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1、 深圳市设立外商投资企业申报) 中英文对照版(材料设立外商投资企业申报材料 Documents for Applying for Establishing a Foreign-invested Enterprise 一、外资企业 I. Foreign-capital enterprise 1、设立外资企业申请书(原件1份,投资者签字盖章); * 1. Application for establishing a foreign-capital enterprise (1 original, signed and sealed by the investor); 2、可行性研究报告(原件1份、投

2、资者签字、盖章); * 2. Feasibility study report (1 original, signed and sealed by the investor); 3、外资企业章程(正本4份,投资者签字并加盖公章); * 3. Articles of association of the foreign-capital enterprise (4 originals, signed by the investor, affixing the official seal). 4、外资企业法定代表人人选(或者董事会人选名单,如有)(原件1份); 4. Legal representa

3、tive of the foreign-capital enterprise (or roster of directors, if applicable) (1 original); 5、经所在国家公证机关公证并经我国驻该国使(领)馆认证的外国投资者的注册登记证明或身份证明文件(原件1份),香港、澳门或台湾地区投资者应当依法提供经当地公证机构公证的注册登记或身份证明文件(原件1份),投资者资信证明文件(原件1份); 5. Registration certificate or identity certificate (1 original) of the overseas investor

4、, as notarized by the national notarial organization in the country of the investor and accredited by the Chinese embassy or consulate in that country. The investors in Hong Kong, Macao or Taiwan shall present the registration or identity certificate (1 original) notarized by the local notarial orga

5、nization as well as the investors certification of credit standing (1 original) according to law. 6、工商行政管理部门出具的名称核准书(复印件1份); 6. Name approval (1 Xerox) issued by the administration department for industry & commerce. 7、质量技术监督管理部门出具的全国组织机构代码预赋码通知单(办理批准证书专用联) 7. Advice of Codes Pre-assigned to Nationw

6、ide Organizations (the leaf specific to arranging for the permit) issued by the quality & technology supervision authority. *8、填报外商投资企业(台港澳侨)批准证书存根1份; * 8. Counterfoil of Permit for Foreign-invested Enterprise (for overseas investors from Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao) (1 completed copy). 9、对可能造成环境影响的

7、项目,提交环保部门出具的环保批文(原件、复印件各1份); 9. Environmental permit (1 original and 1 Xerox) issued by the environment protection authority if the project may bring adverse effect to the environment. 10、外国投资者或香港、澳门和台湾地区投资者与境内法律文件送达接受人签署的法律文件送达授权委托书(原件 份)。1* 10. Power of Attorney for Serving Legal Documents (1 orig

8、inal) signed between the Chinese recipient of legal documents and the investor from abroad or from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. 前列1、3项文件必须用中文书写;2、4、5项文件可以用外文书写,但应当附中文译文(可自行翻译,投资者签字盖章;如由专业翻译公司翻译的,提交翻译公司证明材料)。两个或者两个以上外国投资者共同申请设立外资企业,应当将其签订的合同副本报送审批机关备案。 The documents mentioned in the foregoing paragra

9、phs 1 and 3 must be prepared in Chinese; the documents mentioned in the foregoing paragraphs 2, 4 and 5 can be prepared in a foreign language with a Chinese version attached thereto (which can be either a result of translating by the investor, in which case the investor shall affix a signature and a

10、 seal to it, or a result of translating by a professional translation company, in which case the translation company shall submit a certification). In case two or more foreign investors jointly apply for establishing a foreign-capital enterprise, the counterpart of the signed contract shall be prese

11、nted to the approving authority for putting on record. 二、中外合资企业 II. Chinese-foreign equity joint venture 1、设立合营企业的申请书(原件1份,合营各方签字、盖章); * 1. Application for establishing an equity joint venture (1 original, signed and sealed by the parties to the equity joint venture). 2、合营各方共同编制的可行性研究报告(原件1份,各营各方签字、

12、盖章); * 2. Feasibility study report prepared by the parties to the equity joint venture (1 original, signed and sealed by the parties to the equity joint venture). 3、合营各方授权代表签署的合营企业合同和章程(正本各4份,由合营各方法定代表人或授权代表签字并加盖各方公章); * 3. Joint venture contract and articles of association signed by authorized repr

13、esentatives of the parties to the equity joint venture (4 originals, signed by the legal/authorized representatives of the parties to the equity joint venture, with an official seal of each party being affixed to them). 4、合营各方的营业执照或者注册登记证明或身份证明(加盖企业公章的中方企业法人营业执照复印件1份;经所在国家公证机关公证并经我国驻该国使领馆认证的外国投资者的注册

14、登记证明或身份证明文件原件1份,香港、澳门或台湾地区投资者应当依法提供经当地公证机构公证的注册登记或身份证明文件原件1份); 4. Business license, or registration certificate or identity certificate of the parties to the equity joint venture (1 Xerox of the legal person business license of the Chinese enterprise, with an official seal; 1 original of the registr

15、ation certificate or identity certificate of the foreign investor, as notarized by the notarial organization of the country of the investor and accredited by the Chinese embassy/consulate in the country; and the investors from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan shall present 1 original of the registration certificate or identity certificate notarized by the local notarial organization according to law). 5、由合营各方委派的合营企业董事长、副董事长、董事人选名单(原件1份); 5. Roster of the board chairman, vice chairman of the board, and directors (1 original) designated by the parties to the equity joint venture.



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