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1、 .wd.初中英语词汇、短语及句子专项复习题型专项练习词汇一、根据句意及首字母提示补全所缺单词。1. Li Hui has made great p in spoken English since last year.2. Unless you get a drivers l , you cant drive a car.3. In this zoo, there are a lot of a such as monkeys, tigers and lions.4. Mary, could you please f me a cup of tea?5. If there were more t

2、rees on the earth, there would be l pollution.6. Lakers will play a Rockets in the NBA match tonight.7. Dragon Boat Festival is one of the t festivals in China.8. According to an ancient Chinese legend, Shen Nong d tea.9. If theres something wrong with your teeth, youd better go to see a d .10. Dont

3、 w your money on junk food, Nick!11. I p comedies two years ago, but now I like action movies very much.12. Zhang Mings writing has i greatly in this semester.13. There is nothing wrong with the computer. It doesnt need to be r .14. I made a lot of m in this exam. My parents were angry with me.15. Y

4、ou will never a your dream if you dont work hard.16. The boy has been missing for three days. Everyone is worrying about his s .17. Liu Fang, tell me your e-mail a so that I can e-mail you.18. Theyll work in a foreign company after g from school.19. The apartment is so expensive that Mr. Green cant

5、a it.20. Christmas is the most important holiday in w countries.21. Mike is so t that he has to stop and have something to drink.22. The two boys formed a deep and lasting f .23. Wang Lin s about two hours volunteering in an old peoples home every week.24. The t of the water was just right for swimm

6、ing.25. Can you t this Chinese sentence into English?26. Several children were f bread to the ducks.27. Im sorry to hear that doctors f to save the girls life.28. We got to the cinema late and m the beginning of the movie.29. To be h , I dont like him very much.30. Our boss i ten people for the job

7、just now.二、根据句意及所给汉语提示写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。1. You will (意识到) youre wrong in future.2. More and more (外国人) come to visit China every year.3. You should pay more attention to your (发音).4. It is said that Thomas Edison had made more than one (千) inventions in his life.5. I will never (打搅) you again.6. We shou

8、ld try our best to protect the (环境).7. Have you ever (写) a letter to your parents?8. We are very (自豪的) that a student from our school has won the prize.9. Sorry, I cant follow you. Would you please speak more (缓慢地)?10. Hao Shuai wanted to buy an iPhone4, but his father didnt (同意).11. We (相信) our fut

9、ure will be better and brighter.12. This beautiful picture was taken with my new (相机).13. The (多彩的) flowers make our town look beautiful.14. The more you learn about the (历史) of China, the more youll like it.15. The (音乐会) given by Song Zuying started at 8: 00 in the evening.16. Whats the most import

10、ant (节日) in your country, Lucy?17. Im sure you can pass the exam (成功地).18. Susan looks very cool with (太阳镜). Dont you think so?19. Mr. Smith has bought a (机器人) to help him do chores.20. The astronauts (描述) what they had seen in space.21. Thanks for giving us so much good (建议).22. The famous singer l

11、ives on the (十二) floor.23. The door was too narrow for the elephant to go (穿过), so a bigger door was made for it.24. I like listening to pop music and Jay Zhou is my (最喜欢的) singer.25. Have you got the (最新的) news about the serious accident in Gansu?26. She was so (紧张的) about her exams that she couldn

12、t sleep.27. She asked him to leave, but he (拒绝).28. Members with young children often found it (不可能的) to attend evening meetings.29. Dont worry. Your (秘密) is safe with me.30. Joanna and I have (相似的) tastes in music.三、根据语境,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1. It rained (heavy), so I had to stay at home yesterday.2. Th

13、e dogs (die) made Susan very sad.3. Its a good habit to brush your (tooth) after each meal.4. People should drive (careful) on the road.5. The (own) of this bright red sports car is a young girl.6. Thanks for your (invite). Ill be there on time.7. What an (interest) party they had the day before yesterday!8. Stephen is a member of an (organize) which protects rivers and lakes in China.9. With the (develop) of science, we can enjoy life better.10. Its thirty (minute) walk from my home to the park.11. Parents always remind us to take good care of (we) while they


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