休息两周25. stay in hospital for a month住院一个月 (p34)知识链接in hospital,in the hospital这两个短语形式上仅区别于定冠词the上,但实际意思有很大区别。in hospitalbe ill in hospital生病住院,in the hospital在医院里,多指在医院工作。用法拓展at the table在桌旁,at table在吃饭 on the bed在床上,in bed

11、躺着(不一定在床上)26. look out of the window向窗外看look out of向外看反义词:look into向里看27. be on TV 上电视Mr Sigmund Friend is going to be on TV and make a speech about teenage problems. 28. have cakes for dinner晚饭吃蛋糕 知识链接have sth for breakfast/lunch/dinner早饭/午饭/晚饭吃29. move to Canada搬到加拿大 知识链接move to搬到,move into搬到里,e.g

12、. move into a new flat搬到新套房里30. go on school trips参加学校组织的郊游 (p35)知识链接go on a trip to去某地旅行,e.g. go on a trip to the Xuanwu Lake Park31. ideal school理想学校,e.g. ideal home The battery of my ideal robot can last for two months. (p36)32. have an hour for lunch有一小时的吃午饭时间33. wear school uniforms穿校服,wear tie

13、s系领带 34. a big library with lots of useful books一个有许多有用藏书的图书馆 知识链接with作后置定语修饰名词 e.g. a country with long history一个历史悠久的国家35. the same size as与有同样的大小 (p37) 知识链接the sameas与有同样的 Kitty is the same age as Simon.基蒂与西蒙一样大。 词汇解析1. hero英雄,被崇拜的对象(idol);有性别之分。 hero男英雄;男主人公;男主角heroes(复数)heroine女英雄;女主人公;女主角heroi

14、nes e.g. a war hero战争英雄 my childhood hero我孩提时的偶像The Olympic team was given a heros welcome on their return home.one of the countrys national heroes. 这个国家的一位民族英雄2. practice n.&v.练习,e.g. practice doing sth练习做某事 Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧。3. finish sth./doing sth. 完成某事;做完某事4. play球类运动,play the乐器,play chess下棋,play hide-and-seek捉迷藏以下短语是play常见的搭配: play tennis/table tennis/softball/baseball/basketball/badminton/football/volleyba


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